Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4643? Slowing

At this moment, whether it is a monk or aura, it is reluctant to resist the horrible dark storm.

Look at the emperor side, the bottom of the virtual god, has emerged, and it means that it is difficult to make a complex color, and then it is pressed.

The terrorist gods fell down in the star show, and tipped on the old.

Some of this, the barriers that are illusion from the black water, and then there is no longer blocking the infinite god, and all the bright and the darkness will be swallowed.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and the shape is directly protected to take the old.

Feng Wei took him, hurried, "You don't want to live, that kind of realm, you can't change any results."

The sword is unparalleled in the phoenix, but he and the old life of these days have died, and it has long been far beyond the common feelings. When it is prepared to pay attention to all the aid.

" -"

The crisp fragmentation, the top of the god penalty suddenly resounded, and the latter is broken, and the giant arm of the Star River is broken, and she is crafted to the emperor and the god.

The two eyes are watching, each raised their hands to resist.

Under the huge arm of this star river, even the ancestral, it has fallen out of millions!

The dark void is broken until it cannot be broken, and the dissipated dark matter is filled in each inch.

I far-sorted, I'm going to restore the injury, and I hurriedly took a rush to the emperor.

That hit the huge star river arm of the two ancestors, and the big palm was distressed, directly smashed the star of the head!

Old respects are independent, and the black water treasure of the Tenki will open his eyes behind.

Wanted, like two people who have a thousand black water, that kind of vast breath, so that everyone feels their own, like Taicang one.

At this moment, even if the mysterious calm, the emperor is unable to calm.

The virtual god is awkward, immediately release the ancestors of this life.

I saw a devil who woke up from the ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancient ancients, just binocular, like a star field.

At the same time, on this devil's body, the ancient chain of six engraved scarlet runes was shaped.

This is like the devil who is bound by the rules of the heavens, it is the ancestor of the god!

The ultimate evil black inflammation, from the magic gods, the mouth of the , .

At the same time, the emperor also shot, a black golden emperor was thrown out from the sleepers, straight down.

I also bite the teeth, only the arm of the three rules behind it makes a giant spear.

The three ancestrality of the three ancestors, this domain battlefield is originally the universe rule, and it is not possible to withstand.

The space of the battlefield outside the whole domain starts to break into the cave.

Three ancestral offensive, with unparalleled power eventually stopped the endless hit of the old.

Impact fluctuations, shocked, and shocked the nine days.

After the end of my back, the Zhang Dou spit out a bloody blood, and the arms behind him were broken.

And the demon god of the gods also blinded.

The emperor raised his hand to recover the black gold, and the face finally agglied.

The power of the old is obviously beyond their expectations, and the ancestral ancestors of one time did not dare to act rashly.

Lao Zunyi as before, as if never suffered from starting to end.

The sword below is unparalleled in the mouth, the Toro God sword in the hand, "Battle!"

The brilliant god is revealed, the sword is unparalleled to straighten the sword, and the battlefield.

More than 300 million Monk, once again rushed to the Nuner's army.

If it is not outside the domain battlefield, I am afraid that there is no such star field to support such a horrible war.

That's in the previous battle, almost two ancestors who had no doubles were killed by swords, at this moment, it is unparalleled to the sword at this moment.

Toojun's sword is cut out, but the sword is strangely absorbed.

At the same time, the two-in-one strange semi-ancestors, the arms in the air, and a couscous coincide directly put the sword without pairs.

"This time, I want your life!" He was completely crazy, and his mouth was constantly.

The sword is unlucky, and the Jun Lu Jian releases the burning gods. "Feel enough, you will take it."

With the intertwined of the power and the impermeability, a broken corpse is in the void.

Above the sky, the strength of the strength of the ancestral, has fallen into this terrible confrontation.

His abdomen is about to heal in the wounds and traces of tear.

After the god feels that the devil's ancestor has been broken to a certain level, it is finally stopped.

"You don't belong to the universe." The god looked at the old respect in front of him, and said.

Old respectful, "What is it?"

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, "Since you don't belong to the universe, join my emotional universe, you want the conditions, I can first allow you first."

"Yes?" The old is a slightly exploring, and the eyes are weak, "can you agree?"

I nod, "all conditions."

"So, I think you are all dead?" The old respected is a sharply, and it is difficult to describe the energy from him, and the turns is pilgrimage.

"You are looking for death!" The virtual gods drunk, the respect behind him, suddenly broke away the chain of the left arm, directly to the old respect.

The emperor and I have a look at each other, and I urge the body to face the old!

The giant arm of the Devil's ancestors, I broke up nearly 100, and I was pressed against the old.

However, that illusion is like a living, and it is continuously emerging.

Tongtian Devil's ancestors screaming, but in a very short period of time, it is surrounded.

Laozun waves the arms and sleeps a little bit.

He felt that there were weird energy in the fastness of itself, and could not help but be a big awkward.

It is preparing to have a lot of the ancestors, and the gods suddenly feel that there is a chill that is ready to go, he looks back at him.

I saw that I have already jumped high, and my most horrible power is in my hand. I haven't going to the old, it is actually behind him!

The heart of the god is huge, and the cold and majestic expression will rebuild.

He exhaled, the huge devil's ancestors were ended from the back of the ancestors, while the man was directly holding the breath of breath.

It is preparing to make a deadly blowing for the gods. The anti-theme of the gods is controlled, and he has not reacted for some point, and he is directly thrown to the old respect.

"Do not--"

When you have a palm of the neck, the old is a faint smile, and his punch, as if there is an irresistible power, starting to eaten a mentality.

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