Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4653? Time and space

The body shape of the virtance is decomposed in a slow speed, and then it is subsequently in the stars.

"Everything is because of me, since I will end. I am dying, you can't hurt my universe universe, the universe is also a long life, no longer step into the Shenli universe."

The virtual God is fixed to watch the sword, I hope I can hear a commitment from his mouth.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is calm, and it suddenly puts the invisible sword into the virtual body.

"What is your beauty of the universe? Do you think you can redeem all the sins ?!"

"Then, I am the universe, how do they do to resist everyone who die ?!"

The words are like a knife, such as sound.

"They!" Swordless left hand suddenly pulled out the god sword, pointing to all the virtual respect outside the domain, "There is a counted one, one can not live!"

All virtual respects are , the shadow of death is shrouded in the hearts of everyone.

The virtual gods looked at the sword, and he realized that this from the beginning, only the universe of the universe of the virtual universe, and the bloody battle to the last moment is his ultimate accommodation.

I don't know, this is a short of 100,000 years, so that he has become a bitter than the Zhen Zhen, but also the existence of cohesiveness.

"When - true?" The eyes of the gods gradually lost their look.

The sword is quiet, the word is like a heavy hammer, "" In order to prevent such a tragedy, you have a count in the universe, and you have downtown! "

The virtual god is trembled, and it is incredible to see the sword. "No, you can't."

The sword is unparalleled without opening, and the face is as calm.

He didn't think too much nonsense. When I was going to take the invisible sword, I was a cold palm directly pulled the sword unparalleled arm.

Looking at the full runes of the fantastic forehead, the sword is unparalleled, and it is ready to leave.

But everything is late, the sword is unparalleled, only the spare space is getting sticky, just like stepped into the mud to make him move.

"For the universe of the universe, I can only get into the time and space of time and space." Behind the gods, the space is broken, and a huge vortex will be thrown.

The sword is unmatched, but it doesn't help, "" You think that I will get me in time and space, have you come back? "

The body shape of the gods is almost dissipated. He shook his head. "I don't think it will always trap you, but if you can let you sink here, it is also my last effort."

"The shameless guy." The sword was unparalleled. After the words were finished, his body disappeared at that time.

After all of this, the body of the gods is a lot of smoke. His unpopular pupil looks to the broken vault, whispered in the mouth, "You will never be the dominance here, you just A passenger, never know the passenger stop. "

At this point, the dominant universe dominated, the dream of the universe, the gods of the universe, this is out!

And the sword is also pushed into time and space!

All virtual respects are in this moment, and they are like a walking dead, no longer struggling to fight.

There is only 300,000 people who are not reached, and under the leadership of Fengqi and Long Dilong Po, they are all gathered!

The emperor saw this situation, the heart is like a dead ash, the eight roads are returned to the body, release the vast energy to separate the old, and want to escape.

Old respect did not stop, there was a black water relief in his right hand, and it was straight to the emperor.

The black water rod is as fast as the power, even if it is the emperor to avoid it, it is directly connected.

Even the sound did not send it, and the emperor did not have any messages in the empty.

Only the rest of the number of blood gigen, instantly, the emperor, the emperor, the cockroach, and escaping into the universe.

There are short-lived deaths outside the domain, and nearly a million universe universe, desperate look at everything in front of you.

The old respected is slowly dropped from the void, and there is a black water robe to hunt.

After the huge fire behind Fengqi, the huge fire wings came to the old, and the Long Dilong Pool, the blood wave and others were still behind the old.

Although the Shenli universe is very young, he has done everything for the Shenli universe, which has already been printed in everyone's heart.

Looking at the outside world, there is still a million ruler on the battlefield, and the old dedication is slow, "one will not stay."

No one has an objection, Feng Hao first led the people of Fengzi, which was less than a thousand people, and turned into the sky, and finally killed.

Dragon Dilong Pool two ancestors followed it, and also plundered into the soldiers.

Blood wave supimity is also coming to the disuvant army, full of grief revenge.

When the last trace deficiency of the Nirvana, when the battlefield of this domain, the universe of the two parties, involved near the 100,000-year-old, announced.

The Shenli universe participating in the battle of the catastrophe, only less than 20,000 supreme.

And the universe is nearly 10,000 elite, and there is no survival.

Outside the whole domain battlefield completely changed to buried bones, the debris exchanged the high feet high, fierce to the extreme.

This battle, from the beginning of chaos, to the ancestral Zhen Zhen, down to all the Tianjiao, the supreme, all of them.

Continue countless battles of the catastrophe battle to completely end.

No one knows this war, what is the significance, the war is so honest, it is just a tragedy.

It is completely never to be in the field outside the field, the wind whimses it, like a cry.

Surviving Sites, there is no victory, they all look at the place where the sword is unparalleled.

Lao Zun is a calm standing in the same place, and everyone is nervous.

In the end, it is still the blood wave to the front, ask if the seniors, can no two palace owners will return from that hairdressing? "

Old dedication opens his eyes, then shakes his head, "I, I don't know."

"Don't he come back? I don't believe it." Feng Qi acoustic.

Everyone's mood is falling into the bottom of the valley, and the time and space of the ancestral power is open, no one knows what terrorist consequences.

I will be lost forever.

Everyone is a look, only a deplus, and the color is very eye-catching, it seems to have lost a most precious thing.

"Let's go!" The Qi Tang drunk, directly led the unfounded Qilin people left this domain battlefield.

In the unison of the unspeakable, the arched and the people have passed, and they followed the universe in the universe.

Blood wave supreme and dragon and phoenix are all the unusual look at the unicorn.

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