Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4682? Old disappears

For the supreme strong, the 100,000 years of years is just a sense of feelings.

To soon more than 10,000 invincible Supreme at the same time, for the next clearing, do full preparation.

The sword is unparalleled to enter the realm, and the swords in the love of Ding Bai B will in the knowledge.

100,000 years of Keath, swords are unparalleled to learn, which is indispensable for the framework of full swords.

At the same time, he is also looking forward to it, there is a day and the true confrontation of Jianxintebelle!

On the cloud, Yunxun Yun Shu, the avenue slowly flowing.

At 100,000 years, the world is more prosperous, and the Zongmen ancient school is lonely, and it is staged at the same time.

And for the surprise of the big boundaries of life and death, it is nothing but the point is one.

After 100,000 years, all the invincible supremes that have been closed, and the power has been adjusted to the most peak.

For this moment, the dragon and phoenix family is almost in front of all the respects of the family to the Yunxiao Palace.

If you can completely eradicate the universe, this will be unparthed for them!

Taozzi in the blue shirt, slowly came to the sword and unparalleled, "Master, they have come."

The sword is unparalleled and slowly opened, and the avenue breath has flowed from him.

When he habled, he saw it, but did not see the old figure.

Under the heart, the sword is unparalleled, "" Daisan, I will come. "

Chrystead, and then rush to the old residence.

"Master, this time I want to follow you to practice." Taoquan to respect the regular road, "I also hope that the teacher promised."

The sword is unparalleled, "It's okay, you will come together this time."

Dao Yan is awaiting, likes to look out, "Thank you Master."

At this moment, the shadow of the smocks appeared, "Big, adult, and old are not in his residence, it seems that it is gone!"

In this words, the sword is unparalleled in the heart, even if it is flying to the old residence.

The old blood wavelength is in the eyes of each other, and then following the sword without double.

In Yunhai, a most ordinary house is an old resident.

Feel the richness of the wealth, the sword has no double heart, and then pushes the door.

Above the wood bed, a black robe is back to him.

"Old respect?" The sword was unparalleled.

Then, the figure on the wooden bed got up, the unique face of the old, appeared in his eyes.

The sword is unparalleled, but he doesn't wait for him to open, but the old respect is first.

"Unparalleled, I am gone, where I should go, you just haven't been here, everything don't read."

"As for the conditions that I have said to you before, it is a joke, I will forget, I don't want you to go to the step, those I have experienced, I can't happen again."

"No, where do you want to go?" The sword shook his head without double again, he tried to not let the old to leave. "Are you only going to the latch Dawu?"

However, this is only the last moving figure left by the old, and cannot touch it at all.

Lao Supi finally looked at the sword unparalleled in the eyes of the sword. "These days, these days, I am countless, staying around you, let me look back to me when you are young, but I am It is to leave. "

"Remember, never come to Damu, this is what you shouldn't know, I will forget this."

After all of this, the old figure finally dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled, but only just hold a small small star.

At this time, the old is completely disappeared. He disappeared is too clean, as if there is never existed in the universe.

The sword is unparalleled, and the distressed is sitting on the wooden bed.

Lao Zun is for him, and also friends, if not him, the whole of the universe is only a long, and the creatures are tied.

However, the Shenli's universe has now been completely victorious, but he is like a passenger quietly disappeared.

This makes the sword unparalleled, in his heart, the existence of the old respect is almost equivalent to Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi is a teacher, the old is a friend, but the two have disappeared, and there is no trace of no trace, and even inexplicably.

They are like a passenger in the sword without a pair of life, giving him a unparalleled trend and help, but I don't know what to do, disappeared without leaving a ribbon.

"Da Yan, all everything must be related to the Damy of the death! I have all the answers I want to know, I must be there!" The sword is unlocking, he wants to step into time and space in the sky. , Go to the place where the god is, but then give up.

What should he gone? What should I do with the universe? The virtual universe does not except, the Shenli universe is indispensable for a day.

But in fact, if it is really unparalleled universe, he can't come down.

After all, the universe of the virtual universe is too vast, and the same spirit is not even less than the universe.

If you have a slaughter, you will be too horrible.

And the old respect seems to have seen the idea of ​​swords and unparalleled inner hearts, only quietly left.

For a long time, swords are unparalleled in their hands, and they are soft, "Old respect, I am sorry for you."

The door of the hut is quietly close, and he is quiet.

Although blood wave supreme and others don't know what happened, but they have gouaven probably, all returned to the Yunxiao Palace, waiting for the arrival of swords.

Only Dao Yan is still standing outside the door.

The millennium is lost, and the closed door is also open again.

The sword is unparalleled, he looked at the road to the road waiting to be awarded, and barely smiled. "Why not go?"

"I can feel the sadness of the teacher, but I don't know how to share, I can only wait for the door, the disciples are dull." Dao Yan was honored to promote the development.

The sword is unparalleled, and then the shoulder of the lard, "I will go to a place with me."

Dao Yan to the first suited, followed by the sword without double reaching, flying towards the distance.

Under the stars, the intangible avenue slowly flowed, and countless air transport was re-derived.

The universe of the watches after the most tragic catastrophe, because there is a shelter of the Zhen Zhen, gradually recovering.

Dao Yan is still behind the sword, and it is not stopped at all.

Getting the place of birth machine, and the broken star fields are in his eyes, and there is a feeling of a long time.

The more you go to the edge of the universe, and the feelings of the kind of murder are more and more strong. It is the funeral land formed after the war of the catastrophe!

And Dao Yan is unparalleled with the sword, and finally it is in the field battlefield.

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