Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4637 ?? Invincible Supreme

The gods of the stream is like a flowing long river, and the sword is unparalleled.

Lao Zun, a mud, opened his eyes, and looked at his back and silent.

Then, Feng Wei, after the ignition of the sword is unparalleled, I wake up from the sleep.

"What is this guy ... I didn't wake up?" Feng Wei wondered, far away from the sword and watched a lap.

As the years lapse, the sword is unparalleled, and the thick river that is surging is more pure, like a star that has emitted Ying Yingmang.

His breath is even more long, and it is slowly spit out every otherbody.

And the layer of virtual is also gradually weaken.

The monks who gathered to come to the domain battlefield gradually fixed in five million.

The Base Camp is not enough to let all monks fall, blood waves can lead the Dragon and Phoenix Ethnic Expansion.

Nearly sixty-vast city became the trend of arch, surrounded by large battles.

All monks have been waiting.

"It's been more than a thousand years, and it is also awake." The tyrants touched the Bisso Road.

Hegemony old ancestors did not shoot him, "You think that it is so easy to drink water to eat, you want to promote invincible, and you can use a dozen chaotic disciplines."

The overlord touched his head. "I have a feeling, and the sword will soon wake up."

The white bori did not open, and he also watched a few more expectations in the back of the sword.

"Little guy, you can break through the invincible."

In the years of years, outside the domain battlefield is not calm.

Auditoto acting as a pioneer is constantly breaking the crack and wants to explore the situation.

Blood waves are prepared, and each hundred is the first as a ladder, and one thousand is a total of one thousand supreme full-scale turning to crack.

With more and more screams from cracks, the friction is also small, and every monk is invisible, the battle of the world will be launched.

At the same time, blood waves did not forget to complete the prior deployment of swords, and the Dragon's two brought half a ancestral dragon, Longchi two brought the team, and kept eloquent to the universe of the Shenli universe.

Different systems practitioned by the universe, the virtual power is limited, causing the virtan of the universe, and cannot be too deep.

This also saves the extent to time and casualties.

After all things, blood waves came out from the big camp, and he didn't rest for more than a thousand years of years, even the ancestral body is a little.

Tianzhu Xun and the giant ax accompanied him forward.

"You said that how long does it take to sit in ambassador?" Tianyi respected.

The giant ax is shook his head. "It's hard to say that invincible to respect this is a talented, the terrorist qualifications of the unparalleled host, I am afraid that it is more difficult to break through."

Blood waves sucking, "You have guess it wrong, see you, have a maximum of two years, and you can wake up without palace."

Looking at a face of a deep blood wave supreme, two people smiled.

Sure enough, in the second year of the scene, the sword where the wordless monument is unparalleled, and you wake up.

The long river flowing, the long river is like a clear gas, illusion of hundreds of millions of stars, and the rules of the unclear in the field outside the domain are reshaped, and the treasure starts with the sword.

The dark broken void is rare, and a special rule avenue is holding his body.

In the big camp, all invincible supreme at this moment, all of them and saw the scene of the lead.

Every invincible supreme is shocked. They clearly remember how terrible when they were in the invincible supreme, how terrible, slightly inadvertently in the promotion, will be unbearable.

But this will be promoted to the Supreme Supreme, why is it not only the same as their way?

It's like the emperor crowned, and the unparalleled god penalty is slow and falling. It is a million miles to bathe the vast gods.

At this moment, all the magic wear of all monks worked, all made a slight francher, like a peace of mind.

Looking at the shape of a big day in the sky, the people who have no friends who are unparalleled with swords are slightly smiled. This guy who has rushed to the past. Sure enough, no one is disappointed.

It belongs to the invincible Supreme Avenue, and the sword is unparalleled.

And Blue and Blue, I have seen this scene in everything, I can't help but tears, that is his husband, it belongs to his pride.

When the Shenli slowed down, it was cold, and the frost was still can't stand, ready to rush forward.

However, a roll of a flaming is the first to go to the sword, and the eyes are pleased.

Cold as frost is dim, and the foot will stay in the original place.

"What did you do, don't want you to husband?" The blue sky laughed and then grabbed the wrist of the cold as frost, and the people went to the sword.

"Sure enough, this is disappointed, just more than a thousand years, you can break through the invincible, it is really a monster." He nodded with Feng Wei.

The sword is unparalleled, "is fortunate."

Feng Wei also said again. "At the beginning, you can suppress a half ancestor with a half-step invincible supreme, which is now invincible, isn't it -"

"I have the so exaggerated you think, I feel that there is not much change." The sword said unparalleled.

During the speech, the life of the godberg and the dragon and phoenix, as well as some major monks come together.

Looking at so many monks, there is no reaction to the sword.

Blood waves sucking, and then detailed this happened in the nearly a thousand more than one thousand more years, and said that the sword was not listening.

Until the final saying, the sword is unparalleled to go back to God, why, "This is the monk, the monk of the universe."

Several people who have been residual in life, there is no emotion.

From the beginning of the first single-wood, the joining of the dragon and phoenix family, and now I will get nearly five million monks. Everything is like a dream.

He has never dared to expect this situation today, in the heart of a moment.

Five million monks are here, only for breakthroughs for the weight of the universe.

Nearly more than 20,000 supreme, almost a number of excitement of the universe, this battle, can't lose, can't afford it.

In this monk, in the monument, in front of the monument, suddenly sounded a slight turmoil, and the latter population gradually separated from both sides, and saved a road.

The two thick breaths make everyone unlikely.

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