Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4676? Siege Emperor? (Below)

The emperor stared at the sword and finally, "you will regret it, but you will never regret it from now."

After he finished this sentence, the starry sky began to collapse, and nearly 10,000 star fields collapsed at the same time, countless thunders landed in ancient times.

A unique energy that does not belong to the universe of the universe is derived and bored in the weeks of the emperor.

The avenue belonging to the universe of the virtual universe can not be affected, spontaneously collapsed.

I don't know why, the sword is unparalleled after felt the unique energy of the Emperor, there is a very familiar feeling.

Lao Zun has been in the face of ancient wells. At this moment, it will be frowned at this moment, and it is also a grip of the palm of the black water defender.

"Unparalleled, with people returned to the Shenli universe." The old dedication slowly opened.

The sword is not a hyper point. He is obviously the unusual, "Okay, you will go with us."

Lao Zun shook his head, "Don't worry about me, go!"

There is no double opening of the sword, then the emperor of the emptiness, waving the blain, and shrouded everyone.

"All stay, everything has not been retired."

The emperor is open, the arms are slowly opened, and there is no energy to collapse.

The sword is not rising slightly, "Since I can't get it, then the two will kill him!"

Pure and sharp to the ultimate vast swords are like reversing the long river, from the river, the ancestrality is surrounded by the Blog Chamber.

And the old respected of the sword unparalleled, directly followed the river in the river.

Waving down the gods punishment, the etiol code is like a large array, stopping the old figure.

Next moment, like the long sword of the front, the sword is unhappy with the invisible sword.

Then there is no penalty by swords directly, so that the old face is straight!

The black water rod is a huge giant, and the moment is not stopped to him.

I smiled, and the emperor was flying back. From the broken sky, I suddenly condensed an ugly giant side, and I bite directly to the old.

"Dinn." A cold drink sent by Jiu Jing, the swordsmanship of Ta Luo Shen, easily, and easily won the ugly situation.

Two black robes have their own shape, and they will kill the emperor.

In a moment of confrontation in a moment, the sword is unparalleled to feel the weakness of the emperor.

Although the power is still horrible, whether it is for the old or sword, it has not been injured.

When this timing, the sword is unparalleled almost instantly used the body of the body, and strives to create it!

I barely turned into the full blow of the town, the empty door behind the emperor, all exposed in the eyes of the sword.

The Heavenly Gate, the Tianmen is extremely

There is no double sword, the star of the Star River Sea Sword, and the fall is in the middle of the back.

Like Heavenly Star River Pentium, it will cover the entire crush star.

The sword is unparalleled and the old is back, and the face is looked at the shaded starry sky.

Until the vast sword is completely dissipated, a body shape is slowly condensed.

The black golden suit on the body broke half, at his heart, inserted a god sword.

The emperor is low, reaching out, hard to help the head of the head, and then pull out the Toro Shenjian in the heart.

"grown ups!"

Only the six-positions of the six-acts organization were around him.

The emperor smiled and smiled, and the arm was shocked. He could break all things, the Ta Luo Shenjun of one of the ancestors, and suddenly crackled tweak in the sword.

The sword has no double pupil, which is accompanied by him millions of years, and the murd of the Naro God of the Today, it is actually broken!

Polaroid, the sword handle of the Ta Luo Shenjun is thrown in front of the sword.

Reach your hand and catch the sword, he also can't suppress the anger, hovering the invisible sword, and pulling the emperor!

Lao Zun also gone, and a shock of black water treasure is covered.

The black light in the emperor, the vibration arm is waved, the two Wusu are gloring, and the two are directly pumped.

A sword is broken, the sword is a sword, and the hit of the old is also suppressed.

It belongs to the strongest hit of the sword, and it has broken the quirky energy that is surging the emperor, and the black water treasure will then suppress.

"Booming ..."

Endless energy-saving tide swipe, completely swallowing everything, the six-epic organization members who have been avoided have been engaged in it.

The starry sky is broken, and it is naked to death.

The sword is unparalleled in the same place, the breath of the big mouth, the whole right hand arm has split the road crack, the blood is falling.

When the energy tide slowly retreat, the shavitation of the extremely packed shape appeared.

He suddenly coughed with a bite of blood, and the face was unbearable.

"You are defeated." The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is cold.

"I, defeated?" The Emperor said that he said to him, but it is like himself. "How can I be defeated?"

The emperor raised his head and looked at him and the old. "How can I lose!"

Brief, a vast and unparalleled Wusu, from the palm of his hide, straight into the void.


Like Qing Tian Juzhu's , a layer of mulchs, so like the waves spread on the void.

The sword is unparalleled, and the old is very nested.

The Emperor saw the face of the old change, like a bad breath, laughing, "How can I be lost? How can I be defeated!"

"Since you want me to die, don't think of it, I think they can feel my breath, lock here."

"I want you, I will give me a burial!" It is a coughing a bite of a god, and the emperor is already crazy.

"However, there is also a way, the power of choice is in your hands, I will never let them find here."

The sword is unparalleled to the old, and there is a little clear in the heart.

"Do you know what I am the most disgusted?" The low voice rang from the mouth of the old, his eyes gradually icy, "the most disgust, it is threat!"

At the next moment, the black water defenders suddenly, and thousands of black water matched directly wrapped around the emperor and dragging him to the old.

A complete black pupil reflects the raging of all things, and it is a ridiculous thing in which time it is.

The emperor finally was frightened, "No, you can't kill me!"

"The sword is unparalleled, I am dead, Xuan must not promise!" The emperor looked at the sword, like watching the last rescue straw.

After hearing the name, the sword is unparalleled, "Do you know how much about his news?"

"I know, I know a lot, as long as you let ..." Nothing to finish, the old respect has completely killed him, even the soul has never left.

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