Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4686? Wan Duzheng

Old respect!

The sword is unparalleled, and the horn sweat is like a spring.

The burning to the ultimate pain in the whispering meridians disappeared, and the echo is not.

He held his hand, which represents the ancestral avenue has already dissipated, and the air transport has been returned to all the fields.

When he came to, he will contact it in the entire Shenli universe.

"In order to find that it is almost unreasonable, all is worth it?" He asked, but no one can give him an answer, everything can't be turned back.

In exchange, the sword is unparalleled, and the temple is coming to the main hall of Yunxiao Palace.

At this time, the nine robbery of the Yunxiao Palace, the old blood wavelengths, the people are gathered here, seeing the sword is unparalleled, it is a glimpse, and then all rushed over.

"Zhen Zhen, you are fine, it's okay!" The blood wavelength is full of red, very reluctant to look at the sword.

The nine robbery is still very young, but the concerns of concerns are intended to sell his faceless expression.

The sword is unparalleled, "Nothing, I can't die temporarily, but I will not continue to succeed in the Zhen Zhen, I will succeed from everyone in each person."

"No, I don't agree!" The blood wave is directly opposed to the road. "There is no palace owner, the Zhen Zhen is only you, and it is only competent, this is not our choice, but the choice of Tiandao!"

"We also don't agree," the Zhen Shen people. "Long Dilongchi is at the same time.

The sword is unpaired, "I have returned the Tiandao gas transport. From this day, the Tiandao will make a choice from each of you."

After that, he raised his hand to return to the Long Emperor, and the ancestral atmosphere was returned in Long Dragon Pool. At the same time, he would attach it to the heavens of the heavens who did not want to leave.

At this time, I am hungry in the quiet Yunxiao Palace, then the same figure is the same as the sword.

The four eyes are relatively, the sword is unparalleled to the true film.

Then, the masonia was placed as a shot of the flow of flowers into his palm.

The stream of flowers like Huang is like the size of the broad bean, as the heart is generally in regular rhythm.

"What is this?" The blood wavelength is a little confused.

The sword is unparalleled, "This is my past."

Subsequently, he said, "All, I have to leave the day, go to the lower bound. But some trivial things."

"This time, I will go with you." The nine robbery is calm, and the tone is determined.

The sword is not a double point.

From the Yunxiao Palace, he finally looked at the vast Yunxiang Palace, and then stepped into the world.

"Is it decided?" In the world, the Ten Tiandou, the nine robbery appeared in front.

The sword nodded without a double point. "After I will send it to the lower bound, I am going to leave."

"No matter when you come back, you have to remember that we are waiting for you." The nine robbery turned to him.

The sword has no double smile, and then she took his shoulder, "I know."

The universe of the universe, including the world, but the number is the largest, or the world is a thinner.

Sitting among the clouds, the sword is unparalleled to watch the evil light in the palm of the palm, and the past is also in the heart.

Once the past is turned back, he will have disappeared millions of years of memory and obsession.

However, the sword is still resolutely decreasing.

"You don't want to stay in the Yunxiao Palace, what is it throwing him in everything?" I can not understand the king, "You can know such, his life is mostly two hundred years old? Have?"

He slowly, "can enter the wheel back, no a good thing is not."

The nine robbery helpless shook his head, and later, "Let's go, I will go to the lower bound with you. What will he go to?"


Changping County White House.

With the cry of a baby, the rainstorm never stopped on the 10th, and the heavens and the earth were clear.

The white gods inside and outside the lights, the big red lanterns spread in dozens of miles, each servant is full of face, and after receiving the money and the appreciation of the house, they will be safe.

The lady in the early November is finally a child, and at the same time, almost spread the floods of the entire county city, and the people are surprised.

Anyone who went to the White House to say that the news of the Ten Wen Yixiao, and the people surrounded by the aquacultures surrounded by the White House.

At the same time, there are two body shapes that are in a sate, walking forward in the gallery of the White House, but the passenger servants in the past are not seeing.

"This is a reincarnated kid, is it you? Or is it your past?" One of the abundant gods, like a young opening of God.

Another body shape is somewhat thin, but the double-eyed young man, replies, "It's me, but I am, after leaving my body, it is an independent little guy."

The nine robbery kings quietly smiled. "Since you say that he is different from your individual, then I give him a fairy, let him worship me as a teacher? This is what you are gone, and the Yunxiao Palace is also successive."

"No, I will be helpless." Sword is unparalleled, "So, too many hidden dangers may expose, even if it is me, don't know how to peel off from the body, what is the consequences, and the sure is better to let him flat Anan's step into the reincarnation. "

"Well, all according to you." The king of the king laughed, "Who makes you a Zhen God."

"I haven't been there today, I don't want to be competent."

"Is it decided?"

There is no double point of the sword. At the same time, I looked at him, "and the nine robbers will be the last card I stayed in this universe."

The nine robbery is the first, "understand."

Both people talk, they have come from a voyage from the promenade.

In the door, there is only one couple in the room.

"Lady, you are fortunate." The half-time passenger bed, a middle-aged man crossed the woman's palm of the woman.

And the woman smiled and looked with the lips, "unfortunately bitter."

In the shaker wrapped in a damask, a lip red and white baby is looking at a pair of round eyes, curious and two figure.

The nine robbery king made a ghost face, and the finger finger his finger on the forehead of the little guy.

A warmth of the warmth floods into his brain.

"Since you don't want me to give this little fairy, then I will let him live in the old, live to five hundred years old, her children's grandchildren, no disease, no disease ..."

The little guy giggled, and the first deciduous teeth started on the pink toba bed.

The sword is also a laugh, and the crystal tears have quietly fallen from his eyes.

"Take the robbery, let's go."

"it is good."

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