Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4658 ?? Dawei demon woman? (Below)

Among the huge forests, it is dark, but the tail is a mysterious beast of Ying Ying Ziji, and the speed is running.

And on this behemoth wide back, a young man who dressed up in this trick is on, and I am calling.

The soft and extremely hair of the behemoth is like a soil, causing the sword and unparalleled since the big guy, I have been sleeping on its back.

Also because of the unique characteristics of the behemoth, in order to be convenient, the sword has gave it a nice name "A Zi."

For ten years, one person has never stopped, and goes to the land of the person.

Original sword is unparalleled, I know some news from Azu's mouth, but in addition to some simple thinking, it is difficult to feedback to any useful news.

After the Huang Julin was quickly thrown into the body, the more, the breath of each life gradually became more.

Just on the generous back of Azu, sleepy sword is unparalleled, I don't know when, suddenly I feel a big crisis.

He suddenly sat up, then he saw the big sky on the big day, and a giant bird who was almost covered by the sky was litter. A pair of green and green bits were almost instantly locked the sword.

The breath of the direct death is almost unparalleled with the sword, and he took a palm of the big head. "Quickly run A Zi, give me life!"

A purple pawl plated, suddenly blunt, like a string and arrow, turn out of the miles away.

However, the huge severity of the sky is more horrible, almost at the same time, it has been followed.

Ta Luo Shenjian is about to be drawn out of the sword, but the sandy bird is directly illusion into a shackles, falling behind the sword.

A fracture pressed the sword unparalleled palm, and pressed the Naro Shenjian back to the swim.

"Don't look back, escape ..."

If the sound of the silk is ringing in the sword, there is no sound.

The sword has no double and one, the next conscious looks, a handsome woman wearing a white shirt, full of blue hair, hugging him from behind, it is already late.

The sword is unparalleled down, in the chest of the green shirt, a small hand of the palm of the palm, is rushing to the blood.

I barely returned to God from the shock, and the sword was unparalleled to hesitate to unknown this origin, and the woman who was obviously chased was thrown down.

After thinking about three, the sword was unparalleled, or there was no heart.

He lifted the woman in front of the green shirt in front of the palm, with the palm of the palm, and the pain of the pain.

If you don't affected, the green shirt woman contains the energy of the meridian, which also rejects the power, but her flesh does not reject the power, repairs the speed visible to a naked eye.

At the same time, the eyes of the sword are unparalleled, and a quiet breath is about to sweep.

After smelling the kind of non-calm breath, Azi is particularly violent, and the speed of escape is even more accelerated.

However, the next moment, a low sinking voice resounded to four wild.

"The arms of the move around, keep it down, this seat will stroke you."

The sword is unparalleled, and the woman is directly sent to the woman in the arms. A purple will lead her into the mouth.

After all, the sword was unparalleled to pull Azi and stopped in the original place.

Nearly six have a musical figure that is surrounded by all directions, they are uniform, and they have a golden row.

Just look at it, the sword is unparalleled, the pupils are suddenly tight. These six people who look good are not high, they actually have a half ancestral strength!

The six-way figure surrounded by the sword without a double group, not to kill, but a look at him with a review.

"Who do you want to walk in this wasteland?" One of the older people, and I asked in front of it.

The sword is unparalleled, she has already hit the abdomen, and she is filled with a smile. "The kid is a mountainous people, there is no door and no sent, since childhood is born in the wild than waste, life has not left this place."

The growing person is worth a sword and no double. "Since you have not left this place, then you ask you, can you have seen a green?"

The sword is unparalleled immediately, and the younger jealousy in his mouth should be a woman who has just been dull.

"The kid has never seen it. If there is news, he must tell a few adults." The sword was unhealthy.

The elderly is obviously reluctant to stay here, but when he is ready to leave, a strong man behind him, "Er brother, there is less young, we can't pay, it is better ..."

Speaking of this, a few people looked at the sword unparalleled, and the Azity under him.

"It's also, it's just that this kid is unlucky, you will first grab them." The elderly ordered three matches, and the ground was brush.

There is no double eyeliner in the sword, directly with one hand, and the vast sword is to the three matches.

Can you resist the swords of swords of the ancestral chamber, can you be able to fight?

The vast sword is easily gently matched, and then the three people will be directly stranded directly!

Everything is just a moment, when the elderly reacted, there was a cold and dead breath, it was already behind him.

"No, you killed this seat, just with the whole ..." No wait for him, the sword is unparalleled to cut his neck.

The remaining two legs shake the guys, and they are also solved by the sword.

From the beginning to the end, less than ten holy time, six ancestors have died.

Just fell to the ground, the sword was unparalleled, the same blouse woman hiding in the mouth, I don't know where to sit on the head of Azi, I am interested in taking him.

Look at her appearance, which is half the injured look.

Seeing the sword, there is a unparalleled, the woman jumped from the head of Azi, and the eyebrows smiled. "Nothing, your strength of your guy is really good."

I was obliquely, and the sword was unparalleled. It didn't have any feelings for her, and when they left.

The green shirt woman face, and then hurriedly, "Hey, I haven't give you still with you!"

"Go away, the demon!" The sword was unparalleled.

The green shirt is suddenly anxious, "" Your little child, actually dare to be a demon woman? This seat wants you to eat! "

After the words, the rigidity of the crepe from her sleeves, and there is no pair of swords.

" !" He directly slammed a gods, and shredded the greenness of the green.

The whole rumor is vibrating.

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