Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4641? Blood War

The void collapsed, and the sword with a big horror power is not a double cover.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is directly in the horror of the gods.

The ghost gods collided with the blackness of the black, everyone only looked at the empty shock, and all the condenses appeared in front.

The results in the imagination did not appear, the sword is unparalleled, and the stability of the sea nest is, and the flavor is directly nimed directly!

All monks have boiled, and a few ancestors offered a few ancestors were shocked. The only sword that can only be barely resistant to the virtual god, and it is even more terrible.

And his growth, it will eventually let the three ancestors, completely vigilant.

This is can't stay!

The big army that spreads to the sky is already complete, and the far-infantry field is about to rag songs.

As the sword is unhappy, the monk, the monk behind him, took the lead in launching attacks.

An endless power, turning an arrow, but also brought into the camp of the big army.

This is the most peak of power and the bloody battle!

The total seven ancestors released their respective fields in the first time.

Feng Dihua made a huge man, and the Qing dynasty, he carries the children of thousands of Feng people, and resolutely charge.

The most blazing of the world is the most blazing of the soul, spreading in the Duister's army.

Anyone who is contaminated with fire, even the six trace of virtual respect is in it.

Linhe Darle Dragon Emperor is re-transformed from the life dragon. Every time, every time, there is enough to tear the sky and destroy the domain.

It is like the dragon claws of the heavens, and hundreds of traces of vitalization are grouped.

Blood waves travel forward, countless blood shadows, like the mud, and any virtual respect in this bloody field, all do not know how to weaken.

Tianzhu Supreme, the giant ax supreme, the hegemony is too virtual, the Golden Umper, a top-level powerful person who is a bit wide, led the monk army, along the ancestral ancestor Blood Avenue, resolutely rushed into the soldiers in the army.

This is the most tragic dead war, except for the death, no second road.

The sword is unparalleled in the monk army, and he is full of , his huge treasure is sheltered with monks under the body.

The invisible sword is called on his right palm.

There is no double sword, the star of the Xinghe Lake is unveiled!

The vast star, the sky is in this star, bloom!

This sword is ancient and modern, giving together him too much and depressed.

This sword is proud, it is his sword unparalleled sword.

The ancestral grade is also as low as it!

It is difficult to describe the horizontal pressure of the sword, the Jianfeng refers to the land for me!

This form is directly letting hundreds of thousands of deafen into flying gray.

The avenue of a leakage of the blind and the corpse was chewed.

Originally, I wanted to stop the sword. The sword is unparalleled. There is no action. The black water treasure is the front of the three ancestors.

"Come together." The old nature looked at them, and the words were simplified.

The virtual god is in the middle of the face, "Looking for death!"

After the words, there is no ancestral force, and there are countless secrets of the runes that have emerged in the body of God.

At the same time, the two engraving the cartridge-like chain came from the back of the god, and the wind that took the broken void was to the old respect.

At the same time, I also moved it, the six colors behind the six colors, illusion of the virtual image, and press the old lift.

The top of the head, has been calm to terrible, and it is simultaneous to shoot, a fast to the ultimate black beam suddenly emit from his black golden suit.

Three ancestral offensive, while covering the old respected.

The void is broken under this offensive, and the destroyed ripples make the star fields collapsed.

In the face of this killing offensive, the eyes of the old respect also turned from the previous one.

The black water deficit in the hand is a barrier, directly blocking it before.

Three destroyed the earth and destroyed, like mud cows in the sea, diverted.

Laozun raised his hand to remove the barrier, a pair of punched pupils directly locked the one.

Persimmon should pick soft, and people will pick up.

Due to the binding of the avenue rules, the old respect must break through the blockade and enclosure as soon as possible.

Just promoted the ancestral blood, it is the best choice.

Being stared at the old, the past has been in the heart, and even the arm of the rules that grow back is hidden.

The bottom of the eye is joyful, but more is crazy.

Even if I don't have the enemy, but now the three people put you one, can you still have a living? !

After seeing a look at the emperor, the three ancestors directly and the old.

There is no ancestral power to trigger the imagination of heaven and earth. The rare energy tide sweeps the entire battlefield, there is a slightly weak monk and a sport, when the heart is broken.

The three ancestors of the universe were entangled by the old respect, and the half ancestral battlefield was completely tilted to the Shenli universe.

The left hand holds the sword, the right hand holding the sword of the invisible long sword is unparalleled, and the destructive power caused is unimaginable.

It is just that the sword is unparalleled, and it is directly destroyed with a sharp span of the pioneer, and the whole is 20,000, 50,000 virtual honors, no one to survive.

Looking at that force, like the gods of the universe, all monks' hearts are hot.

'As long as the sword is unison, we can win' this belief, began to determine every monk.

The sky is hovering on his side, and the five-way dragon emperor is walking side by side, this moment is unparalleled in front of all monks, like the true patron.

Until the emergence of the Early Wildness, he barely blocked the sword unparalleled footsteps.

It has been completely spanning that step, and faintly a breakthrough, the eight sheeks, and with his two men's members, the sword is unparalleled at the same time!

"The sword is unparalleled! You have added all the shames on this seat. Today, this seat will be ten times!" The low and yiny voice resounded from the mouth of the Eight Wildness.

The strong breath of the peak of the half ants-level peak is almost in an instant.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a good fortune in the hands. "This time, I want it is not just your arm, but a complete head!"

"Sword is unparalleled! You should die!"

Early harmony is surreal, and it is unparalleled to the sword without any scruples.

The sword of the original place is not bored with a slightening mouth, and the blood wave supreme has released the spontaneous field.

"Your one is on the head, just do a matter today."

In the void of chaotic, the blood shadow field is dramatic, and countless blood hand suddenly hooks, and it is firmly talented.

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