Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4656? Daxie demon female (on)

Slightly swayed, the female disciple of Taicang Shenge also found that the Zhen Zhen was looking at them overlooking, hurriedly smashing the head.

"Master, two brothers, it is better to return it." He hesitated three, the female disciple bite the mouthway.

Master, I am anxious, "I said that I have a bell, which is the pig's head is crazy, know how much it is? You are a joke, you are joking!"

A female disciple named Ninell bitten his teeth, she suddenly turned to squeeze the tide, stay away from Zhang Yu.

"Teacher, come back!" The master and others shouted, but seeing her denying, she had to repent.

In the monk of the shoulders, the nine tones looked back at them and then resolutely left.

"I hope that all this is just my arbitrary guess."

Nearly 350,000 monks, and they have poured into the Human Terrace.

Every unknown Lingyu in the feet, I am scattered, and the monks walk, and they feel that the body is moisturized by some kind of Xuqi.

This whole, the whole seat is like a never-ending star field, there is countless ambitious star, it looks like a mysterious.

In this vast temple, there is a cloud of clouds, and Wandian Taiwan is in the middle of them, and the most huge lotus platform is sitting in the center, sitting on the Yun Ting of Yunshi.

Tiandi Avenue is like a colorful rainbow behind him, and there is Xiangrui Qi Ming, and the treasure is turned.

All monks only poured a compression from Tiandi Avenue, and a total of approximately more than 3,500 monks. At the same time, the head is headed down, and sincerely call.

The king is full of smiles, and the sleeves are waved, and there is no power to make a thousand rainbows, plundering into the body of each monk.

At this moment, all monks only felt that the real world was big, like a gate, sitting on the ground.

The Huang Mang, which has a supreme look, will be included in the whole Tie Yukai Giants.

When these monks have promoted, the unique eyes of the rush on the lotus are flashing, and the next moment, a small piece of meat, a small, a small, a small, a small, a small, a small, tie, from his sleeve.

The meatball furnace has risen, which is almost a huge miles between blink of an eye.

All monks are looking at the miracles.

At this moment, no matter how far a near star field, most of the stars began to swim in the Dynasty, and then fell into this meat.

The began to rise from the furnace, and the smashing smasdom to the ground.

All monks only feel that everything in front of the sky is like the fairyland, they are not known.

In the meantime, they only feel that there are countless Dan's cranes in front of them, they will receive them.

In this way, nearly 350,000 monks were blocked, and they fell into the abyss meat stove.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth changes, and the whole Thae is the center and suddenly rolling the wind.

Anyone around the Lotu star field, nearly 50,000 star fields are in this strange change, and they cry.

The Qi Tie is sitting on the lotus, still looking at this scene, it is not a powerful strength than the power of the power, from him.

It has accommodated millions of monks, mixed with countless stars, but also stalls, and a blood pattern begins to fill the gully patterns on the furnace.

There is no miserable call, there is no mourning, everything is like immersed in the sky, until the last moment of death.

When the meatball furnace is no longer tremble, all the horizons are silent.

Then, the meat color furnace has changed, and finally degraded into a flesh that does not have a five senses.

The king waved, and the strange flesh is zoomed in the hand.

"Next time, your five senses should be long." King grinned, "and me, it is also a bondage of this invisible."

Tiandi Seismy, it has been far from the nine-ring bells of Huna, and after aware of this strange change, he hurriedly escaped, but the invisible suction is too horrible, and the realm of her ultimate dominant cannot move half-body shape. .

At this day, a unicorn shook, and at the same time, he took her to pull her body shape and saved her from suction.

In the vast space of the universe, He listened to the nine-ring. "I said the girl, the road has been closed, can you still do it?"

Nine-Bell has not dared to talk at all, and it is frightened to watch thousands of Qilin people in the cosmic boat.

"You should not treat us as a bad guy? We can be the family of the Zhen Zhen, can not be a bad person." He smiled. He is inexplicably a woman who is frightened by this.

However, ninells just rushed to thank, and then fled to leave the cosmic boat.

"Second, you will go back first, I will go back." After the uncle left this sentence, he hurriedly followed the footsteps of Ninell.

He listened to the hunch and shook his head, and then he returned to the Cangfun Station that had changed.


"where is this place……"

"I remember that I didn't fall into the market, didn't I die ..."

The weird whimpete and whispers came from the ear, and a sturdy hurricane is almost tearing into two or two-stage shape, slowly awake.

The blood of the blood is condensed, and the tear of the hurricane in the hurricane circle, it is unable to heal, he has become a blood.

I can't see the original sword of the original appearance. It is like a skeleton who has a flesh and blood, and I look at the time and space of the light monster.

"I am not dead, then what should I go back?"

He lifted his footsteps, just like walking dead, it is not known in this unknown time and space, and it is not known for many years.

The time and space is the most terrible, it is unknown, there is no time and space coordinates here, some will always just light the world, and the hurricane that can easily tear the body.

But the sword is unparalleled, he is just firm in this chaotic stream.

When I didn't know how much it was, when he had already numb, a weak spot hidden in the chaos, appeared in his eyes.

The sword is unparalleled almost I don't want to, reach out and touch it.

When you are squatting, the thousands of silk rhyme flows, as with stirring the water, surprise the layers.

Then the silk rhyme stream is like a secret network, directly absorb the sword without double body shape.

The brain god is rotated, and the human geometry is not known for a while.


A beam is like a white meteor, and it has passed a white line from the sky, and it will reach the ground.

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