Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4639 ?? Taking the War? (6)

The power of the sky is like the mountains, even if the invincible supreme, all the next steps of consciousness, so as not to affect itself.

"It's ending." It's too embarrassed to whisper, but then, the scene that is the most reluctant to believe in the bottom of my heart.

I saw that the sword was unparalleled, and the

" -"

A small rang, the average vine is divided into two from the middle.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is straightforward. It is in the hands of the gods in his hand. It faces light, the scenes of the world, suddenly open.

Like the huge waves, the fantasy swords are tearing void, directly.

The two waved at the same time, and countless vines formed into a wall barrier to block.

After the vast sword is easy to tear near the hundred layers of barriers, it gradually dispersed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the face is calm.

At the glance, the lack of the scene, and the lack of life, "can be in such an age, there are some things, but you are still in our opinion, still not enough."

The more vast power is surging, and it has enacted the power of half ancestor countless chaotic discipline, which is more inclusive and wide.

The invisible half ancestors are surging the empty, illusion of transparent lock chain vines, like a god penalty, generally falling to the sword.

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, he retracted the Naro Shenjian, and his hands were punished, and the heavens were punished.

The lock chain vine with the heavens and the earth is ignored in the sword, and the imagination has not appeared.

Every blow has a half ancestor's all-in-one hits, and there is no shortage of traces in him.

Huanghuang's Shen Qi self-sword is unparalleled, and the eyebrows have a purple Sichuan wordmoniery abnormality.

I can't believe that this is a guy who is invincible. How can I be able to live in their field?

You know, even if you are a half ancestor, you can't dare!

Maybe I don't want to waste time, the sword is unparalleled with one hand, the sky is coming!

"Rights - Tianmen!"

It is like a truly existence that is more condensed, and the power of each bunch of projections seems to be the most blazing big day. All monks are shocked.

That is not the power that is invincible to emit, that is, even half ancestral level may not be able to understand!

After seeing the vast fingertips explored in the glorious sky, it is light, and the two people will give up the resistance, and it is incredible to see the sword.

The extremely bright, let all the monks in front of the famous monument, close their eyes, when the extreme disappears, everything is over.

The sword is unparalleled in front of gently, laughing and arching, "Thank you for your hands under your hand."

Phase light and the lands have not yet returned to God from the shock, and they will sound softly. "Why, can you keep the ancestor with invincible supreme?"

The sword is unparalleled, there is no concealment, saying, "That's because I gave me my life before leaving,"

"It turns out, it turns out ..." The two sink for a long time, and finally prepared to leave.

"The two old seniors stay," the sword is unparalleled, "the Shenli universe needs you, I invite you to leave, and invite the enemy."

At the glance, then laughed, "that is natural, even if you rush to the old man, the old man will not leave the domain battlefield, this is our fate."

Looking at the figure of the two floating, the sword is unparalleled.

The outside battlefield is dead, but every monk's eyes are extremely burning, the life of the two semi-ancestors of the two ancestors, I have given every monk in invisible. Strong heart.

It turned out that the Shenli universe really had hope ...

"My God, you are too powerful!" Overlord flew directly from the distance, and the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, "You can also."

The legendary old ancestors have directly pulled the overlord from the sword, "" Your little child is always so rude! "

"I am not seeing the boss, I can't help it." Overlord scratched his head.

The white bay is emotional, "Just tens of thousands of years, no palace owners have grown to this day, it is really a happy universe."

The sword is unparalleled, "Bai Xi is awesome, the war will arrive, and the sword can only do our best."

White is the first, and then left and right look at it, whispered, "If you have a virtual god, do you have a few more than?"

There is no double one, and then smirk, "There is no, now I only guarantee that I can retreat from him."

Bai Bai is obviously also reacted, a head is awkward, "Hey, this is a head, it will become old confused."

The sword is unparalleled to know the worry of the heart of the old ancestors.

White to respect the head, no longer asked, he never doubt it for the sword.

It is also a half-day with everyone, and the sword is unparalleled to enter the big camp.

At this time, it has been more and more than a thousand more than a thousand years when he is sitting in the wordless word, and the hunger will be more and more intense.

Listening to the commander of the cracks, the sword is unlucked.

Just when he was preparing to crack, the emergency training from the first echelon resounded throughout the giants.

Listening to the urgent training of the sharp cloud, everyone's mood fell into the bottom of the valley.

This is the highest level, indicating that the universe of the virtual is already invading!

"This day, is it finally arrived?"

According to the feelings of the heart, the sword has no double slowly walks out of the main hall.

Everyone is dignified, and the monks in dozens of urban pools are all silent in front of the big battalion, such as the drop of stars.

Nearly five million monks are like a respect of sculptures, no one retreats, staring to the dark abyss.

The sword is unparalleled, looking forward to the countless monks of the horizontal air, attaches the sound of the power, completely in the empty space.

"Everything we do today, is not glorious!"

A short sentence, completely ignited all monks' hearts.

Mind, everything is virtual.

All kinds of thick gods rushed to the sky, with a total of 5 million monks, condensed the air transport of each star area, and exuded the most vast Yonghuang Shen Wei at this moment!

The void of the battlefield outside the domain is shaking, this time the battle, maybe it is the last catastrophe battle.

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