Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4684? I want to be born

This last sentence is that the sword is unparalleled with the identity of the god, and a ban on the avenue.

This is another guarantee, even if the universe is dying, it will not disappear unless there is a stronger to rebuild the rules.

After doing everything, the sword is unparalleled and not looking at this universe, and it will be draped towards the crack.

Standing on the edge of the crack, looking back in the territory of the world, he looked at the Dao Zun Zun Road, "Remember, your mission is the guardian universe."

"Disciples are remembered, do not forget it." Dao Yan is sufficient.

There is no double point of the sword, waving, unparalleled, completely blocking this crack, together with the rest of the nearly 100 cracks, is completely blocked.

This time, the two universe may have no contact. The virtual universe wants to grow a virtual god, which will be a long time to have time.

After the crack is blocked, the sword is not going to have a sorrowful place. The one that makes the universe that he is desperate from desperate hope, he has never been forgotten.

The burial god in the land of the sorrow, did not stop the figure, still still, countless gods lying quietly, still fresh.

Become a ancestral, after standing in the universe, the sword is not aware that the gods in the sorrowful land, each is surpassing the existence of the ancestral, and is not a Shenli universe.

But it doesn't belong to the universe, why will it be the use of power, which is also the most doubtful place in the sword.

Didn't find the body shape, the sword is unparalleled, and it is finally separated.

At this time, the internal and abundance of the Shenli universe eliminates, the times in the heavens and the earth come.

On the side of the Yunxiao Palace, the Dao Pavilion.

The sword is lying in the peach branch, looking at the god of the clouds.

Xiaoxian wanted to climb the next to him, and the greedy horing the little nose to draw the avenue of the Zhenon.

And the Taozzi replaced by a plainhead is sitting in the peach tree. The priests of the swords before and more beneficial to him.

The nine robbery and others are rare to gather together, and they are not sleeping with swords.

After the War of the Competition, the Shenli's war has gradually entered the right track, and there is a sword that has a sword. There is no bonus of the world, and the power between the heavens and the world is enough to make up for the realm of Qinghuang.

And they "old guys", and finally can rest.

"What are you thinking about? Ten years, I saw that after you came back from the universe of the virtual universe, I lost the soul," On the side of the sword, the nine robbery slowly opened, "You are too tired, you need to rest to rest Older, forget to forget it forever. "

The sword is unparalleled without opening, and it is good to say, "How do you say Dao Yan?"

The nine robbery king opened his eyes and looked at him, and later, "the heart is calm, and it will definitely, there is a very rare fearless spirit. In the way, he will resist the remaining five people in the way. The only place is easy to be too dead. "

The sword is unparalleled, but I didn't talk.

The nine robbery is sitting, looking at his eyes firm, "For anyone, anything you pay is enough, don't consume yourself, stable."

"Just like the Zhen Zhen, An An stable guards here, and the universe of Shen Li is already big enough."

The sword is unparalleled from the branches, reaching out to smash the little peach fairy into the odor.

"Nine robbery, you know, I can't be stagnant, the Shenli universe has been completely detached from the distress, but everything I want to know is also hidden in the fog, I have to find it."

"I originally thought that I would like to know everything I want to know, but I am knowing now, everything is early."

The brow of the nine robbery is slowly wrinking. "You have to find the old?"

The sword is not a double point, whisper, "Yes, but not only for the old, there are other people, I want to completely understand that the so-called" "

"Where are you going?"

"One, maybe it is a very distant place."

"What is it?" "The nine robbery is serious.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is gradually determined to look at the distance from the distance. "I want to enter the big derived!"


The vast road is central, only the sword is unparalleled at this moment.

He sat in the past, the unpacking the avenue slowed down, forming a golden water, sacred.

At the beginning, the conversation between the Yunxiao Palace was around in the ear.

"The so-called mud fetus is generally the past observations, all the practice of dust, all of themselves, all of these three aspects."

"To enter the first step in the big, it is to cut the dust to the world."

If the echo flows in Qingquan, it is a character flow.

The sword is unparalleled to open his eyes. He has already standing in the universe, the original mortal mason, has already broken through the realm of a time, step by step becomes a ancestral body.

In addition, he is also a superficial chaotic, literal mud, it does not stop his foot.

The mud fetus understands that the sword is unparalleled is to completely cut the past, whether it is practice or memories.

But this is the past, even if it is the trauma of the ancestral, I am afraid it is difficult to estimate.

Millions of years of practice sentiment, obsession, memory disappeared, what can he still have?

Is it so terrible? Is it so terrible?

After a short hesitation, the sword was unparalleled to make this ceremony!

In an instant, the avenue is sorrow, and it belongs to the ancestral air transport to venting from his body, and it is returned to the heavens and the earth.

At this moment, all the ancestors, and invincible supreme are sitting in the confession, incredibly, to look at the roadside above the Yunxiao Palace.

Blood wave long ago sitting in the sitting, after filling this scene, the foot is directly falling directly.

The nine robbery and others did not dare to confuse, and instantly rushed to the Yunxiao Palace.

However, due to the cause of the ban, all the semi-ancestors could not be close to it. They can only look at the sword unparalleled body, and the ancestral air transport is returned to the world.

He is self-solving the source!

"The sword is unparalleled, fast, stop!" Feng Yi crazy pat in banned knots. "Do you know what you are doing? That will die!"

The cold tears of the frost drops from the eyes slipped, as his wife, how can she feel that the sword is unparalleled?

Cool, such as the nine robbery, no longer calm down, he rushed to the cold as frost, turned into the eyes, "You are his wife, only you can advise him, he is in the self-destruction of the ancestors!"

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