Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4667? Docking

More than 100 famous arrogance from the starry ancient roads, they have left in the Yunxiao Palace, and it became a Tianjin Supreme after ten years.

The Po group of the Zhen Zhen did not wait until it was known from the trail of the lip red tooth, and the Zhishen was still sleeping, I woke up.

However, their goals are not qualified, but the more award disciples.

It is the only way to gain the bodies of the souvenir seat by the gods.

In the avenue of Tiandou, you can see the true presence of the universe.

Legend has it, there is a truth that surpasses the invincible to surrounded the invincible, even if it is going to practice, it is also a palace.

Countless monks are always, want to stand out from the star ancient road, and step into the way to Tianmen, natural competition is far more fierce than the star ancient road.

Everything is new.

Yunxiang Palace, Tianmeng Terrace.

Directly into the exquisite road of the cloud, the old, blood wave is supreme, the nine robbery kings, Feng Wei, Long Dilongchi and others all gather together, tea watching cloud.

And the sword who still sleeps is unparalleled. At this moment, it is also sitting in this day to steal tea.

"Still so comfortable, sitting with a few old friends, more comfortable than the pass, more comfortable." The sword is unparalleled.

Everyone is a smile, Feng Yizhao said, "You have a drink for more than 12 million years, but also drink it."

The sword is unhappy and smiled and drinked. "Of course not greasy, this tea is good for good babies from the palm swords of the chaotic tea tree, especially the spleen and stomach."

After hearing this explanation, the people in the mouth sprayed out.

This has been standing throughout the universe, and even the guy who is in charge of him, I actually want to drink tea to protect the spleen.

However, I think that I like to drink tea and find a hobby in the boring days.

It is also a piece of tea for more than ten years, the sword is unparalleled, "all the time, everything in the Yunxiao Palace will be worship you first."

Let go of tea, blood wave sufficiency, "Zhen Zhen people, are you ready?"

"Ready to go to all day, find the mud tires that have disappeared in the Hunfa," said the sword.

Feng Hao hurriedly, "But this has been a hundred thousand years old, there is no sign of anything, will it have done it?"

The sword is unparalleled, "it is because of this, I am a little uneasy. If I have been growing up, the consequence is absolutely unimaginable, I don't want the Shenli universe to fall into the turmoil."

Feng Wei's lips are tight, apparently she also knows the importance of things.

After all, the mason's mason is really too quirky, almost absorbed by the absorbed blood condensed.

Although the mud is not a double year ago, it is indeed a ancestral existence. If it is put on, it has been growing up, and the consequences will be unimaginable.

"I will go with you." I have a little speech, but I have a little speech, but seriously and more unparalleled kings.

Today's Nine robbery, in millions of years ago, the avenue of the gods accomplicated, has already broken through the layer, reaching the horrible half ancestral realm, the whole person is like a full-sword, but no one dares questioned His fruises.

The sword is unpaired, smiles and patted his shoulders, "Good brothers, although I want you to go with me, but the experience of Tianmen's way, you can't drive you, you helped watch it there. It is also busy with me. "

"There is a long-awaiting that the giant ax is always." The Nine robbery said.

The giant ax shook his head, "I don't go, my body is old, I have to rest more, in order to continue to fight with the Zhen Zhen."

"You, I will take it about it in the sky, I will go quickly with the old speed, soon I will come back soon." The sword has no double robbery.

"Yes, you must come back in one million years. At that time, the monks on the way of Tianmen should also come out." The Nine robbery said.

The sword is unparalleled and nodded. "I will come, I will drink it again, I will do it again after a year."

After one year, in the Yunxiao Palace above the cloud, I walked out of the two stories and went to the world.

"Old respect, I want to ask you a thing." Among the leisure clouds, the sword dressed in a ride is unparalleled to see the old open mouth.

"I know what you want to ask, about all news about the mason?" Compared with millions of years ago, the kind of life on the born is almost the same, it has already disappeared, at this time, he is like a zone. Like the elders in love, I have a little peaceful.

The sword is not a hyper point. "I have not understood it so far, why have you been in the unfamed?"

"That's because he has already arrived so much." The old dedication looked at the distance, faintly said, "his strength, the realm has reached the hidden point, far exceeds the ancestral. "

"What? Before you exceed the ancestral?" The sword is unparalleled, "the universe is not only a ancestral ?!"

"Since the universe is a ancestral, what is it?" "Lao Zun calm," he sent him from the eyes of Chaos Spring, naturally, it should also borrow the power, thus achieving this universe. "

"He took the power of the kind of power, and naturally, he also knew the truth, all the limits, so he used that method."

"With hundreds of millions of gods blood, casting the body, and this is to serve as the fungus faded, keep intact strength, register there."

The sword is unparalleled, and the old saying is very clear. The reason why the King is induced by nearly 10 million monks, which is casting the body, acting as a million tires that should be faded by himself.

And that unknown place, what is there, so that the king is so cultivated?

The two are silent, I don't know how long, the sword is unparalleled, "Gu Ting is in the death, and he said to me. He said that I will go this step by one day, is it true?"

Lao Zun did not answer, but the rare named the name of the sword, "Unparalleled, have you remember three commitments between us?"

The sword is not a hyper point, "remember."

"Then, can you do?"

"Something." The sword is unparalleled, and then he is like understanding what it is, and after the completion of this, you will start. "

Lao Zun smiled, "Don't worry, I have already slept, I don't know how long, wait for a while, I don't wish."

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