Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4687? Dagan

In the 32nd year, Changping County Baifu is born, and there is no illness and no disaster, and the future is none.

After thousands of water, sometimes the reincarnation is not a blessing.

Still maintaining a crushing of the Lotu star field, only two body shapes at this moment.

The nine robbery is far away from the empty, watching the thin but firm figure step forward.

He doesn't know this, when will he come to see, but everything has been made to change.

That amazing, all people's renewal, they left.

The sword has finally looks at the nine robbery kings, and the mouth is slightly piloted, and the back is back to the vast space like the star river, step into it.


Billion of Shenmang is like a tassel, and finally thoroughly thoroughly, and it is inevitable.

The nine robbery is standing in the same place, and if it is lost, it seems that the sword is unparalleled.

However, in the universe of the world, there is no shortage of the sword where the sword is missing.

He is like a future, but also a passer in a hurry, no one knows what he is finally going.

For a long time, the nine robbery kings whispered, "Dadi? I recorded."

With the horror ghost in the time and space, the sword is unparalleled almost in an instant, feels the pain of the skin from the body.

Thoroughly cut the past, peeling with the mud True shadow, a ancestral gas transport is also returned to the universe.

While disconnecting the ancestral pass, he also entered the land of the Deman.

That is a more mysterious realm, Xuan Miao is even a successful promotion of swords, it is difficult to say.

However, when he is the only time, the Dano is a special existence of a super ancestral.

Because of the marker of the Danafun, it is not higher than how much the gods, but there is a unique growth of no energy.

The Damai is also a marker that enters the big derived.

The sword is unparalleled in the current situation. He has a complete step, but a delay is still in a weak state, it is difficult to effectively resist spatiotemporal.

You know, even if you are in the realm of Jianxintebell, you can't eat a big loss of time and space.

After careful, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled.

He no longer wandered in time and space like the headless flies, and there was a weak force in the meditation.

I don't know how many years in the darkness of the chaos, just when the sword is unparalleled, it will be exhausted, and there is an emitted white-door crack appeared in front of him.

The sword is unparalleled without being hesitant, and it will be across them directly.

Almost at the same time, the layer is unparalleled in his body. This is the sword who is about to the oil, where there is still the power, it will be dull.

History is always similar, the second time I came to Da Yanzhong's sword, but also like the first time, the wolf ...

The pain passed through the limbs, and the latter is waking down together.

The sword is unparalleled from the dizzy, and I will see it. I saw two small shadows. They were like smiling and looking at him.

"It's clear to wake up, and dare to continue to kill?" One of them smiled, and took a black bone long whip from the waist, the horrible black purple wind, and the sword was unparalleled.

Even if I wake up from the coma, but I deep into the battle in my bones, let him almost shot, the big hand is directly holding the turn tip, and it is a palm of the pair.

It is conceivable that the sword is unparalleled, it is inevitable to easily kill it.

But next, a strange scene appeared.

The sword is unparalleled with a double neck, and the floral lock is suddenly released, and he is directly in the limbs, and it will imprison it.

"Hey ..." The sword is unparalleled, and directly falls directly.

And by the murderous, scared legs, shaking, shaking, the big man dared to let go, directly screaming.

At the same time, the clouds in the dark clouds suddenly have a thunder tumbling.

Hongyu landed, flushing the earth.

The sword is lying on the ground, such as imprisonment, let him have a breath.

On the earth with black gray, there is more than 10,000 clothes that are not covered, while the flood is landed from the sky, they all look up, and they are rushing through the rain.

Everyone's neck, all of which is wrapped in a chain, and the soul of their demean is banned.

In the rainy rain, a thin-thinned figure slowly came to the sword unparalleled, then extended a arm, directly put him on his shoulders, and walked toward a huge cave.

The rainstorm, more than 10,000 have slowed into the cave.

I don't know how long it took, the sword is unparalleled, and it is full of dark flares.

"I, where is this ..." He barely supported his body.

When I saw nearly a thousand-way body shape, the sword was unparalleled.

How can I get so many people in such a cave?

Everyone looked at him with a numbly empty eye, and did not send a word.

And the slimming shadow of him in the hole, at this moment, I got up and down, and then the laminated, "sleep, tomorrow, there is still a life, the province is exhausted."

As his voice falls, everyone is lying directly to the ground, and the cave is more strange to death.

Slow down the depression in the heart, the sword is unparalleled, "here, where is it?"

"Your cemetery." Thin shadow is simple.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is tested with the chain strand with the neck with hand.

However, he is just a slight touch, and there is no more power from the lock chain iron card.

Time passed quietly. When the last shit in this huge cave disappears, everything really is really dead.

"Wake up, get up and work."

With the slight push, the sword is unparalleled.

The sky outside is already on, and the people who live in this cave began to walk towards the exit.

Thin shadow is a head, and then leaving.

The sword is unparalleled, and the team will keep up with the team.

Although the sky is bright, there is no trace of the big sun, and the distant sky has a strong dark cloud.

Dozens of nearby black mountains with the sky, and the prisoners of more than 10,000 necks with chain strands are the main tone here.

The sword is unparalleled, and the place he arrives is Dachang.

This kind of scene is could not help him start.

How did he come to this place, it seems to be a prisoner?

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