Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4660? Lying in the ancestor

It is gratified and distressed in the vision of the vision, and the sword is unparalleled.

"You mature," Zhizhen said, "the little friend who heard from the Yunxiao Palace has grown to the real Zhen God."

The sword is unparalleled, "" Sangtian, I have left the 500,000 years, I don't know what the Shenli universe will happen here. "

The Zhishen heard, smiled, "no need to worry, the avenue rules are different, and you can experience it in another universe, there is no so long, everything is all."

If he is thinking, he nodded, "Everything is still getting ..."

"Go back, I am here to refer to you, the Shenli universe can't be no you." "The Zhen gone laughed, leaned out the thin palm, pointing to a position.

The sword has no silence, "Teacher, now I have seen you in time and space, how can you go back with me? The Shenli universe can't be, it is you."

The god slowly shook his head, "I have already returned, my origin has been exhausted. If it is not waiting for you, I have already fallen."

It seems to be in order to confirm his words, the body of the Zhithen is bleak in the faint speed, and it is like a countless star.

The sword is unparalleled. He hurriedly released the power, and wanted to stabilize the body of the Zhenon, but did not make up.

"I will do it in the end, it is to send you back to the universe." Zhen Zhen smiled and gently pushed the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, looking at the body shape, it has quietly scattered in the Zhenhe of time and space, he knows that everything is already back.

Countless fine rays gather together to a silver river water flow, which has been extended to endless distant.

Adjust the loss of heart god, the sword is unparalleled, and it is going to distant.

The gains of the Zhen Zhen are finally done before they have a vortex, and then completely dissipate.

The sword is unparalleled without being hesitant, and it is directly to enter the scroll.

There are countless Hua Mang standing up, and it will become thousands of training.

He only felt that there was an inexplicable bonding of the invisible cover, and then he had a worldwide, it was the rules of the whole power universe, even if the ancestral ancestors were not violated.

In the eyes of the darkness, the shade of the blue starry sky, the shape of a black ride is dressed in this.

The and the raging power directly adds him a few dry meridians, and the derived power of the nearly 100 star fields is supplied to him.

The sword is unparalleled slowly open his eyes, there is a large number of rules flowing around him, and the god-shaped Razer is leaning on his head, the Weiyi is unparalleled.

It is 60,000 years, almost almost the time of the practice of the Shenli universe, and the sword under the eyes is uneasy.

He is worried that everything is already a person.

In the same place, the sword is unparalleled to face.

Throughout this almost no sidelic garre, very fast sword is unparalleled.

Nearly 10,000 star fields actually did not have a half-point spirit, and they must know even if there is a star area in the universe.

But this kind of power is abundant, there is no harsh gathered star area, how can there be no residence in the world?

Does he walk through these years have happened to change the earth?

Holding questions, the sword is unparalleled in the starry sky, he wants to rush to the outside world, see those old friends, and unpadless things.

After finally across the billionaire, the sword is unparalleled to feel the star far from the soul.

He is close to a more prosperous vast star area, which is full of power, full of gas transport, and is very suitable for practice.

The Suscourse walks in the giant mountain, and the sword is unparalleled to the largest sect of the world in this star.

Some somewhere, in the battle of the Holocaust, this palm of the sword has sent a total of seven supreme, and his head is a half-step invincible, and the sword has no double an extremely short story.

The sword is unparalleled to go to the palm of the truth, but let him be a little strange that this is the first largest, nearly ten thousand disciples, and there is no ultimate leader.

"Who is there? What is it?" After walking from the mountain gate, I walked out of a sword boy who was red and red, and looked at the sword.

"I am the disciple of life, and your head is a little friend. Now I will ask some situations." The sword is unparalleled.

After the sword boy, he flashed, and then he looked up. "The seniors are still please return, my head is a battlefield outside the battle in two hundred years ago, six elders are also martyrdom."

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is in the heart, finally, "I see your disciples that have almost no ultimate leadership, this is?"

The sword boy is also said, "The new Ye Zi will look, Guangzhao the universe, all the monks who are the ultimate domain, can go to Hualu Pu Group, and the only one hundred people in my family have a master brother, and have already rushed to listen Tao. "

Hearing here, he is a good, very soon, in this time, the Qi Tang said, became the new nine.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled without any objection. After all, the Shenli universe is not a day, and the Qi Ting is a generous, good and good generation, and the majestic style is far more than him.

At the same time, it is a big good aftertreatment in the Changwu Pu Group to listen to the martial arts.

"In addition, I asked a little friend, and the arrival of the last life, how many years have you been in the past?" He asked, there were some in his heart.

"Two hundred and thirteen years, less than two hundred years." After the sword boy is slightly, it will take the road.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled. "So, then, I don't want to go to the door."

Sword boy is holding smile.

After returning, he walked out two steps, he stopped, and then turned to face this whole palm sword true, sang a layer of vast power.

The sword boy only thought that the week is warm, and the level of layers in the post-body is broken, just like the spring bamboo shoots, the power is crazy.

A red lace is pulled up, and the space that is sloppy is in the wealth of space. Everything is shrouded in the power of .

This lip red tooth is a sword boy, and it fades out until the spirit of the world.

"Plop", he lost his gods to the ground, and then looked at the distance.

In the ethereal cloud, there is a trace of half.

On the starry sky, the sword is unparalleled to look at the palm sword, and then there is no way to smile.

"Is it a ancestral?"

Under the vast times, I slept for more than 60,000 years, and I re-returned the Shenli universe to make a ancestral.

This is really lying to the ancestor.

Everything only has been in the past two hundred years, everything is still coming.

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