This continued the battle of countless mixed chaos, and finally ended with the price of virtual gods and the victory of Shenli.

The sole strength of the two universe has done in this war, even if it is a million chaotic, the universe is no longer difficult to return to the pre-war.

The heavens and the earth are clear, no longer fight.

A black water is awkward, and the old respect seems to be an older. He turned around to see more than 20 million supreme, slowly opened, "I will sleep here, maybe waited for him to return, I I will wake up, you will go back. "

It has become a sword where the Shenli universe theoretical bone, now completely disappears in time and space, leading to even as the winner of the victory, ultimately only bleak.

As early as before, everyone knows that if the sword is unparalleled, then they will counterattack the universe of the virtual universe, and it is a thorough clearing, not like it is like this.

But if there is no, everything can't change.

"Anti-attack universe! We have to revenge!" There is an audible roaring.

Then, nearly 20,000 supreme shouted the sky.

"Anti-attack universe! Don't stay one!"

Blood wave supreme and other people look at old.

Old respect, if the body is gone, the body is floating, and then it is a black water, floating in this broken field.

In the end, this battlefield was bleeding. Nearly 200,000 supreme have 50,000 to respect, and the remaining nearly 150,000 to the horizon.

Longfeng Eryuan is a big injury, and the spirit of the spirit is almost all, and the sects of each of the students are nearly 70% destruction, no one.

Taixi Di Ton is standing in the place where the sword is unparalleled, this hundred years, the disciple of the gods outside the battlefield, no other person.

It is too virtual and emperor that seems to think about the sword. There is a kind of existence.

He seems to be a heaven and life, and there is no sound. From an extremely inconspicuous existence, it has been leading the Shenli universe from the sake of weakness.

After the power of the Shenli universe, he suddenly disappeared without a trace, like a task that he had handed over to him.

This is a ride, but it is a passer, leaving only a shadow, you will never see it.

After a hundred years, the emperor is too laughing.

Under the leadership of blood wave supreme and giant ax, it is less than a thousand disciples, and it will construct the god of life in the entrance to the Shenli universe to the domain battlefield.

At the same time, the news of the winner of the universe is transmitted in a very short period of time.

However, there is no Putian Celebration, because every still-residual star domain, the power of the spirit is nearly dead.

Along with the winner universe, there is another message.

When the Qilin old ancestors were in danger, breaking through the ancestral, saving the Shen Li's universe, and led all the supreme fight against death, and finally won the gods.

At the same time, the old calendar, the new year opened, and the Qi Ting was built to built the dragonfly, in the real budget.

Wu Yu Tai, became a new court of the new King.

A series of news came out in the Shenli universe, spread throughout nine days.

At the same time, there is also a biggest news.

In order to commemorate this big victory of this hunger battle, the new Yeqi Qingkou is open, and all the Supreme God can come to listen to the scene, even each of the States, the country can send ten ultimate dominance, before To listen to the Lao Weima.

This news released, countless star gods were crazy, this is the new Yenguang Kaunde, can listen to the ancestral seat, and promoted to the spirit of the situation just time.

Just open a road, so that the Star Field of the remaining star is already in the wording, and it is happy to go to the holy.

For a time, within a hundred years, the worship of the worship in the universe, the number of arrogant arrogant, and the new Yeyuan is in the new Ye.

"Do you have this! It's shameless!"

A shocking table sound is resounding from the new life of the new life.

Blood waves, the top of the table, the urgent news comes from the Tang Dynasty, the shamelessness of the fame, "shamelessly, stepped on the bones of millions of monks in the universe!"

The giant ax is hard to see, and there are nearly 50,000 life gods, and they are all filled with indignation.

The nine robbery is now rushing out, and is stopped by the giant ax, "" I will be old, I don't want to shoot first. "

"I want to have a truth for the sword." In response to the anger of the heart, the nine robbery is the sound of the invincible, which makes him like the long sword of the front.

After the blood wave, the palm of his hand came to his shoulders, "Nowadays, the universe is worse, and it is no longer tossing again, so let's take it."

I took a deep breath. After the King of the King is just a closed door, they will enter the depths of life, and they will not come out.

"From today, the life gods closed, all the unicorn came, and it was not seen!" Blood waves sustain.

"No!" More than 50,000 lives of life gang palace disciples arched.

Since then, the life of life is closed.

An urgent news that sealed from the unicorn to the majority of the universe flowed in the Shenli universe.

Among the Red Dai Star Field, an urgent news from Qilin family placed in his eyes, Feng Yu did not even open his eyes.

In the giant temple, nearly 10,000 Fepture children were standing on both sides, and they looked at their own ancestors.

"The old ancestors, the ultimate master of the family has taken place." The Junmei Youth of Feng Xiao was ahead.

Feng Wei slowly opened his eyes, glanced at every feathers in the main hall, swallow, "Since then, Feng people closes the star field, no one can go out, if there is any unknual boy to experience I can't stop temptation, I went to Tang Yukai, don't blame him, I have been born with him! "

In the giant temple, all the Fengzi Sun Qi Sheng Novo.

"In addition, tell the dragon's guys, if there is one person in their family to go to Zhang Yuetai to listen to the road, the entire Feng people will not die!"

Feng Zuwei's breakfast, her eyes looked at the distant void, and the bottom was finally flashing.

During the same year, the dragon and phoenix two times closed the star field, no one went to the Hunneadi listening.

The Nine Dynasty, the Jiudi Court, Jiu Xing, Sword, Sword, and the remaining participation in the battle of the Holocaust war, the ancient times in the same year, and did not send one person to listen to the road.

This is unheard in any era.

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