Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4647 ??? Preematch

See also a ancestral!

The kind represents the entire universe, and it should only have two respects.

But in the eyes, there is a total of five respects!

The virtual universe has a virtual god, the emperor, the first three respect, the Shenli universe is a respect, and in the eyes, in this mixed chaotic spring, the Qilin family is still born? !

The sword is unparalleled.

At the beginning of Yunxiao H., he has heard that the Zhen Zhishen roughly speaking the air transport of the universe, and the realm of the realm.

All in all, whether it is the universe, or the universe of the universe, only two ancestors are only born.

Because of the vast times, although the gods are pound, but the air transport is only unbearable, and the child has achieved the most critical steps of the ancestral. It is to master the entire universe.

The original Zhen Zhen and Feng Tianzu are a good example.

The spirit of the universe will not excerse the ancestral ancestors until the moment of the sky.

And why the poached whole universe will only have a ancestral, because, no matter who, in the moment of the ancestral, he is the order of the entire universe, the guardian of the avenue rules.

The ancestral, from some aspect, is a representative of the universe.

Unless the previous ancestral blades, the second ancestral may have no possibility of the second ancestor.

The universe is a ancestral, which is in the past, because the rules and the power of the Zhen Zhen, it is too vast, he can't think of what strength can surpass it. .

But after the war of all the catastrophe, I thoroughly changed the idea of ​​swords.

Old respect, the emergence of the emperor is obviously beyond the existence of the ancestral.

Even if it is a true ancestor, it is impossible to cause damage to the old.

They seem to come with a fog, everything is pushing in the unknown unknown row.

I took a deep breath, and the sword was unparalleled soon accepted this reality. At the same time, he was also very happy. The Qilin family now appeared a ancestral, and the role of the Universe Wars was unimaginable.

Looking at the sword who came back from the thoughts, there was a unparalleled, and the Qi Tang smiled. "The unparallert is a true shock of Tianjiao. I have seen it from your root bone, and I don't even reach a hundred years. "

The sword is unparalleled, there is no concealment, smiles and shakes the head, "The big brother", Sword is less than 900,000 years. "

In this case, the two people who listened to the unfair and the unspeakable are in a breath.

From the previous fierce battle, the sword is unparalleled is the first person under the ancestral, and a half ancestral spike is a herme.

They thought that the sword is unparalleled with the sharp-scale chaotic discipline with Zeus, and she didn't want to practice only 900,000 years. ?

How is the genius to reach this, know that their Qilin is even the most ordinary descendant, sleeping once!

It is not enough to sleep in a very time, you can grow to this point, and the unreli heard that he is so many years, and it has been repaired the dog. ...

After listening to the sure of the sword, even if the king that has been entered into the ancestral position is shocked.

It turns out that this world is really immortial.

Next, in the Qi Ting's inquiry, the sword is unparalleled, and everything happened in the universe in the universe, he said, he said.

He is eager to know that the current situation of the Shenli is now.

The bamboo house before flying, the blood wave supreme is awake, Bai Bai, Long Yong, Longchi, Wu Jianxian, etc. The original is sitting, and the body's injury will return to the body as soon as possible.

After seeing the sword, the blood wave is so busy, but it is sword where there is no double according to the bamboo bed, "the blood wavelength is not necessary."

"There is no palace owner, we all thought you have already lost, today I can see you again, it is the old days, I will not die, I am the universe." Blood waves sustain the eyes.

The sword is also in the heart, and he also is somewhat confused. At the point of view of the body and the extent of the power consumption at the time, it could not be able to counter the sense of virtual god.

And the old respects were also seriously injured at the time, and they could not be resistant.

Finally, there is no horror, there is absolutely only the end of the blast, but the sword is unparalleled, but even after the wake up, he has never been found in the body.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will throw it after it is behind the brain.

Then, he began to ask everything that happened during him and the old "dead".

Everyone or calmly, or the sorrow of the past, the scene of the past is a heart, one of the respective times of the respective times, now it is the fad bone lying in the sorrowful domain battlefield, the sword of the sword is no longer Upper.

This should not happen everything, this is not the dead old friend, it is far away.

How to end this scene again, the sword is unparalleled in the heart.

When I heard that Qi Ting was in the war of the Holocaust, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was also known, and when he fooled in a certain place in the universe, it should be Come.

After listening to all everything, the sword has no double silence. "When our injury is healed, it is the day of swing again."

Blood waves are not refuteed to the sword, and he also nodded.

After another, the sword is unparalleled to go to another bamboo house.

Cold as the cream has been waiting outside the door, has never been glance in the years, let her go to the extreme.

The sword is unparalleled, and she reaches her to take her.

"Fu Jun, all I didn't use it, and let Feng Zi will pay a big price in order to save me," cold as frostwise.

"Silly girl, this is never blame you, it is Fengqi's old ancestors, will be willing to save you," The sword is unparalleled, and the tears in her eyes, whispered, "Reassure, I will definitely help Feng The old ancestors are out of danger. "

After taking care of the cold as a cream and the blue girl, the sword is unparalleled to quickly walk into the junior set by the feathers of the feathers.

A stepping, burning and blazing, the fire, even if it is a sword, there is a painful feeling of burning.

At this moment, the Feng family participated in the army to the present, only the remaining more than two thousand children and grandchildren sat in the ground.

The lowest is to hook each other between the ordinary supreme power, illusion of a huge exhibition fire, and draw a large array of Nirvana!

And in this eye, I flooked in the thinness of Fengyi.

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