Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4668? Tolden Girl

One less old, two shapes, this is in all days.

The universe is large, the rules are not countable, and although there are independent existence of each day.

This is in invisible, naturally, the sword is unparalleled and the old and the two people have added a small difficult difficulty.

Since then, their itinerary is no longer based on the white millennium, and most optimistic estimates, I am afraid it will have millions of years.

At the same time, the sword is not a little curious. From the time of the hand in hand, the ancestral mason is mixed and violent, and there is no rumor until there is no rumor.

The sword is unparalleled, even if the ancestral mason only only releases a moment of breath, the poor universe can also feel instantly.

However, millions of years have passed, the mason is hard to leak a half point, which makes the sword unparalleled have begun, and the mason is not dying or sleeping.

If it is the latter, the ancestral sleep, the sword is unparalleled, I can't imagine what energy is accumulated in the universe.

So, in any case, he must find and kill the mason in this million years, otherwise the way the sky is the way, and it is necessary to delay for a while.

With the speed of swords and old and old, even if it is the next 10,000 years, find a large number of unique star fields, but also did not find a little bit of mason.

It is a virtuality that has been close to the mushrooms in many wealthies, and is already a virtuous respect for death.

After the unrecognizable waves, the sword is unparalleled to continue.

Every star field is never left.

"Old respect, how long have you said, can we find the mud?"

The vast ancient, a bustling market, when the street tea, the sword is unparalleled and the old saying.

Old respects the tea on the table, lightly, "less than 100,000 years, more than a million years, more than 10 million years."

"Why is it more than 10 million?" The sword did not have a double-touch.

Lao Sou said, "Because of the past, the blood is dry, he wants to hide it."

"Although it is said, but this is still a short time for us." The sword is not double touching the Babybow, "I have a way to do a way ..."

When there is a lack of idiots in the two, it sounds rough noise in the street market.

I saw the man who dressed in tens of tight-fitted picchles, from the corner of the street, everyone's weeks were emitted with powerful monks.

In the center of these people, a prisoner wrapped in a black cloth was pushed forward.

Some low-revoissions have been consciously letting a road after seeing this scene.

The sword who is sitting on the window is unparalleled. Use the power to explore, he saw that in the prisoner, squeezed nearly three or forty thin body, and did not feel the former exploration.

Old respect, "This universe is big, what happens in the eyes is just a moment, even if you save them, there is no meaning."

The sword is unparalleled, and the old sayings are not reasonable. These ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Although it is this imagination, his heart is still followed by those monks, and looks forward.

In the most central, ten people in the downtown, a strong man, a strong man, appeared, and the left shoulders of the left shoulders even have unenclosed wounds.

"Hula", he directly smashed the shady on the prison vehicle, showing the content inside.

Perhaps you feel the shine of the beam, and the prisoner is restless.

Nearly more than 30 skin dark, the lacquer black wing woman, is frightened to look at the monks surrounded.

These bird-shaped women, the entire eye is shaped by turbid film petals, barely visible, living in the deep swamps all year round, and they are in contact with other life.

After seeing things in this prison, most monks have a bleak, and they don't hesitate to retreat.

The other small number of monks is a double eye, and quickly talk.

"How is the price?" There is a monk inquiry.

For the first and strong and sorrow, "Unify 10 Anti-Crystal, I want to pay more attention."

The monk heard the words, although the price is some kind of meat pain, but this treason is fresh and there are many monks arrested. I missed when I can meet when I can meet, and I will last dozens of natural crystals.

For low-revolution, it is important to gain your body, far more important than a secret law.

In the skull of the Han Dodus, there is an enhanced phenware than the plow, and it can also be sold to a relatively high price.

That contained the very essential feature of the Anti-Shenjing, and the strong man made the remaining people to open the prisoner and quickly pick these trees.

The chilled woman selected from the hands of the son of the son, and took a black bead from the jackdog woman's skull, then handed it to each monk.

Once stripped from the ghost, the woman could not survive, and died directly.

The thin body shape in the prisoner is also constantly reduced.

Just when the strong man was busy with the ghost, a voice with a silk passers-through was raned from the monk.

"I bought the rest, I bought it."

Looking at it, I saw a young monk who dressed up a ride squeezed the crowd and held ten a few days, and came over.

That strong man looked at him, and then he looked at the middle of the prisoner. "There is only the last last one, if you want to be eight cars."

The sword is unparalleled, or the nearly 20 days of the days in his hand have given him, "I will live directly."

Significant man is tearing a smile, many children in the family have their own good, but he can do more interference.

He directly pulled the chain, dragging the last thin and unparalleled, and gave it to the sword.

"These jealousies are most resistant to life, you only need to feed them in a hurry to clean the water." Strong man is intimate.

However, at this time, it was an impatient voice, "" This last one, Xiao Wang, I want it. "

The sword who wants to leave is unparalleled, and it is also covered by more than ten low.

I fleam, the face of the Chinese-in-law, and quickly came to him, and reached out and wanted to grab the chiller girl.

In the next moment, greeted the Chinese youth, it is a strong foot.

A miserable, the Chinese youth or even the energy in the body is not released, the whole person fly out, the homo, the big head is almost in the abdomen, along with the neck.

"Where is the wild dog?" The sword said unparalleled, and then took the chilled girl to leave, no one dared to shoot.

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