Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4675? Bearing the emperor? (On)

After seeing this scene, the sword was dark and shusted, and hundreds of black flags appeared in the sky were the sea flag that was previously lost in the universe of the virtual universe!

But at this moment, this is not effective for the virtual universe before it. Every one is like a big mistake, firmly fixed in the void, and put all the supreme of the Shenli universe. among them.

I don't know what secret law used to use, and the sea of ​​Shenli universe is used, but the sword is unparalleled, they are troublesome.

A sea flag fell into the void, directly cutting the links between the space and the universe, and the body of the body was also unable to derive.

The sword is not a double-shock arm, which belongs to the ancestrality, the endless sea space, but it can't shake.

The emperor smiled, "If you want to break this day, you will die!"

After the words, the emperor in the sea of ​​sea, facing the whole army of the Shenli universe released the power of the avenue rules.

Virtual breaks, such as horrible energy, only the ancestral energy and it!

All kinds of magical pass, the sword is unparalleled directly to release the ancestral surgery, and the long river of the sword!

But that, the power of the avenue rules, easily stranded the power of the world, and even the Changhe River, the Changhe River, only blocked it, and then all shattered.

That kind of terrorist power is getting closer and closer in the sword unparalleled pupil.

But then the old delegates, he directly reached out, blooming endless black water.

The two collided, bloom dull to the extreme, so that all the supreme is full of hands and feet, the heart is running.

It is difficult to imagine horror energy to discharge disproportionate, and the sword is not double-finished.

He is able to feel that the emperor is strong and has become the existence of ultra-off rules.

There is no slightest pause, and the emperor directly locks the sword without double, and releases more horrible energy.

However, the next moment, the old is straightforward, and it is close to the madness of the emperor.

With the attack of the emperor, there were more than ten or more members of the organization, each with horrible half ancestral strength.

After the blood wave supreme is slightly nod, the sword is unparalleled directly, it is straightforward.

"We met again." The stupid and low voice sounded in a bite, and the full scarlet eyes looked at him.

The sword is unparalleled, and now the feelings of my own feelings, it is like a semi-finished product with a bunch of parts. Whether it is talking or moving is stiff.

This is the most direct feeling of swords.

"Don't I do it, I am not ahead of it?" The sword was unparalleled, and then he lifted his sword and bowed to it.

The strange scenes appeared, and there was no dodge, and the vast swordsmann did not twisted him countless pieces.

But immediately, the void suddenly picked several small black holes, and the body of the body was slowly condensed.

"You, can't kill me." Heaven ancient times, and immediately hit the palm of the palm of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled without a big, directly releases the second style of the ownership of the power, and the sky.

The giant giant gangli is raised, and the most purely hit to face a roller.

Extremely flashing a moment, under this hit, his entire body is again turned into a powder.

Looking at the complete disappearance of the one, the sword is unparalleled without a slightest, and the brow is close to the front.

Next, like a gathering tower, it is stunned by the blood of the powder.

Without any sound, the two body shapes collided together, belonging to the strength of the ancestral power hits, issued a big lament.

A sword smashed a head, but only a few seconds were long, which made the sword unparalleled very confused.

He can feel that he can give him a hurt, but it is still not hurting the source of the one.

Instead, it is a bombardment, leaving an indelible injury on the sword unparalleled.

After that repeatedly crushed his body, the sword was unparalleled, and the sword was suddenly realized.

"It's hard to do, this is a mud, from the beginning to the end, is the muddy fetus?"

Holding the attitude of trying a trial, the sword has no double ridge to cracked it into two sections, reach the motion of the original source.

That is a shock of the emperor with the old resilience, seeing the sword is unparalleled, " ?!"

One revealing the sky and fluding with him, the sword is unparalleled, and the original source of the origin is directly in the hands of this thousand.

This time, the strange figure of the mouth can no longer condense.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should die!" The Emperor of the Surrey Weiner did not care, he was forced to open the old, and the sword was unparalleled.

Then, the prison is unbearable, just like to swallow the entire universe, even if it is a grandfather who has achieved a grandfather, I feel the big horror between life and death!

If this blow, his best result is seriously injured!

Lao Zun is no longer too late.

On the occasion of this millennium, the sword is almost instinct, throwing out the neighborhood of the .

This source is exposed to void, and the mud tires can not wait to drill from the stone.

"The sword is unparalleled, I want you to die!" The Qi Ting mason was angry, but he did not wait for him to do it.

He slowly turned back, and the next moment was swallowed by the horror energy of the emperor.

In the entire sea, it is like a hundred million large Japanese bursts, and the vast shock wave directly shreds.

Due to the "dedication" of the , the sword is unparalleled and behind the Supreme March, but tens of thousands of traces of virtual respects under this innocent attack, all of them.

Deep sucking a breath, the sword was unparalleled and looked at the void.

And that can't be killed by Nirvana, it is also under this hit, even the source has never left ...

The emperor is angry, and the long hair is scattered from the emperor.

Feel the crazy collision of your hands in your heart, the sword is unparalleled, and this is the mason dust of the emperor.

After being sealed in the nanshi, the energy that the emperor surged is slightly weak.

For a long time, the emperor of the anger is calm, and the gloom is open, "I also give me the origin, the life and death of the universe, I will not interceach it."

The old respects will come to the sword. There is no double side of the sword, "" I want to go back, I will pass this seat. "

The atmosphere is strange to death, and the emperor is strong and the heart is angry. "Do you really want to die ?!"

"If you want to die, you will not be my Shenli universe, but you, you wholeheat!" The sword is unparalleled.

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