Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4644, the fourth thousand six hundred and thirty-nine ??

Endless reincarnation, there is no meaningful ridiculous, and the ancient sorrow is like a chain, and will fall into the Yongliang.

Only in the eyes of the one, he only had a panic. His deficit began to be bleak, and it was in a pleasant ancestral force, while fast dissipation.

Everything in the world, the rules avenue is in the dark and double.

In the universe, the rules of the rules, the real ancestral bloody, this is the same!

The devil's ancestors behind the gods were completely broken, and he was obviously weakly injured.

In the heart of the heart, he looked at the emperor.

There is no fluctuating in the eyes of the emperor, just calmly, "I am too much, I have a dead."

Cold snoring, the god did not speak, the current war is urgent, resolutely tear the face, and ultimately leads to the virtual universe to fall into passive.

"Next, I will give it to me." The emperor suddenly opened, and then slowly swept to the old respect.

A black golden dress has no wind, a weird energy fluctuating from him.

The energy fluctuating, whether it is in the universe or the universe of the universe, is unexpected.

"You are like me, is it not part of these two universe, right?" Said the emperor calm.

Lao Zun did not speak.

"I think, you are seeing my first eye, I realized it?" The emperor went to open the mouth. "In this case, why don't we join hands?"

"You? Also match?" The old respect is open, and the words are all disdainful.

The Emperor of the Emperor suddenly became condensed, and there was no giant to sway directly to the old!

That is enough to overturize the west of any star field, but when he touched him, he was witnessed.

Old respect has moved the murder, countless black water ripples with him, quickly spread around.

People who know his secrets, only one, but only one may be one, others must die!

The emperor flustered and retired, surpassing the ancestral breath completely released.

The two trip to exceed the strength of the rules of the universe, even if they felt a bit of affection.

"Don't he say that it is true? Where is it?" The goddess is no longer, and he will look at the battlefield under the body.

There, like a goddess, the sword is unparalleled, the necklace is ignorant, the left hand holds the god sword, and the right hand holds a semi-ancestral skull of a virtual universe.

The two eyes came to see, at this moment, even if it was a virtual god, he felt a few points.

It's like it is gone by the antic ants.

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand will force the head in the hand into the bloody fog, and then rush into the Duasor's army.

A variety of six traces, and even a half ancestral power, in the face of the sword, only the destroyed end, the blood is almost stamped in his jarmet.

He is like a killing, there is no virtuality, and the ancestors can block his footsteps.

I am afraid that there are nearly four in his hand.

Under the leadership of the sword, and the leadership of seven half ancestors, the Shenli universe gradually saved the situation and began to ease the martial arts!

On the sky, the gods will be angered, and they directly face the big army of the step-by-step striker, down the penalty.

The ancestral terrorism is that under the ancestral, all of the ants, even if the 10,000 ancestors are unable to cause a little harm to the ancestral.

The sword is unparalleled, and the hit of the virtual god bombards the front side of the monk army.

Phase will willow, the wild, the two ancestors, Tianzhu, Jinwu Emperor, waiting for nearly 100 invincible supreme, even the dodge is no longer, and it is turned into a powder.

The sword is unparalleled, "" I will die! "

After the words, the Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi is a long river in the sword, and the sky is against the sky.

The virtual god is disdain, waving, directly, but also the swordway long river, but he is also an eldest in the face.

Because, when he was defeating the long river of the sword, he had a slight stinging feel on the arm.

How can it be, an invincible supreme in the district may make me feel uncomfortable!

No longer thinking down, just in the gods, when you are not careless to kill the sword, the battlefield above the sky has changed.

After the emperor, he retreats, and his weird energy, the weird energy begins to have an emissivity.

Looking at the, as well as the old respected of killing, the god revocated the devil's ancestor.

The old, the old, the sinking of the black water, sinking, the emperor and the gods opposed their eyes, and they immediately stopped.

It's like a shot of all positions in the wealthy, and behind the gods, there is a trace of cracking.

The emperor is also the same, the roots on the face bloom.

The gods have never been shocked today. This seemingly horrible older, which seems to be so horrible, even if the three ancestors are can't make any injuries.

Just when the god feels that the body is about to collapse, the low silence of the emperor is resounding. Will everything you have, you will pay the east! "

A short sentence, it has played a huge role, and the gods only felt that the black water treasure of the body was stagnant.

Next moment, the emperor evoked a siko, behind him, there was an old, and there was no amount of power, and suddenly shot into the true old body.

Everything is only in the moment, and it is only to react to the old.

Time seems to be still in general, the black water in the back of the old is beginning to pelt the collapse.

At the same time, Lao Zun is bound to young and old skin, starting to climb the gully of spider web.

Lao Zun did not speak again, he wanted to reach out to the powder, but found that it was not able to do it.

The emperor of the emperor smiled, while starting out of his back, there is another old figure.

Finally, it is seven, seven old nature of the cold look at the real old.

"You can never win me, even if it is there." The seven old respects open at the same time. "Now, let me swallow you."

To the dark, even if it is virtual, it will be swallowed.

The emperor, the seven old respect after carrying the body, plundering the true old.

However, the next moment, a brilliant gods rushed to the sky, broke until the dark, the gods Yao Yao!

The sword with full face is unparalleled. Before the old and respectful, the god sword in the hands, "Despicable!"

The emperor is sinking, and I want to waive the sword.

The hurt of the gods, the cold, and directly crossed the emperor, bombarded on the sword.

The void collapsed, and it was almost the full blow of the virtual god. The sword was unparalleled.

Anyone who is close to the martyrdom is already not alive.

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