Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4674? Clear

In the same year, the blood wave supreme announced the place of the palace of the Life, the god of life, ushered in the new deputy palace master - that is, the gullet that was killed by the gods.

He is more calm than a thousand years ago, and his eyes have no happiness, as if it has been raw, but the only remains, still have a tender young born.

Millions of years, the Shenli's universe has experienced the war battle, and the fault after the universe of the King is still not completely recovered, and the supreme is only more than 20,000, and the whole generation of the master is almost dead.

There is a sword where there is no double open avenue, such a situation is alleviated, but still needs a short period of time.

The comprehension of the mood, the thorough liquidation of the virtual universe has been put on the schedule.

Before the field of battlefields outside the domain, nearly 200,000 supreme have gathered.

These supremes that have been overwhelmed and survived, and they are in front of the Yunxiao Palace to take millions of years, and it is already an old monster.

Twenty thousand Supreme, 20,000 invincible supreme, each is the existence of the destruction of the star field.

At the moment, they gathered in front of the domain battlefield!

Once again, in this domain battlefield, all kinds of past, have been put on the sword of the Ranger's clothing, and the eyes look at the deep depth.

This time, the universe of the virtual universe will be destroyed, down to the world, up to the star field, do not leave one.

This is the guarantee of the universe, and it is also a commitment to the old respect.

After looking forward to the Supreme Army after an eye, the sword was unparalleled and went to the domain battlefield.

Old respect, blood wave supreme, nine robbery kings, Feng Wei, Long Dilong pool and other people all followed, each of them did not hesitate in the eyes of each person, firmly followed behind the sword.

In the past three hundred years after the war of the catastrophe, the sword of the Zhen Zhen was unparalleled, and began to counterattack and clear the virtual universe.

Waving the unparalleled power of the universe to tear the cracks in the two universe, and the power and virtual power collide with each other in this critical point.

The crack was torn into a french, and after chaotic imagination, it was the star farm of the imaginary universe.

One foot stepped into it, representing the spirit of the Zhen Zhenwu unparalleled with Shen Li's universe power, directly split the star area.

Because the virtual gods, the air transport of the universe has gone to a certain extent, the rejection of the avenue rules has also played a very low role in the supreme of the Shenli universe.

Invincible, the universe, the universe, still invincible, and there is no slight suppression of the realm.

Located in the top of the big army, the sword is unparalleled, and the nearly a thousand star screamers who waved the slack cracks, and the old and others will go to the front of it.

The other side of the ancestral arctoction, the destruction brought is unimaginable.

He waved between, the starry sky was returned to the tide, and the countless star field was directly neighboring, and it was a countless powder.

And 200,000 invincible supreme, and scattered in the universe of the virtual universe.

Every invincible supreme shot is straight and thoroughly bombing a star field.

This counterturbation is terrible and firm, has come to a place where you don't die.

At the range of group destruction, the destruction of half ancestral level is not weak in the ancestral.

Under the long-awaiting of Feng Wei, the endless fire domain will easily put everything into the fire sea, and even the virtual force can be burned.

In the universe of the universe, it has not organized a team of effective resistance. Because the universe of the universe, the death of the universe is in the field of the battlefield, that is, even the star ruler is heavy.

It is also a waving town to destroy nearly a thousand star fields, and the sword is unhealthy in the eyes.

He seems to be waiting for the same, there is no dispersion of the Supreme Army behind him, cautiously.

Wherever the Director of the Universe, the star field is talented, but even some of the heavenly dominates that have problems, it is difficult to escape.

This kind of liquidation is generally destroyed, along with the derived striped Star Sky.

In just one year, the millions of star areas around the crack disappeared. The junction of the universe of the universe is greatly reduced, and the destroyed star gods can no longer be derived, turned into a ridiculous space.

In the face of such a group of enemies, even if the exhaustion of the survival, there is no heart, and they have escaped in the depths of the universe.

If it is done in accordance with such progress, there is no out of chaotic elements, and the universe will inevitably disappear.

However, all things are absolutely, when the special breath belonging to the organization is emerging in front, the sword is unparalleled, and the most difficult enemy is coming.

Originally, it has been exhausted to a certain degree of imperative, suddenly rich to the extreme, the depth of the universe is coming.

Then, tens of thousands of six marks are presented in the aromism of the stars. In their forehead, there is a total of more than ten play organizers.

The sword has no double eyeline, even if it is a strange mask, he also recognizes it!

That was killed by the old respected battle in the battle of the Holocaust, and it was dead to die again. It actually appeared again!

The old frowned is slightly wrinkled, and the inner heart is also rising.

At the same time, it is another treasure of carrying unparalleled treasures to appear in the sky.

As the emperor is crowned, the thunder of the rough dragon is floating around the treasure.

Then the last hitting of the Laozu, also appeared.

All the supreme hearts are sinking, this battle after the war of the hunger, has not been avoided.

Looking at the unimaginable energy, the sword is unparalleled, the time of approximately three million years, the emperor is not seriously injured, but it has improved.

However, the emperor did not take the lead, but said, "Sword is unparalleled, I have no heart, I will fight again, the original road returns all the previously happened."

I heard the words, the sword was unparalleled, "the original road returned? Don't I wait until you have finished cultivating, wait for you to come back?"

, "The sword is unparalleled, you can know what you are doing? The consequences you have completely destroyed, you can't bear it, just even the universe behind you is also unable to bear!"

It took a meal, and the eyes of the emperor looked at the old, whispering, "You, all are just being used by the chess pieces!"

"Even if it is a chess piece? You think that only this sentence can stop the defeat of the universe of the empty universe?" The sword said without a passion, and there is still no wave.

The emperor, and then laughed. "In this case, you are staying here."

With his voice, hundreds of black flags appeared in the air, and the post-instant is thrown into void.

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