Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4671? I am a road, who can kill

When sweeping the road that is not resentful, the sword is unparalleled to waving in the air.

The invisible undressed avenue rules are centered on him, and they are asked for everyone.

In the eyes, I only felt that the sky was in a very dark, and the mud tires belonging to the universe, the ancestral breath actually can be resistant to the sword.

Located in the evil road, the mud fetus is smile, in his palm, the void cracks out the abyss, and there are countless horror weird souls struggled from the inner struggle, and the pain and hysterical crying.

The moment of shocking the magic is shouting, the cold and youth repair is directly lost, and the mouth of the mouth is full of blood, and it is already not alive.

The old respected hand is gently, and the black water comes wraps them two people and then pioneered the battle range.

The countless soul is all mason, who is crazy in this million years. It is difficult to calmly resent, and the horrible power, even the sword is unparalleled, so as not to be eroded by the magic.

Ta Luo Shen sword started, but he was shocked by him.

The violent fierce in the Narody sword sword tire was actually hooked out, and it was possible to diagnose the master.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Ta Luo Shenjian is closed in the sheath, and the invisible sword will be called.

The invisible sword is that he is working with the unparalleled swords, the star river Hai Jing, is condensed by the most purely sword.

It is the Mo Luo Shenjian, one of the ancestors, no matter whether the fitness is still purely, it has not been able to compare with it.

From a certain aspect, the invisible sword is also a ancestor, which is a ancestral ancestors that belong to the sword.

The invisible sword started, and the sword did not stay without a double, and the first style of the starheracence of the Star River Lake.


The big view, the avenue rules have died in this sword, and the sword is born forward.

At the same time, the sword has emerged behind a shock, and the most heavy sword is also shot.

The evil road is instantly collapsed, and the countless soul that is running out from the cracks in the ciegery, and the excitement is called in the vast sword.

More than 100,000 mangos are rising, thoroughly straighten the layout of the king mason.

Under this phase, it has fallen in the big day of the hanging on the star field.

The deep evil eyes of the king mason is a quiet, and the nephew is quietly appeared, and the sword is unparalleled and the old and the old is in which it is at the same time.

"Turn into my nutrients, I promise to take you to find the realm of the ." He opened his arms, and the sword was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled without opening. He feels that the compass in the feet is constantly weakening.

The next moment, suddenly surging countless resentment in the big array, crazy hooks to the two.

The cold sword is unparalleled, the old is the first step, and the black water is suddenly pulled down.

Beyond the unique power of the Shenshan level, just like the waves spread, the grievous of the ghosts just died.

There were countless cracks with the quirky compass nest.

At the same time, the sword has no two steps, the momentum is calm, and the intangible sword in the hand is hovering, and the mason is straight straight.

The glow of the brilliant, punctured the darkness of the ancient times, and hit his heart.

There is a very bright flashing, that is almost tween in the two-segment mason, stood in the same place, as if it has not reacted.

Next, the void is quickly distorted, the mud is quirky, almost cut the body to recover, even the trauma of the wound has not been left.

The sword has no double heart, and is he growing like this?

It is still a big arms, and the king mason is smile. "I am a road, who can kill?"

On his voice, he just fell, and it was like the scepter of the Qing Tian Juzhu, and he took directly to him.

Only heard a sound of "", the left half of the directly broken.

It belongs to the forces of the ancestral to inhibit the crazy spray that he can't hold, he blames, and holds the torn wound.

The sword is unparalleled, "I dare to say a road? Isn't it afraid of the current newspaper?"

It is barely stop the energy of the voters in the body, and the king mason has arrived at another level.

The grievances saw him, and the squatting tires actually changed directly, and the cultivation was scattered in the void.

"Want to go?" The sword was unparalleled, reached out in the void in the empty, the rules collapsed.

And that the mud tires scattered, they were directly caught by these avenues, and they were movable.

"No, you can't kill me!" Maybe I predict that I faced a big horror that I was looking for life, and the unparalleled mud fetus was very horror.

"I am the incarnation of the rules of the road. Who can't kill me!" He continued.

After using the unpacked, it is compressed into a dust-oriented model, the sword is unparalleled to watch the mud fades that struggle between fingers, and prepare to kill.

But what is surprisingly, although the shape of the mud tire is easily removed, but it will re-condense after a moment, extremely quirky.

"He has already overlined the rules of this universe, you can't kill him." Old respect calm open.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is understood that it is no longer to be killing the mud, and then his source will be sealed.

After you finish this, he grew a sigh of relief, and the disappearance of the mud fetus was a heart disease in millions of years. After being suppressed, everything was finally recovered.

"This is finally completely fixed." The sword is unbearable.

"What is the plan for the next step?" Asked the old.

The sword has no double repay, "return to the Yunxiao Palace, after processing some things, the army enters the universe of the universe, completely killing."

I have nodded and didn't talk.

Using the power of the avenue, the sword has no paired hand to restore this because the battle is damaged.

Spring grass is resurrected, and shelter is retransmond, and all things are in the same time.

However, those monks who are in dancing by the uniforms of the king, but they can't resurreys, with all things to regenerate, countless autopsies are gradually cultivated as a feeding.

Feeling a stinging piercing from the body, coma awakening from a coma in a coma.

"What is going on? I remember that it is not destroyed here?"

Looking at the long grass, the young monk whispered, but very quickly his eyes were transferred to his body, but he could not help but exclaimed.

I saw that his whole body is essay.

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