Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4681? On the swordway and the left (below)

The years are circulated, and the Yunxiao Palace is already 100,000 yuan in the sword.

The peach blossom is still, the little strangeness of the year is also outdated.

The two under the tree seem to be tired, and the peach blossom branches above the peach tree are going to be refined.

"Don't hit, I am not there." This sentence has become the oral arch of Taoxian, but it doesn't seem to use.

The broken branches have also stacked two hills.

One of the plain shafts, the swords have been in the incompatibility of more than ten thousand years, such as the sword with the front, every attack is exhausted.

Another black shirt shape, his swordway also changed more than ten thousand before opening the big way, like the Tibetan sword in the room, every attack, becoming water.

They are already learning each other!

When the black shirts have the last sword to retreat to the scholarous sword, this 100,000 years is the final wind and stop.

"Don't fight, this is tired." Ding Banyi lengthened a lazy waist, throwing the peach blossom branches in his hand, and then the shape of the gods, re-lying on the top of God.

The sword has no double smile, after throwing the branches to Taoxian, it is also taking the top of the top.

Looking at the clouds in front of the cloud, he asked, "Why did I kill me at the beginning?"

Ding Banyi, "The Trustee, it is still as simple as the kindness,"

This sword is unparalleled, "I just unintentionally entered that Damuy, what happened yet, I have to make a feast?"

Ding Banyi heard that he looked at him.

The sword is unparalleled to refute. I suddenly recalled what, then I was stunned. "What kind of guy who kills in the first time is a strong force?"

Ding Banyi joked his mouth, "The low inferiority is to kill one hundred, but the things happening are the key to getting your life."

"When you leave Da Yan, is it a green?"

The sword is unparalleled, "it seems to be a ..."

"Then you can know that the Qing is a emperor? You are letting a side of the emperor!" Ding Bai B is not good.

"I don't know anything at the time, purely she asks me, I will take help, and then what happened will happen to me." The sword has no double.

"You this guy." Ding Bai Yi shook his head, and no longer opened.

He tested, "Don't you plan to kill me?"

"It's too lazy to kill, this is not interested." Ding Banyan is lazy, "said, if it is now killing you, isn't it a victorious?"

"Then if you don't kill me, go back to how to explain, you are not afraid that the little monarch finds?"

Ding Bai B disdainted, "I only want him to go to the past, I am telling it, why dare to refute?"

Looking at the domineering side leakage, the sword was unparalleled, "When I have a battle, let's try again?"

He adjusted a comfortable posture, "If you count for a day, I will once will handle you in the sword, and I am in full."

"But that day, I am afraid I will never come." Ding Banyu after the last sentence, she slept. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the gods are pulled down, returning to the Yunxiao Palace.

After sleeping for a hundred years, Dine Banye is ready to go.

The sword is unparalleled and the old respects he sent him to the Lokome.

In front of the chaotic spring, the sword is unparalleled to wipe the seal in the chaotic spring, and the sharp energy of the pounds is like a door to open a flying.

It is still a pleasant energism before the vast energy, it is like the immortal.

No one is talking, Ding Bai B is slowly went forward, and after dozens of steps, he slowly turned to see a sword and unparalleled, and then stepped forward.

"Ding Bai B." The sword didn't drink high, and then went forward.

Ding Bai's head is not returning, it is a peach blossom branch.

"I don't see again." Hold the palm of the peach blossom branch, and the post-shaped body is completely disappeared.

Waving the mixed chaotic spring eye, the sword is unparalleled to see the old road, "Old respect, you said that Ding Bai B will enter the air chaos, is there really?"

"Nature, there is no mistake in his realm, and it is a bit discomfort." Laozun replied.

The sword is unparalleled, "It is also asked for a god, which is finally able to have a clear effort."

Lao Zun did not open, stepped smoothly behind the sword.

Yunxiang Palace.

At this moment, only swords are unparalleled and old and sitting, in front of them, they are tied to a black ray.

That is a cost source of the emperor, but also a mason.

"Old respect, is there a way to destroy it?" The sword has no double silence.

Old nod, put on the palm of the palm, and the plain is on the ray of the ray.

The runes with destroyed means have risen, and the number of black smoke such as silk is surging, and ultimately completely dissipated, and no longer left half of traces.

"So, is that the emperor is really true?"

Old nodes.

The sword is unparalleled, then holds the chin to puzzle with the hand, "What is the mason? What is it? King did not hesitate to destroy the heaven, and the tens of thousands of monks must condense, it is the emperor and mud tires?"

"Docking tires, in fact, it is actually the past observations, all the practice of dust, all the feelings of themselves," The collective of these aspects. "Explain the old audience," and I want to enter the Dawei Step by step, it will be cut off from the past. "

"The Ket is what you want to enter that Damuo?" The sword has no double.

Old Zun, "does not rule out this possibility, but from itself, it is necessary to enter the realm of the Deman, which will also be hit hard, so he will induce so many monks to fill his mason."

"It turns out," The sword is not a hyper point, "" Now there is a set of inner and outdoor, and then in the universe of the universe should also mention the schedule. "

The old, "" More than 100,000 years, I need to call for a while. "

It is also analyzed that after several days, the old respect has exited the Yunxiao Palace back to his residence.

Standing in the vast square, the sword is not paid directly.

If the organization has disappeared with the emperor, the universe is completely open.

If the sword is unparalleled, it is to do it for the dream of the Shenli's universe, completely eradicate!

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