Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4683? Changing the rules

Feel the blood left by the foreigners, a smoothing that can't be inhibited.

Looking at the boundless never-edge, almost the corpse of the countless gods, sputant is shocked by his stability and shocking!

He is unimaginable at all. What kind of catastrophe is here, what happens here, even a ancestral level is falling!

Half ancestors, invincible supreme, half-step invincible supreme, done with this, and the rich death is the main color of the domain battlefield.

When he did not fall, he had a freshman, and the sword was in full sword, and it was unimaginable to the talent to make him proud of all the groups.

There have also been Super Zongmen who have assured him. They are all rushed by their swords, but there are friends, but the Wanli Xinghe, this is his first straightforward.

The sword is unparalleled, but waving a vast painting.

The whole battlefield of the whole dead and desolate domain is like a living, the miserable bones, the bones, and the people.

One of the most vivid people have gradually woke up.

A broken snow sword picked the old bonus of the halo, quietly smiled as a long river to block the army.

By tympily, Vangi can pass Daily old ancestors, generous to die.

Feng Tian's ancestors made a sterilization of the gap and left a fire in the universe.

There is also the gods to ban the gods and disappeared in time and space.

And many monks who are not known as many names, all of which are dying in the domain battlefield.

The purest blood and fire are constantly impacting the hearts of Dao Yan. He is the first time to feel the tragic and unable to speak.

This picture is finally broken by the sword without a double sword, and everything is restored.

The sword is unparalleled to look at him, and "this is everything happening millions of years ago."

The Dao Dikin is in the dark, "disciples will remember the foreman, until the death."

The sword has no double smile, and later, "continue to travel."

After the words, the two body shape flew in the cracks of the two universe.

Waving the crack of the virtual universe, the sword is unparalleled first step into it.

Of the uncenestible star fields, nearly 100 star rules have patted the wind, stationed in the edge of the crack.

When I saw the crack being torn, the light is full of vast Huang, which is enough to make them easily erudits the Zhen Zhen. All star rules are desperate, and even the action of escape cannot be made.

Taozzle raised a resentment in the Daojun, and raised his hand to kill these curators.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but he waves to stop the Dao, he slowly shake his head, then floating forward.

Dao Yan took the palm of his hand and watched the neighborhood, and kept the sword.

That more than a hundred demots are like a circle in the middle of death. All are sweaty, and they look at each other. The highest in the realm is also the longest sport to take a deep breath. "Notify the nearest star field. , You can escape, just flee more. "

"But who can escape?" A disappointment of a broken arm stunned, and then looked down his own source and turned to fly ash.

Yes, even the gods are killed by him, who can escape?

The endless virtual and unstable sky, the sword is unparalleled, and he seems to be engraved into the mind all the scenes of the universe.

Then, millions of men have begun to rush from all star fields, all are desperate, watching the sword.

Dao Yan has been accomplished, and it is ready to fight.

There is no matterr in the sword. If you don't look at the dead, you have gathered nearly 10,000.

As he said, even if it is a double demot, it is just a way to kill.

Now he is going to do, it is a matter of no preceding.

He wants to change the avenue rules of the universe!

I don't know how many years, the sword is unparalleled to the center of the universe, surrounding the spheres under his body have no edges.

Slowly spit out a large road rule of the Shenli universe, the sword is unparalleled, and the sacred Huang began to be restrained.

Then, a smeared atmosphere begins to emerge.

The appearance of this breath, all the sputum is unrecovered.

That is the power! Represents the virtual force of the universe!

With the more and more breath of the black, after a certain critical point, the sword is unparalleled, the nature has turned into virtual pattern!

Tao Yan is also shocked, shocking to not add, which represents the gods of the universe, and control the Zhen Zhen of the Avenue Rules. Can you practice your strength? !

Along with the sword is unparalleled to become a virtual god, there is no virtual force, the avenue rules of the entire virtual universe are closer to him.

This is the pupil of Nikin. It has already changed to itself, which is more cold than the virtance, so that all the cute is the cold, they can't believe everything that happened in front.

The sword has no double-eyed light slowly swept away from the territory, and then raised his hand to hold the avenue!

The avenue of the virtual universe is obedient in his hand, slowly flowing.

Then he began to modify the rules!

Tiandi flrooping, constant fusion changes, the avenue rules contain too many, all things, practice, heavens and earth, people, all changed at a point.

In some way, the sword is unparalleled for the avenue, it has exceeded the ancestral!

The avenue rules accompanied by the universe of the universe were modified, and everything gradually became elegant.

The days of being destroyed began to reshape, and the virtual power is still, but the accompanying skills of each of the universe, it is removed.

Then, the balance is destroyed, and the born malt is removed from the sword unparalleled from the unparalleled rules!

And thorough erase, will not be able to stay in the blood.

Every chenotard felt the changes in the body, and the Dantian specializing in the explosive explosion has disappeared, it seems that there is no general.

When the sword is unparalleled, he also converts the vast flap to the power.

He came to the virtual universe, it was completed.

If it is not completely covered with the universe, it is necessary to make it a subtle balance to the universe.

This balance is completely removed from the avenue rules of the universe!

In some way, this is the sword unparalleled to give up the clearing of the universe of the virtual universe.

When I come here, the disuveor has no virtual explosion and then can't make the monk to decline!

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled and resolutely buryed a part of the source of the universe, so even if there is no meaning in the future, he can finally shelter the universe.

"I have already completed the avenue of the universe of the universe. When I came, the universe of the virtual virtual virtual universe could not set foot a step of the universe, and the violation avenue was shared."

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