Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4672? After millions of years

It seems that it is about to disintegrate, the power of filling in the body is slowly scattered in the air.

"This, what is going on ..."

He is a little panic, but it is not unable to connect the easiest turn over.

On the side, I have already wake up the cold dresses, after seeing this scene, I also flashed a shot in my eyes, and how can she not understand what she happened in her eyes.

The sword is unparalleled and the old is falling to the ground, and it is slow to him.

Relying on the sides of the coffin, the half of the young monk's half-body shape has been done.

"Is it too dead?" He looked at him and looked at this god.

The sword is bleak, and the nod is slowed down.

As early as before, when they first contacted, the sword was unparalleled, and the youth monk did not have a hierarchical breath.

Perhaps because of the reasons for the mason, he retains the gods and the dead body.

Nowadays, there is no double town in the sword, and naturally maintain his strength of his body has also disappeared.

From the initial horror, the young monk is relaxed. "I have already been the same as they have been with them. I thought I was the only survivor, but it was boring for hundreds of thousands of years, it's a good sleep. Fortunately. "

After that, after this sentence, the body of the young monk finally became a gum.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a beautiful star, then embellished on the sky.

"Let's go, everything here will leave it to the future." The sword is unparalleled, and the three body shape will eventually disappear.

Originally, the task of millions of years is expected to be 800,000 years in advance, and the sword is unparalleled and others return to the Yunxiao Palace.

In this way, at the end of the thirty year, the sword and the old and the old respect finally returned to the Yunxiao Palace.

And that is silent, but the sword is unparalleled to all the cold di girl, which has long been in a certain day in more than 20 million years.

For high-level monks, it is a closed time, but the poor universe is everything, the power is thin, and the unsuccessful trafficking, the branches are the foundation.

Twenty thousand years, for the Jackdaw girl, it is the most exciting and long life.

Looking at that as a trip to a trip, the sword is unparalleled with a slight smile, enter the Yunxiang Palace.

It is the two dragon children's grandfather to sleep, and continue to sleep.

The returning return of swords did not cause much vibration, because there is no more people in the entire Yunxiao Palace.

Blue and overlord, etc., have been stationed in the starry airway, freshly returned to the Yunxiao Palace, the blood wave supreme leads more than 12 million to the outside world battlefield, and the successful breakthrough invincible, enter the nine robbery of the ancestor Always in the way to Tianmen.

As for the dragon and phoenix family, it has also returned to their respective star fields, leaving only more than a hundred families in the Yunxiao Palace.

Years lapse, Shanyue for the spring.

I have passed another 50,000 years.

On the clouds, the sword is unfunished, the handheld, the jade fish, fishing in the Yunhai.

In his side, accompanying is old, nam, of course, there is a phoenix.

It is tumbling in the cloud sea, and when the hook is eaten, the sword is unparalleled, and the fish will not let the fish touched, so repeated, the music is not tired.

"I said that the sword is unparalleled. Your guy is all boring. It has been fishing for more than 10 million years. A fish is not catching up." The Feng Hao is full of black lines, and the sound is angry.

"Fishing is an extremely considered patience and physical efforts, only 100,000 years, I want to catch a fish, and then catch more than 100,000 years." The sword is unparalleled.

Shake your head slightly, Feng Wei no longer complained, there is also a model of fishing.

Fishing in Yunhai 500,000 years, is also the most exciting years of everyone.

No one will know what will happen, even the sword standing in the universe is unparalleled.

In the next time, blood wave supimity and others in the battlefield outside the domain began to return to the Yunxiao Palace.

Waiting for them, it is the first time after the universe, the first time, the first time.

Every 100,000 years, the initial star ancient road will emerge in a batch of batch of innate geniuses, but only the way to experience the way, it may eventually go to the Yunxiao Palace, become a disciple of the Zhen.

The way of the sky is the way the sword is unparalleled in the achievement of the ancestors, and I want to enter it, first, I will pass the assessment of the star air road.

Everyone is faintly expected, can get nearly more than 20 invincible supreme, and the recognition of a half ancestral super strong person, what kind of shocking genius?

However, there is no longer considering the special existence of the genius, it is no longer considered.

One million years, on that day, the morning clock is long, and the fairy honest is nine days.

Everything is in order to work, and all parties giants gather together.

Before the sword was sitting in the Yunxiao Palace, he was obviously looking forward to the distance, and smiling at the distance.

In the vastness of the cloud smoke, the nine robbery of the snow, and the King of the snow was slowly stepped on the Yunxiao Palace, and it was more than 20 invincible Supreme.

"The Hui Shen, the nine robbery is fortunate." The king of the king arched.

The sword is unparalleled with a smile, and reached the Hua Mang, "I am troubled."

Being can't be shrouded by the mount, the nine robbers and others only felt the fatigue of the body and dissipated.

Then, at the end of the square, the six slightly tender shape appeared in the eyes of everyone.

In the face of the supreme real dragon on both sides of the columns, these six stones don't have a timidity, and the steps are steady.

In the top of these six stones, it is a green shirt, a picturesque Yunxiu youth.

There is no crimfer in his eyes, and some are just a calm calm.

At the same time, he also did not understand in his heart. He came to this most mysterious and belonging to the Yunxiao Palace existed throughout the universe. Why didn't a strange feeling and fear, but there is a kind of inexplicable familiarity?

Take out the unrealistic ideas of the alarm clock, the young man in the blue shirt gradually accelerated.

Recalling everything he has suffered from the vast and horrible day, and the rest of the five people don't have traces, and it is also a quick step.

All the supreme few people in the Yunxiao Palace know, how many people who pass the way through the sky have experienced it.

But they are clear, and they can be sufficient for the universe of the universe.

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