Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4631? Warm

That is enough to calm ancestral ancestral, barely and ancestral ancestral, there is no blocking, and there is no blocking to the sky on the sky.

It is better to say that it is better to say that it is not avoided.

Sincere Bone Dragon, Dragon, Chaos Dark Dragon Dragon.

A horrific scenes appeared.

That Naguihuang Dong's Tianmen is extremely, completely fell on the head of the bone dragon, just scattered the dark dragon, and it left a shallow scale on the skull.

The dead light of the latter star has shown the blumming in the eyes, and the sword is unparalleled.

In the heart, there is no difference in the heart, and the old privilege above the sky will be killed.

Layered black water diffuses in the air, suddenly collapsed in the sky, and a big palm that is condensed by black water, heading towards the bone dragon.

The two shares are extremely special and the vast energy collision, and the impact wave generated instantly will tear the sky and the earth.

The head of the bone dragon is like hitting a heavy hammer, and then the whole body fell straight to the ground.

The sword has no double eyeline, and hurriedly fell to the sky.


The body of the bone dragon is really too large, almost a general figure of the entire Lotu star field, and directly killed nearly a thousand unicorn children.

The earth is rapidly collapsed, and the whole land of Luo has seems to be able to bear, cracking out the road.

Deep sucking a breath, the sword is unparalleled to see the Linhe Dulong Emperor, and the words in the Dragon are in the brain.

"This bones, can you have some origins with your dragon?" Although it is already clear, the sword is unparalleled or asked.

Linhe Long Emperor slowly shake his head, and then bitter, "It is the opening source of the dragon, and the father who disappeared for no reason."

The sword is unparalleled, and finally, "Dragon can have any secrets, can I spend this robbery?"

Linhe Longmili once again shook his head again, long sigh, "No, but the old man will try it later."

The bone dragon who fell off the earth smashed the brain, and then shook it again, the dark dragon was directly destroyed from the old offensive.

The black water robe is hunting, and the sword is unparalleled is also the first time I saw the true shot.

At the beginning, he met the ancestral one. The old respect is almost a light-handed shot, that kind of stupid pressure on the ancestral ancestor, until now, it is a deep memory of the sword.

At the moment, the old, like the Tianhe coming, carrying an endless black water river, crushed to the grandflow of the earth.

The bone dragon is shocked, and it is not afraid of fear, and the four Swai-like bone dragon prosthesis, the dragon's head is straight to the senior villain.


The two collided, the invisible shock wavily walovers to all sides, the swords close to the battle center were unparalleled, and a reverse blood came up.

The sword is unparalleled, and the characteristics of his super-perfect, and the chaotic hegemony is even under this shock. Is this fighting in the hierarchy?

It belongs to the half ancestral Linhe Dragon, and the mouth is spit out of a big mouth blood. Under this shock, the dark illness in his body exposes.

There is a unrequited king of the unrequited, and the blood fog is bursting on the spot.

Luou Tianzhi is torn, and the top of the chaotic spring eye is still expanding.

Looking at the children of the nation, there is half, and the Qi Mountain is red, and it is imagined into unicorn, rushed up.

If the half ancestral terror is often in strength, it is in the eyes, and even the aftertaste is probably unbearable.

The sword is unparalleled to block, but it is the gods that are surging by Kissan.

The Kirin Baoxue of the original place is much smaller in front of the bone dragon.

It seems that I feel uneven, the bone dragon that is spraying, and the land is smashed, and the dragon tail with the bones is directly in the body of Qi Mountain.

The Qilin Baoxiang, which is covered with colorful Huang Mang, is directly broken, and the body shape of the Qi Mountain is like a broken kite, straight down.

The sword is unparalleled, and reached out with Shen Li to drag the body shape of the Qi Mountain.

A golden is already broken, especially the chest part is completely depressed, and the blood will flow along the ground.

At this moment, the Qi Mountain is already a lot of breath.

"You are, why." The sword was unparalleled.

Zhang mouth coughed out a big blood, Qi Mountain was full of eyes.

"Father!" The five sons in the Qishan rushed, and the eyelids were red.

"You ... must lead the Qilin family to go, leave Luo, it is no longer able to control it." Qi Mountain is calm, the original half ancestral approach is close to the body, because there is a weird The suppression of energy begins to aging.

Once aging, it is a symbol that cannot be changed.

Kissan slowly extended a hand, holding the unison's palm, there seems to be conveyed in both eyes.

In the end, the unsuccessful in the sword is unparalleled.

The five sons lost his voice.

The sword is unparalleled to put the unshanas in the ground, and the eyes look at the most intense battle in the sky.

It belongs to this breakthrough battle against the rules of the universe, which is unimaginable.

The whole Luo, whether it is earth or the sky is broken, and the impact has begun to extend to the rest of the star field.

A huge spine with a dark breath is raised by the old, and then crushed into a powder.

The bone dragon is painful, and the sky is shocked. It is enough to enhance the star field into the big mouth, and the whale is swallowed.

For a while, the black water forms a special mobile wall barrier in front of the body, the bone dragon is hit, but it is like stepped into the cotton, the black water barrier instantly, like the bones, the climbing Brain dragon's head.

Old respect, quietly and so on the back of the bone dragon, when you are preparing to remove its head, there are countless ways to fall into the bone dragon's bone seam, and the way the road is chain, and the wind is Old respect.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately hurts the sky.

At the same time, the Tao Sword appeared in the hands, and the vast star is straight to the ridge of the dragon.


The clever golden iron hits the sky, and the chain that is brought by the black breath is directly smashed by the sword.

Then the old delegation is the cover of the palm of the trend.

The clear bone split is in the entire Lotu star field.

Bone dragon, the huge dragon's head is directly destroyed, no longer support, miserable pendants.

The sword is unparalleled, and when it is preparing to land, it is blocked by the old.

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