Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4688? Prisoners

The sword is unbeaten, swaying the heart, starting to observe the same prisoners as his situation.

At this point, I couldn't help but shocked him. Every prisoner's realm, there is no lower than the ancestor!

What is the concept? Even if it is the battle of the catastrophe, the Shenli universe and the ancestors of the universe are never more than 30, and some of them are members of the Organization.

But now, the minimum level of these prisoners is actually a half ancestor?

100,000 ancestors? Rao is a unparalleled force of swords and is also shocked.

Is this a big derived? !

Even the realm of prisoners has reached such a step, and the sword is not dare to imagine what terrible existence in this Dawu.

After deep sucking, forcibly depressed the inner shock, the sword is unparalleled and the eyes look at the nearest black mountain.

It took more than 100,000 prisoners, directly differentiated into ten teams, with a team of metrology units, like a long dragon to enter different Montenegro.

This team where the sword is unparalleled, then go to the largest black mountain.

When he was about to enter the huge mine, he saw that there were hundreds of tens of thousands of wearing a black robe.

I don't know why, I saw them, and there was a feeling that the sword was unison.

But I couldn't help but look, the prisoners behind him pushed him forward.

In the mine like the abyss, there is no imagination of darkness, but a hazy purple will have a dream like a mine.

The sword is unparalleled, and those who are like purple is flavored from a purple sand distributed in the mine.

With the deepening of the team, this has a total of more than 10,000 teams, and there is a small small abdomen in this Montenegro.

At the same time, hundreds of queues in the black robes have divided the team into more than 100.

In this hundred people in which the sword is unparalleled, under the leadership of the monographer, I entered a largest mine.

"It's really not enough, you came here, just stepped into death." He flashed a piece of plaic in the thin body of him, "Ready."

The sword is unparalleled, and a huge black whip is directly tapped to the thin body shape, and he smoked him, and blood is random from the chest.

That's the troops of the troops in the front of the team, turning over the cold and looked at the sword, and then continued.

Looking at the realm of half ancestor, the sword has no double-sided no expression, and then turned his low, "What do you mean by what you said?"

"The bait is a bait!" Skinny, "he, as long as Laozi can't die, sooner or soon, so early!"

"Baixun." The sword was unparalleled after the bottom of the heart, and he cached guessed what happened.

This shrouded in a swearing mine, the more burning, until the end, the sword is unparalleled, and the mountain of this Montenegro is deep, it is empty?

There are countless huge black vines like stone carvings on the stone wall, and it seems to be awake at any time.

At the same time, on the stone walls around these , they were notified with countless special purple grantrices.

Standing at the top of the black robe monteeo slowly turned around and looked at this 100-person team, "jump."

However, there is no one to go forward.

It seems that it has already been expected to have this situation. The black bones of the black bones are directly swayed, and nearly 20 people are rolled out, throw it under the abyss.

Next, the most shocking scene appeared, that was originally attached to the stone wall, slowly awake, like a tenth day, directly rolled up the prisoners of the abyss, stuffed into the unknown darkness Among them.

All prisoners who saw this scene were the back of the next consciousness, and shaking like sie.

However, the black robe monitors smiled coldly, while the figure was retracted, and the returned channel will be blocked with pounds.

At the same time, a Tonglianzi-like vine, quietly appeared in front of this lack of prisoners.


The vines hare, and the prisoners are walking directly.

The sword is not a double brow tight, the feet are abyss, have not retired!

The thin body on his body looked at the sword and was unparalleled, and then jumped into the air in the air.

The other divisions also followed it, and the teeth jumped up.

The sword is not bored, and it is equally jumped.

The foot is hard as a rock, a slightly purpose force at the foot, and the gravel dropped.

"This kind of thing is actually living ..." The sword is unparalleled in his heart, and it began to consider how to get it.

He has already resumed in the trauma of the time and space, and the in vivo derivation has reached its peak.

However, the chain chain iron in the neck is like the rules of the avenue, and the derivatives in his body's meridians have been imprisoned.

Today's sword is unparalleled, and it is difficult to achieve it even ancestral ancestral.

The only thing that makes him is somewhat, the self-pride, and the ancestral surgery can still be used, and there is no problem with the temporary self-insurance.

Between the Row between this vine, the danger is not weak in the past.

Each is enough to make the half ancestral easily of the vines, like tentacles, usually crazy.

Just under these photos, these prisoners of prisoners of nearly two hundred people have been less than ten.

"Stick to, as long as we adhere to the rest of the people, we will live!" I don't know when the thin body shape on the sword is unparalleled side, "Follow me, I will not die!"

The sword is quiet and quiet, "" first keep your life and talk about other. "

"You don't believe me?" The thin hair is lighted.

The sword is unparalleled, "Letter are natural letter, but who is here, not?"

The thin body is not talking again. After reading a sword, the body is like a ghost, disappearing in the surrounding of the vine.

And the sword is unparalleled to avoid the attack of the vines.

When the last scream is abrupt, this whole abyss is only survived.

One is the sword is unparalleled, and the other is naturally the slimming shape.

Although there is no realm in today's occasion, the sword is unparalleled, and the skinny is not a common half apron.

The two are far away, and the next tacit understanding, the sword is unparalleled, and then I will ask, "How long does it still have to persist?"

Skinny is slowly raised up a finger.

"one day?"

"No, it is a year."

"What, one year?"

The thinness of thin body smile, "Only waiting for this everyone to eat, after falling, they will take the rest of the team, and the best time we escape!"

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