Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4655 ???? Furnace

From the sword unparalleled, there are almost three hundred years, and there are almost many people who have also arrived at the field of Qilin, and now the center of the universe - !

It is still far away, but all the monks come to feel the vastness of the vastness.

Everyone's face is a very excited mood. They feel the kind of unparalleled road, which is a ancestral breath!

Nearly more than 100,000 monks have come to the front of the Diwu Taiwan.

The hustle is like all of the Monogenic Shensi, which has come to this.

A group of ten people arrived in Taicang Pavilion, came to the monks in front of the Human Terrace to stop staging, they all belong to the ultimate dominance.

The battle of the catastrophe, Taicang Shen Pavilizes all the five ethnic groups in the family, there are four people who die, only the next top supreme, serious injury return.

"Master, you said that we will come to listen to the two long and old, wait for us to go back, will there be something?" One of the short-haired monks said, "Before the closed custom, the second elders are still vows, Zongmen If anyone dares to come, I am interrupted.

The desperate monk brow wrinkle, "Stupid, you don't say I don't say, the two elders he can know? Let's talk about the old age, I will listen to the way, I want to break the leg. It is also a disturbed leg. "

The only female disciple in more than ten people, left and right around the week, quietly, "Master, the second brother, have you found that the monks who come here now, they are the ultimate dominance, I haven't seen it. There are several supreme. "

The master's brother has a heavy cough, and then low, "isn't it better! Waiting to wait for the gods to open the

As soon as I said this, they were excited, listening to the nephew, this is almost equivalent to giving them a pass coupon for each person!

Only the female disciple, the doubt is scratched.

The original broken Luozu star field is the center of the center, and there is three people standing in front of the chaotic spring that is swayed by the old.

Fortunately, the elderly in the face of the white coat is at the forehead. When he is standing behind him, he is two people.

As before the previous weather, there is no ancestral atmosphere.

He looked at the chaotic spring eye that was posting in black water.

I don't know how long it took, he watched asked, "How many monks have been the outside world?"

I heard the words, I listened to each other, and then I went to the front step. "Big Brother has come to the prior to Wu Yuetai, there are nearly three million monks, they all belong to the ultimate main king, as for the supreme strong people, come ...... Number of less than tens of thousands. "

"Betting! A group of damn things!" The ,, a mixed breath that does not meet his previous temperament from his eyes.

"This is so low asking for them, it is so don't lift it." Anti-resentment, the eyes of the .

Going, the color of the glory in his eyes has disappeared, and the replacement is generous and kind.

"Two younger brother, you are already my closest person, except for you, I have no trustworthy people." King sighed, no longer talking.

, then, "In this case, the big brother can only make you come once once, please live the godberg, all the supreme and the ancestors of the dragon and phoenix, I want to compensate them once. After all, this time is I am not right. "

"Reassure, big brother, no matter how our brothers must come all the time, try to watch my unicorn's true heart." He heard firmly, "things are not suitable, we must catch the big brother, you will open the way, please ask them come."

After the words, the two left.

Looking at the back of the disappeared, the color of the glory has once again emerged from the bottom of the king, and does not match his ancestral identity.

The entire crushing Lotu star field still maintains the previous situation, looked at the chaotic spring eyes under the feet, and the King turned his eyes to his left arm.

Next moment, he suddenly raised his right hand and refers to the knife, directly from the shoulder blade, cut his entire left arm!


The pain is suffocating, and the right hand of the Qibei caught a complete arm.

There is no god blood, but the king did not care, but the king did not care, let the gods were soaked in a shirt, just like a terrorist devil.

I looked at the hand in my hand, and the eyes of the king were eaten.

"The dead sword is unparalleled, you are the most perfect body I am preparing to train, but there is no sound disappearance, it hurts me so much!"

"If you appear in front of me, I will have a thousand knives!"

God is gradually dissipated, and the left arm that is broken is reunited. The king is like a long time, and the gas is full.

And that broken arm, I don't know when it is changing the appearance, and it has become a fauzer with a full-time pattern.

"I can't wait, I will first make a little nutrient for my mason."

The king smiled and smiled. He suddenly opened his arms, like hug, and shifted.

It has already been built into a huge temple, and at this moment, it slowly opened the huge giants.

Energetic plenty of great power spray, all the monks who have rushed to the Kukai table, all the battles under this power.

Every monk feels that layer, has a vague loose.


The vibration of the ancient times, the unicorn who is surging the power of pure Yang!

And on the That That, the huge treasures of the Qi Tama shorer.

"All the people of the universe, I hit the heaven, in order to save the universe of the universe in the water, take the Zhizhenyi, today's special opening, open to the prolmissum, to give no air."

With the sound of the Qi Teiwei, the door of the Husband Temple is completely opened.

"Please enter the seat."

All monks are crazy, they don't care about all the madness, just to grab the nearest futon near Zhen Zhen.

The ten people of Taicang Pavilion were in the back of the crowd. Everyone's face is eager to have a rush, I am afraid to grab a futon.

Only the female disciple who is guarded by the people's brothers in the central government, some doubts.

I don't know if it is an illusion or my heart, she is inadvertently saw that the Zhen of the Zhen, the sacred breath, and the sacred breath.

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