Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4652, the death of the god, clearing the heavens and the earth

Virtual power is like a fog, from the ancient large array.

This vast group of array came out, whether the supreme or virtuality, all felt the strength of their strength to a certain level.

It is the feeling of even the sword in the body, and it is lowered by an unknown force.

The vain is spread, the virtual gods are the vastness of the faint, countless locks from his body, with destroyed breath, scattering the four sides.

Billy old ancestors only felt that a life and death crisis came, he is almost a consciousness to push the overlord from hundreds of meters.

A lock chain with ancestral power, easy to wear the abdomen of the whiteboat, and even the soul is about to gain.

"Old ancestors!" The tyrant wanted to rush, but it was more than white, "stinking children!"

In the mouth, the gods of the gods, the shackles of the whiteboa were rapidly cultivated, and he looked at the eyes of the overlord, "Waiting for you, waiting for you, then bring the old man back!"

After the words, the last moment of Nirvana, rushed to the big army.


The magnificent martyrdom has opened a crack, and the number of six marks a little inadvertently careless.

The Qi Tang shot, the power of the sun, only barely slammed the chain of the sky.

The sword is not double-sided, and it is no longer a change in the gods. It directly condenses the invisible sword and went to him.

The vast sword will rise, and the sword is like the Tianhe to cover the gods.

A smile and laughing, and the latter two cover the sky took directly to the Jianhe, and the huge head of a protagonist was not biting.

He avoided, the whole body was swallowed in the mouth of the devil.

Go to the eye, the endless black fog is like a chain, and the whole person is typically trapped in the belly. This magical ancestors have a self-contained rules, and the sword is unparalleled with a very fast speed.

The devil's ancestors have closed their mouths, and then they are behind the gods.

Feel the more and more slight struggle in the ancestors, and the gods eventually let go, he will look at not far away, where the Qi Tang has already held the power of the sun.

The same is a ancestral breath, let the god don't dare.

"Spanling unparalleled palace!" The colorful colored iron green, "Otherwise, this seat will kill you in place!"

Like I heard the best joke in the world, I am so loudly, "I don't understand very well, you have become a ancestral, why do you want this little half ancestor?"

In the eyes of the Eyes, I wiped a flashing in the eyes, and then he no longer opened, the vibration arm was waved, and the unicorn of the lungered power is roaring to attack the god.

He saw the devil's ancestor, directly waving two giant arms and smashed the unicorn.

The gantry occurred in the battlefield, the imperialness and the gods were collided, and the light waves will be extremely dark.

After the god and the king of the king, I retired, and the Qilin Bao Xiang was finally dissipated, and he pulled his arm.

"Will not put out of the palace, otherwise the next break is not the arm of your ancestors." The Qi Ting voice low.

The virtual god did not speak, just when he was ready to do it again, the demon ancestors behind him suddenly fell.

Next, a long-awache sword waterier river is directly in which the head is blown out of the head.

At the same time, a weighted figure is out of the figurus.

The Toyo Shenjian slashed the earth, and the sword was unparalleled to see the god, and then he was high as the goddess.

This sword is open!

The devil's ancestors are directly collapsed, and the virtual god is so loudly.

see the sword is unparalleled, big hacker, manipulating the gods together.

This hit, even the virtuality, I'm like a black hole that swallowed all things, and I will absorb any emotions and impellers in the universe.

All the supreme and virtual respects that are being killing are shocked to look at this scene.

Waiting for the light, among the collapsed void, the left arm is destroyed, the chest hole is unbearable, and the slowdown is slow.

There is no virtual power dissipation, and even can continue to repair his broken body.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is complicated to his eyes.

If the battle of the last catastrophe, the killing of the killing, then he and the old respect have no hope.

But in the end, he won't know why they put them from the hands of the emperor.

No one will speak first, even if the body is broken, the god is still standing upright, and the Yinyu Wei in the eyes has never changed.

"I just want to ask, I am clear that we are thrilled, why do you want to put us?" The sword is unparalleled, there is no next action, with only the sound that they can hear, ask God.

"No, now this scene is caused by me, my biggest mistake, it is underestimating your growth." The god looked to the sword unparalleled, one word, "your terrible Growth, far beyond my expectations. "

Didn't talk, the sword is unparalleled, why did you let him live at the beginning, but everything has happened, no one can change.

The arborjus is awkward from his hands, the sword is unparalleled. "You should know the next situation, I can't let you live."

The calm face of the gods hooks the mouth, "My life is not so good, even though it is."

The sword is unparalleled, and if he picked the neck, then he is not a virtual god.

With the sword, the sword is Changhong like the Dajiang Da River, turns too much to the god.


It is being rampted by the Elderly, he wants to take the sword and unparalleled, but it can't take off, only watch the sword in the sword, the sword, such as the unmanned, piercing the god.

" -"

A golden iron into the meat, the unbeatable swordway, the long river, and tapped to the chest of the god, destroy his ancestral source.

He did not have any dodges, and he stood in the original sword.

The sword was shocked. If the god is fighting against the resistance, then the best situation is a virtual god, he is seriously injured.

But the gods did not resist, but after the sword was unparalleled, the sword was pierced into his body, reach out and pushed the sword blade.

The avenue that is imperfected, and the avenue belonging to the god is inseparable.

There is no air transportation to overflow from him, and the cracks are reflected back to the universe.

All the virtual respects in the fight against death are all feeling that the god is about to fall, and they are desperate to see the gods.

"The sword is unparalleled, I have destroyed the ancestral air transport, just want to ask you."

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