Broken clothes, the jewelry, the root, the rhizome is already jaspering, the elongated Yue Lian, with its master slowly fall into the abyss.

Every drop contains a strong strength of the blood falling into the void, like the leaves of the leaves.

Everything seems to be in the dreams of light, and you will never sink.

However, in this unknown dark matter, such as in the darkness of the dream, a purely tensile golden mood broke this chaos.

"Well? Here, how can two people?" The voice of doubtful and full of power, and finally everything is calm.

I don't know how long, then I should be in the body of the goddess, but I don't know how to survive the figure, slowly open my eyes.

Intucked, I only gotween the week, and there was a bunch of bamboo in the ear.

"I am not dead, here is the reincarnation ..."

"Is it dead, will there be a round ..."

Slowness from the bamboo bed, the sword is unparalleled, and it is difficult to interrupted by the pain coming.

"If you die, there will be feeling? Isn't I died?" The sword was unparalleled and rushed, hurriedly and stabilized, carefully check the meridians in the body.

Under this exploration, he really realized that he didn't die!

In addition to the fact that the meridians in the body is broken, it is the slow cycle of the power!

"I actually didn't die? I am not dead!" I can't stop the ecstasy, let the sword have no pain in the body.

After a while, after a while, he knew that this is a group of rooms.

The room is simple, every piece of furniture window, even the house is built with bamboo, and from the extent of roughness, it seems that its owner is prepared by hand.

Hold the pain, the sword has no barefoot from the room.

Outside the house, the warm and hustle-sunset is on the face, and both sides of the small houses are planted into bamboo gardens.

And before your eyes, it is an undeaded plain.

Looking at this is like a general environment in the fairyland, the sword is unparalleled to unload the vigilance of his heart, and it has been unknown for many years, he has never enjoyed a moment of lax.

But he just laxes a moment, all the problems have emerging their hearts!

The blood and fire fierce battlefield, millions of powerful monks, and the old age, who suffered serious injuries, just like a knife with a knife, squat on him.

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, the sword is unparalleled to see another room of the bamboo house.

Quickly pushed the door, he was a slight breath.

In the room, the old slanders lie on, the breath was gentle, but it was a dangerous period, but only his skin, the dark blue touched ripple did not dissipate.

Without any hesitation, the sword is unparalleled to bed, and reach out the Shen Li in the body to ferry into the old body.

Shen Li is like a mud cow into the sea, does not see half of the trail, but the sword is unparalleled as if it is ordinary, just as always.

So going to multiple years, the sky is never lifted, everything is still afternoon.

Until, this continent has passed a fine fluctuation.

Slowly open your eyes, like what is realized, the sword is unparalleled to walk out of the bamboo house.

From the distance horizon, the space automatically broke a gap, and countless roads came to this continent.

Looking at the familiar figure, familiarity, sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to suppress the inner heart, plundering.

Blood waves of blood, whether it is the body or conscious, it has come to the end of the strong, on his side, the white king, the hegemony old ancestral, Dragon, Longchi, Wu Jian fairy Emperor and others, especially.

Insufficient monks, there is no brilliance in the eyes, only the unicorn family with a heavy casualty, but there is excited color.

Only the sword of the sate is unparalleled, but the moment is coming to everyone.

Blood waves suck smile, slowly, "no palace owner, blood wave will come to see you."

After the words, the blood wave is so promising.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is hung, and the blood wave is respected.

On the side of Wu Jianxian, it is a wide-eyed eye, it is difficult to confirm, "sword is unparalleled? You don't die?"

The sword is unparalleled, "I am fortunate to die, I don't say this, I will find a place to fall."

At this moment, everyone has always been tight, it is completely relaxed.

He didn't die, everyone firmly believed that the Shenli universe had an opportunity.

Nearly a million universe, the army of the universe, stationed directly on this plain, after all, every inch space is full of pureness, fast recovery itself is a top priority.

It is noted that the injured monks are arranged, and the sword is unparalleled, and the middle-aged man who is in a golden Chinese service is smiling and looking at him.

After the extraordinary middle-aged man in the rhyme, only the unison and the uncommon of the unsatisfied kioli and the union were standing there.

Almost with intuition, the sword is unparalleled, and the middle-aged man is the owner of this world.

"Little friends, there is extraordinary physical fitness, just a few years, it has been fully recovered." Middle-aged man took the unparalleled unity, and quickly came to the face of swords.

"Thank you, my friend, the rescue, the sword is grateful." The sword is unparalleled.

The middle-aged man laughed, "I am famous, for the eldest son, if you don't discard it, you can call me a big brother."

Looking at the unspeakable hearing behind the middle-aged man, it has already understood that middle-aged men have not yet virtually, not too hesitated, the sword is unlocked again, "big brother."

The middle-aged man named Qi Tang nodded, "How many years, I am in the territory of the world, I have a little one."

"Where is this, where is this?"

"Near the broken Luo, in the chaotic spring eye," said the King explained.

The sword is not a hyphenotype, when the Luozu star field was destroyed, he faintly felt that there was indeed a strange energy in the eyes of Chaos Spring, and now I think it is this.

"I have entered this place since now, until today, I haven't known how many era, everything happened outside, has not been aware of half a minute, it is already half-life." The Qi Ting is half a recollection, half is emotional.

"If I am not completely coming out of this step, I am afraid that this will be the hardship of the universe, I will become my never regret."

Speaking of this, there is a burning godmill in the eyes of the Eye, a kind of breath of the ancient times, the sharpness of the edge is emerging.

And just wanted to comfort the swords of a few words, I couldn't help but surrender when I felt everything in him.

The kind of itself is completely especially true, but it controls the existence of all things, breathing throughout is the existence of creating rules, and it is a ancestral!

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