Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4659 ??? See the Sport

When the force of the green, the green shirt woman was shocked.

"Who are you?" He took a sigh of relief, and the woman was illusion from the green shirt, and flying to the sword without double.

"Pass the guest." The sword has nothing to say, obviously do not want to be entangled with her.

The green shirt woman obviously didn't feel this, and directly took place in the back of Azility.

In the face of the sword is unparalleled, the curiosity of her eyes is more, "I have never seen anyone used any one you used to use it, it is a mysterious!"

Didn't look at the woman's woman, the sword is unparalleled to look at her neck, where there is one of the same iron chain.

I found that the sword is unparalleled, the woman is in a hurry to hug himself, "you mean!"

He is full of black lines, having to resist the sex of the child, "I see that iron!"

The green shirt smiled, then slammed the iron sign between necks. "You said this, it is used to bind the nameplate of the record number, all are giving the bastard!"

Didn't talk again, the sword is unparalleled to pick up the sword, directly provoking the iron, easy to cut the chain.

The green shirt is widened, and I don't dare to pay attention to the iron sign that has been broken into two paragraphs. "How can I ï this iron sign, even if I can't break it ..."

"If you can't do anything you can't do, you can go now, I am going to leave." The sword said unparalleled.

"My name is Qingyi." The woman in the green shirt, "Thank you, you saved me, you must be rewarded later."

The sword is unpaid, "Don't say so far, I ask you, do you know if there is any way to leave this universe?"

"It turned out that in addition to us, there is really other universe." The woman named Qingyu surprised.

The sword is unparalleled with black lines. "Do you have any way to leave, I have been waiting here for a long time."

Qingyu no longer speaks, like what decision is doing, and finally nodding, "can be, but only with my ability, you can only tear a slit."

I didn't have any hopes of the sword, and I suddenly nodded. "It's enough, enough!"

The green is nodded. "That now, take me to your original place."

The sword that is unable to excite excitement is unparalleled, and immediately put it with blue, and commands Azity to galloping in the original place.

Nearly more than 60,000 years, the light is waiting for this in this little place, which is simply unimaginable.

The sword is unparalleled to return to the Shenli universe, 600,000 years, I am afraid enough to kill most people's memories.

What he can do is a chance to catch a point, returning to the universe.

After more than ten years, the two came to the original place.

Looking at the crater that has become a giant lake, the sword has no double feelings, who can think of it, he comes to another universe, ç ç ?

"You first entered here?" Queen asked, while a gentle green strange energy rushed to her.

The sword is unparalleled, and it points to a position with accuracy.

"To be honest, I am afraid you will be the first, and the last guy who broke into the big derived of the Dali, I couldn't imagine." Qingyu shrugged ", I wish you good luck."

'Dawuo? It sounds slightest. 'The sword is unhealthy.

Next, the green is long, and the whole body shape is a covering bird, and it is on the sky.

She suddenly slammed the void with a green bird, and I gave it to the emptiness.

The crack of the tip of the latter needle, the Qingxi is struggling to tear, and the crack is cracking to the medium.

"It's now!" Qingyu Long.

The sword didn't doublely patted the big head of Azu, and then pulled the crack.

Time and space chaos, the violent breath is emerging again. The sword is unparalleled to take a sigh of you.

Reproduces the greenness of human form, smirk, "Okay, we don't owe it."

"If you can, send A Zi to a more waste-free place, don't let it be caught again." The sword dance added another sentence, and then stepped into time and space.

"Wait a minute!" Qing Yan suddenly called him, "Can we meet in the future?"

"I am afraid, there is no chance to meet." Last looks at the green, the sword is unparalleled, and completely disappears in time and space.

Looking at the blocked time and space crack, Qingyuton is lost in the same place, and he will leave.

This is a waste of waste, it is completely calm. If it is not 60,000 years, there is a young tourist misunderstand this, I am afraid I will always be silent.

When the foot stepped into time and space, the kind of chaotic hurricane that even the soul could be hit again.

What is unbeaten by the sword is that although these chaos hurricanes continue to be horrible, they are shaved on their body, they are not the pain of previous skin.

This change makes him excited, at least not to worry about it in this time and space.

Looking at the fine spotted spots behind, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is straight. It is lifted in this chaotic flow, carefully look for the breath of the universe.

In the process of he keeps looking for, a faint intimate breath does not know which one direction is passed, as coordinates, guiding the sword where there is no pair.

It is also that the breath, the sword is unparalleled, has been modified, and it is difficult to travel in time and space.

I don't know how many years have been traced in chaos, and the kindness is more and more affected.

When the sword is unparallled, when the shape is sitting in the face, there is a body shape in the time and space appears in his eyes.

"The" Bi, Zhen! "The sword was unparalleled, looked at the body shape, the brain was unable to think.

The Zhen Zhen, who is in the time and space of the god, and slowly opened his eyes at this moment.

It seems that throughout hundreds of millions of years, the Yeong is smiling, "there is no double friend, we meet again."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is directly rushed to the Zhen Zhen.

In his eyes, the old man who is kind elders has so many hardships.

"Xiaoyou quickly, the old man can't endor much." Zhen Zhen bending the sword unparalleled, smiling, "You are already the control of the rules of the heavens and the earth, the old man can not withstall you."

"One day is a teacher, lifelong is a teacher, the disciples give to the teacher, that is also the rules." The sword was unparalleled, and the knees were solemn to the Zhen Zhen.

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