Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4642 ?? Deadly

The Eight Wilderness of the Sleese is straightforward, and the sorrows on the face have not yet come back.

A sharp appearance, shocked.

Early Wildness is only a cold neck, and it is too dark in his eyes.

It's just the right hand's intangible sword, and the swords that Fengrui and not perceived are long, and directly cut off the neck of the Eight Remaining.

Big good head falling, the sword is unparalleled, and the head is destroyed directly.

And his headless gods were swallowed in the field of blood waves, and the gods were destroyed!

Everything that happens, but is between the championships, when the two-acts organization members have reacted, the Early Wildness has died.

It's too fast, just just a blow, I killed a half ancestral peak. This is only a monster that is invincible to respect. How is it?

Two-epic organizers also shocked to sword unparalleled.

"Since you don't want to go, then leave it." The indifferent sound is like a humble note, from the sword unparalleled mouth.

After the shock, I went back to God, and the two of the two-blood organization came to see, and waved directly to the sword without double.

A special metal color card is like a strange magic, and the space is being swallowed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the gods are directly smashed, and the cards that flour.

But there is still two cards to escape the explosion, covering the monk army.

Nearly 20 invincible supreme, over more than 500 top supreme, because there is no dodge, it is blocked in the card.

There is no double shot, and then the two cards directly seal the two cards are automatically broken, and even the opportunities for rescue are not.

The strange town is really terrible, even if it is invincible, there is a slightly inadvertent, it will be sealed.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has been directly used to use the ancestral world.

Huang Tianmen emerge, Tongtian giant refers to coming!

That two members of the half ancestral, how can they feel the ancestral atmosphere, even if they are ready to escape.

But soon, they found that under the cover of the ancestral surgery, all the retreats surrounded by all the invisuits!

The big horror between life and death flies from the bottom of his two.

"No, you can't kill us, we die, you will be more miserable, when the emperor will be willing to pay for your God!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the face has no fluctuations, and the Tong Tian giant refers to it.

The two of the two-moving organization did not even happen, and he broke out a bloody.

In the successful killing of three ancestors, it is temporarily alleged to mitigate some pressure.

But the war between the monks and the name is still not optimistic.

The sphere is just a versatile buffer, and the distance of the realm is opened.

Ordinary supreme pair of traces, it is almost a place to die, which is equivalent to the respect of the explosion to play a powerful burst, almost directly around the battle.

Two change one, one change, let the Shenli universe seem to be good, but the situation is not optimistic.

Since this cataugue, the winning of the monks of the Shenli universe has broken through millions of people.

The big army of the universe, in the unpacking of swords, Feng Hao, Linhe Dulong, etc., the injury is still much larger than the universe.

Just one person is only a person, it is hard to grow the three ancestors of the universe of the universe. This is really important for the Shenli universe.

If there is no old, even if the universe is dozens of ancestors, it is almost difficult to escape the destruction.

The sword is unparalleled and grateful to see a look of the old, and then completely let go of his hands and feet, and the sagregation of the universe.

On top of the empty sky, the defeated terrorist power presents the most primitive state, and the violent raging floats.

There, even the ancestors did not dare to get involved, just the remaining waves exposed by the four ancestors, it was enough to tear any half ancestral.

The three ancestral heroes, looked at the guys who were in front of them, and they were shocked.

It is often enough to destroy all the ancestral attacks. When you hit on the old, you can't hurt anything. He seems to be over the binding of all rules, thus causing the desired blow to them.

The arms of the rules behind the mouth have been cut off three. If there is a pair of enthusiasm, the old respect is almost every time, it can have his life.

What kind of existence he is in the end, can you survive in the same strength to exceed the imagination?

Don't he have the same person with the emperor, is it a person who has mastered the rules?

The more I want to be surprised, the older is slightly lost, the old respects directly reached out, and directly destroyed a big hole in the abdomen.

I have been in the emperor of the swim, and I raise my hand to send a battle.

The situation of the three rounds, instantly turned into two fence, and has been defeating the god of the old attacked, and the danger is almost defeated.

"The emperor!" The virtual gods shouted the name of the emperor, and the tone was dissatisfied.

The emperor did not say, and the huge chess game that was raised in a star Luo Luo built in the top of the triple.

The strange energy from the chess bureau, even the old age is not allowed to be slightly off.

Among the starry chess bodies, there is a star day flow, and it seems to be derived from countless star field.

And each star field is in the middle of the country, and there are countless energy surge assets, broke out of the god penalty of the lament.

In the moment, the top of the game, even if it is a great god, it is barely from it.

The god penalty bombardment is bombarded, and the center is completely burst into the center.

At this moment, the entire domain of the battlefield is therefore collapsed, and the universe is whistling from the broken void.

These horrible hurricanes are the most deadly of the monks of the ultimate dominance, as well as star rules!

From the past, the ordinary monks and star ruins were instantly shaped, and even the sound could not be sent.

The sword is unparalleled early, when it is very hot, "Defense!"

All monks outside the domain battlefield, there is no punishment, directly transforming the power into the protectors.

There are countless Shenli wall barriers, and the whole battlefield is rare, and the strange death is dead.


Nearly fifty four traces virtualizes violent violent, ready to be unless, and there is no one to kill in the town.

The blood-filled bite with Shenwei, slowly swept the martial arts army, and the virtual respect in the glance, almost the backward retreat of the next consciousness.

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