Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4638? Taking the War Station? (On)

This is a stunned body shape, but the breath is comparable, and the body has hidden under the big black robes.

Just one eye, the sword is unparalleled clearly, the two body shaping is half ancestral level.

The atmosphere in front of the wordless is lifted, and the needle will be heard.

Blood waves are also a bit awkward, and he does not know the monk of the monk, when is hidden in two ancestors.

From the surging breath, I am afraid not to come to Hexi.

Blood wave supimity no negligence, hurry up, "Two is?"

The two people reached out of the pockets on the head, each showing a pair of intellectual faces.

"Phase light, the shortage." The old people in the old to the extreme open, the sound is slightly low.

They are too old, as if they have been in the world, there is general in chaotic only, and the blood wave is almost can't find a living in which they have not deliberately hidden.

"We are a hide friend of the Zhen, this has already been stepped into the round, but it will be restored, borrow some of the number of gas to the universe, and wish the last arm." The two old people opened, sound peace.

The sword is unparalleled, arched, "Thank you for the two old predecessors here to help, the life is grateful."

The two old people were slightly headed, and their eyes turned from blood waves to him. "Are you a palace of life?"

The sword is not a hyper point.

"It can reach the invincible supreme situation in this year, and later," said more thin and lightweight old people nodded, but he spin is a sharp turn, "But the old man is private, led by you leading the godberg. The war is not properly raised. "

At this time, the people who have a unparalleled person who knows the sword have viewed that the Jinwu Great, the emperor is all the way to look, watching how he deals.

The sword is unparalleled, laughing, "What is the old senior?"

"It's very simple, let the Lord of the Lord of the Gongqong Palace, gains from the strong people who are half apron of the ancestors." The body is more strong.

The sword is unparalleled and not speaks.

Feng Yi's ancestor phoenix is ​​even smiled, "I quit, don't participate in the competition of the rut."

Dragon Dragon Emperor Linhe, the same should have a channel, "The enemy is currently, I don't want to participate in the unnecessary competition, I will see myself, the gangster is still paying upless."

Dragon and Longchi two half ancestors have also retired halfway, standing behind the Dragon Dragon Emperor.

When the blood wave is in the openness of the old man, he didn't feel half-time. He strongly pressed the heart and angry, and the "unparalleled palace" is the successor of the last Dao Yan, this point can not be changed. ! "

For a time, seven half ancestors on the field, I have five times directly.

And that light, the two old people, the face is still calm, "this war is related to the life and death of the universe. I will wait as a hidden friend of the Zhizhen, and I will not watch the Shenli universe in his hand, so the old man Do not retreat half step. "

"He is just an invincible supreme, although the talented, but in the eyes of the ancestor, it is more than the anthone, and the universe is still the real ancestral, he can play a lot of roles?"

"The strength is a can't pass over the sky." The low voice resounded throughout the domain battlefield, and it was very popular, and it was directly released.

For a time, nearly a million monk were almost gathered in front of the philanthone, I was infected by the two words.

Yes, he even has a good root bone, it is only an invincible supreme, even the half ancestral one is not necessarily to take it, and how can I lead the Shenli universe to win this battle?

After listening to the last sentence of the two, Feng Wei finally couldn't help but laugh, the rest of the short half ancestors were also full of weird.

Everything is a talent gully, but the sword is unparalleled.

Even the half ancestral phoenix is ​​already made, when the first face is unparalleled, it is not the town, but how to escape.

That dared to have a half-step invincible scene, it is too shocking.

The sword is unparalleled, there is not much reaction, after listening to this, "can then slowly," the old seniors, if I don't let the godberg? "

"The old man only forced you to make it."

After the words, the two most pure and thick power have reversed, and the Half of the half ancestor is shocked by most monks.

"Don't blame the husband, the old man just didn't want to see the Shenli universe to destroy." Phase light, Liu two people.

Blood waves, when you want to step on a step, you are unparalleled by the sword. "I will be handled properly, you can rest assured."

After the words, the sword is unparalleled in front, and the vast might of the invincible is the same.

The power of holding up, actually faintness and generous, and the Liu two people resist.

"In this case, the life of the goddess of life is unparalleled, willing to be taught."

The two are not in many words, directly in front of the front, the half ancestor's horizon is unparalleled to the sword.

Nearly a million gathered monks consciously retired, leaving a large flaw.

"It dares to deal with the existence of half ancestors in the union of the district." Is the kid crazy? "Taifu God's pupil fiercely, did not dare to look at everything that happened in front of him.

"With an enemy two, the sword is nothing is really no problem?" In the eyes of the orture, it was soft and whispered.

At this moment, everyone has identified the ultimate battle in their hearts.

Only attended the life of the battle of the battle, a face, it seems that it has already seen the ending.

Blood waves to respect the silence, "Taking the battle, perhaps the best choice is in the eyes."

The two half ancestors of the front of the front, one to lock the sword unparalleled retreat, and strive to defeat!

The unparalleled green god vine is centered on two, and the moment is spreading around, which belongs to their trendy field.

In this field, it is almost directly large to cut enemies.

The sword is not passionate, looking at this scene, can't help but hook the mouth, 'the field, I will. '

The one-story, unrecognized breath quietly climbed the entire void, and the talent of the sword was unparalleled, the original universe, has passed the eyes of everyone.

Today's talents, even with the rest of the magics, they are sitting in this more than a thousand years of enlightenment, and they have been quenched by the sword. It is already in the past.

Even a half ancestor is strong, I also have to fall into the field of swords.

"For the universe, we must not leave the hand, be careful." Phase lightly, and a huge vine in the wilderness of the huge vine, and went to the sword.

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