For 800 years, the source of the monk came to the domain battlefield, and a seat city ponds the center as a center.

The initial thirty million monks have also been assembled to more than two million.

At the same time, there are many familiar forces to join, so that blood waves are supreme.

The Jiu Di Court that has been destroyed after the last catastrophe is re-emerged, and the red ear is supreme, and the purple hair is from the respective joining.

The starry sky in the escape is also going to the outside world, and the Wu Jianxian is as always, but it has a little bit of killing.

The hegemony old ancestors heard the order of life gang palace, and he went to the outside world in the first one hundred years.

What is the most blind wave is so unexpectedly, this thought that the temple of the universe that was already in the universe was not surrendered, and the emperor is like a few years ago, and it is also evil, cold.

When I saw blood waves, there was no bowel, but I broke through the invincible supreme, when he became a semi-ancestor, he also did not say many words, just asked to see a sword.

The blood wave supreme did not refuse, with his fingers, the sword is unparalleled, and the emperor is too embarrassing.

Subsequently, the exhaustion was stirred in the horizon, the old madness, the old, and the broken snowflake sword picked the hazelnut, a broken shirt, hung on his face.

He is more embarrassed than 20,000 years ago, but it knows that he knows that he will never be drunk.

The sword is unparalleled in the stars, the swords created in the starry sky, all of which came, the nine-star holy land, and the magic Luo has also come.

At this point, nearly 300,000 monks were assembled for eight hundred years.

It is often a star field to have a supreme look, there is more than 20,000!

Today, everything is far exceeding the scale of any catastrophe!

The whole of the universe of the universe, even if it is far away, it has contributed to its own force.

Blood waves supreme the place of life, the gods, and began to adjust the large number of monks.

It is almost a landscape that is almost a landscape, and each of the monks who come to the domain battlefield will be seen. Most of themselves.

Dragon and Fengtang jointly touched more than two hundred people from disciples turning through the swords, and the Feng people were waiting here.

So busy after more than 900 years, no one felt boring, all monks were as good as they were as possible.

"You said that the sword is unparalleled when he can wake up? Will there be any problem?" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" " Unparalleled.

The same as the Singer of the Sword of the Sword, holding two arms. "You are worried that he is not as worried, he is a monster who hits the sky."

Overlord kick, sneaked with the nine robbery of not far away, and then lowered the voice. "You said, now the sword will not be more powerful than the nine robbery."

Jiuxing Holy Son glanced at the Overlord, and then shook his head. "I don't know, but the sword is unparalleled, I have never disappointed me. Today, he is already the palace of the life, do you know what representative?"

"And I heard that there is no unparalleled sword before the closure, and it has been able to compete for half a ancestors."

The words awakened the people, and the overlord suddenly realized that in the style of life today, there is a half ancestor-level existence, that is, it is terrible than its own ancestors.

And the sword is unparalleled to sit on the palace master, it means ...

Overlord does not dare to go down, although the sword is unparalleled in his heart, it is the existence of not a genius, but it is too terrible to compete for half a matter of half-step invincible.

From the sword tip of the old madman, he took the wine gourd. The nine robbey Wang is far away from the sword, and then she has a big mouth.

"How is the kid, my wine is too reliable?" Lao Qinger asked with a smile.

The nine robbery is very happy, "fierce!"

The old man is so happy, as if he heard the best praise, taking the wine gourd and filled a big mouth.

Long playing a bottle, the old man is drunk.

"I have a long life, but I only played a battle of a cataugue, it is the battle of the Zhen Zhen."

"Do you know why I didn't participate in the war battle?"

The nine robbery shook his head.

Old sorrow grin, "That's because, I am too selfish."

"Selfish?" Nine robbery.

Like recalling, the old man's eyes seem to have been in the eyes, "I became famous for the first time, but I didn't participate in the first time, I waters in the world, but advertised Everything is nothing to do with me independently. "

"Direct until the opening of the first time, I can't recognize that everyone is not independent, the Shenli universe is mostly falling, and everything I love is quietly destroyed."

"It is in the battle of the catastrophe, but I saw a group of people's glorious, the empty way was the first time."

"I have been going to the next time, I finally fighting side by side, but they all left, only I am still alive."

"I used to think selfishness, if you have a step by step, the final purpose is just to guard, then it is too boring."

"But I have gave me a lesson in a long time, let me wake up, now I am finally completely coming to this road."

Old Nats have been smiling, "I have been young, witnessed to the Zhen Zhen of the Zhixi, now, now my biggest hope is to witness the rise of the next Zhen Zhen, lead the entire Shenli universe. Go down. "

Speaking of this, the old people turned and swayed, "" As my selfish guy, I hope that the universe is getting less and less. "

The nine robbery looked at the old drums of the madman who hit the shirt, and the inexplicable will be overlapped.

Maybe the old feelings when you are young, it is also like it.

After returning the god, there is a god of the gods look at the figure sitting in front of the wordless, "Your guy, I am looking forward to witnessing your growth."

After a thousand and two hundred years, I have passed, but it makes the spring and autumn transform, and the Snow is the spring, and for these monks who are going to the monk, but they add a bit of mood.

The figure sitting in the wordless monument, in this long time, it is finally moving.

The dust is light, and a slave is quietly spontaneous tip.

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