Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4666? At the beginning of the micro-end, finally the avenue

The eyes of exuding the Victoria Avenue slowly look at every supreme in the vast road.

"The universe is completely lost, our Shenli universe is finally ushered in calm, the heavens are reopened, and the order is still."

The fairy is vast, the sword is unparalleled, and there is no gap, and the mysterious imperiality will fall in every monk.

All monks come to the Yunxiao Palace, whether it is confusing, how many mixed chaos is full, all breakthroughs here.

A wider way of practice, appearing in front of each monk.

Controlling the sword of the universe of the Universe Avenue, but also feeling the recognition of him in the Tiantian domain at this moment.

Borrow to the ultimate dominance, all the upper to the ancestor, all of them are a subtle and extremely change.

Blood waves, Fengqi, Dragon Dragon Pool and others are all shaped, it is almost dare not look back, there is no unbearable thing, but it is actually open to them at this moment!

There is no big road to open it, although the gas transport of Shenli's universe has not supported the second ancestral, but this is directly illustrated. He is all of the Zhen Zhen, and has the success of the inheritance. By!

Dragon Dilong Pool is from the heart to the sword.

Others are unclear, only they know, if they are not involved in war, nearly 100,000 children and grandchildren die, the appearance of the dragon, I have already rotated the dragon, I am afraid that after the war, I will die in the world.

However, Linhe Dragon Emperor gambling is right, and the dragon is here to get to the Zhen Bear, and they will never be bound by the difficulties, and they can always stay with the universe.

Thousands of fire phoenix are all, and their mouths are the fire ring, which symbolizes life and death.

The nine robbery and other invincible Supreme, all feel the looseness on the realm, breaking through the ancestors, it is just a matter of time.

At the same time, all the supreme respects of the Holocaust War, the darkness in their body disappeared, and almost stagnated realm has a layer.

There is a certain avenue shelter with their later veins.

The skyline cloud rolls, the white clouds, the years are circulated, and the end is returned to the right track.


Started in the middle of the micro-random, born in heaven, and finally moved to the universe.

The sword is unparalleled, and it has become a road.

Thousands of monks at this moment, devout, unannounced, "Zi Zhenjiade."


This premium has continued to have more than 100 years, and all monks are sitting here.

In this whole, the sword of the Zhen Zhen is unparalleled, and a minimalist futon listener.

Looking at the fire monks of the Shenli universe, the sword was not smiled and asked a question that he had answered him.

"You respect, what do you say, what is the Tao?"

Everything is brand new and the flourishing continues.

After a hundred years, I looked at the Yunxiao Palace that was empty, and the sword was unparalleled.

The power of the universe is not more than this more comfortable.

He got up, standing alone in the vast road, waving the broken Zannian Avenue.

The smeared of the Dao Zun left, has long been a green rose of a roots, in the sword, a unparalleled body, and it is not truly aware of the infiltration of the avenue, which has already had a gods.

It is also over 10,000 years, and the sword has not stopped the avenue, and finally repaired.

The destruction caused by the invasion of the virtual universe, has been all repaired, countless star domain returns to the initial starting point, and the air transport is recovered.

It is just the end of the past, and it is difficult to have a chance to rebirth.

After you finish this, the sword is unparalleled to recall Feng Xi, who is refused to walk in Yunxiao Palace.

"How to get people in the neighborhood, you will finally see us."

In exchange for the phoenix, the phoenix, with the flow of the clouds, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled and smiled, and then the bunch of Qinglian that has been wearing tens of thousands of years from the waist, and the hands of the phoenix.

"This Qinglian is the crew of the palace of the palace of the palace, and I have been a little for tens of thousands of years. I have already given a liaison. Now I will send this Qinglian to the human room. Let him experience the temper. "

Feng Wei nod, "I sent him to a good family?"

The sword is unparalleled, "" You will throw the blue lotus in the air, and the breath is finally scattered, you will make him into which family, this is his homogeneration, the foundation of his future trend. "

Feng Yi nodded again, and laughed, "You, it is really more and more like a god."

The sword is unparalleled, helpless laughs.

Feng Houfei's Qinglian, when he was about to rush to the world, "I will sleep for a while, everything is there."

He is slightly, and then the appearance is also relaxing. "Yeah, it will be sleeping for a while, there is no eye for a few years."

Under the bobby, the sword is unmatched into the Yunxiao Palace.

And before going to bed, the sword is unparalleled, please summon the blood wave supreme and others who have not closed the customs, let him open the star ancient road, and the rules are more stringent, and open the overhaul.

At the time, the sword was not sleeping for a million years.

Among these million years, due to the countless gas transportation of him, countlessly lifted the show, it is born in the sky.

Billion new and old monks, jointly impacting the road of mystery.

After millions of years, the star air road is slowly closed, and there are hundreds of not the world's arrogance, and the excited mood came to this Yunxiao Palace.

It is already a chance to get to the Yunxiao Palace. It is already a great blessing for them. If you get the qualifications of the Zhizhu group, then the future of the road will inevitably go!

Blue and already a hegemony of Hefa, together with the star ancient road, attracting these monks through the assessment, nature is also them.

For this cold velon, even if these Tianjiao does not dare to play, but for the big king, they look more active.

One of the swordsman's appearance of the Tianjiao, whispered, "The Big Brother, the legendary people are really fighting side by side, will it be to flicker?"

I am planning to open a smile, I am glaring by Blue and Mei, this is rushing to hold his mouth.

"The dead kid, know where this is, more words, I will throw you out first ..."

For a time, the vast cloud of the clouds in the clouds is calm.

Next, it is the supreme that is like the clouds that are generally in the same way.

The supreme group who participated in the Holocaine in millions of years ago, I have already left in the Yunxiao Palace, quietly sitting.

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