Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4694? Former Emperor

The spring and autumn face change, the kind of unpleassed breath through the world, absolutely surpass the Montenegro!

It is the sword where there is no pair of calm, and the back is close to the front.

"Sword, Sword, I will leave, let's leave, this is probably not that we can deal with ..." Spring and Autumn Sound line trembled, it has been born.

In his opinion, leaving is not necessarily dead, but there is a certain violent.

Even if he believes that the sword is unparalleled, it is difficult to imagine that the realm of the delay is imprisoned, how is this unpleasant battle?

With the wind of terrorism, this whole red sand is actually illusion into the giant side!

And the sword is unparalleled and spring and autumn is standing above the nose of giant.

Two rounds like the paint black eyelids of the prison, like a non-never-husky black sea, make people only look at it as if they fall into the abyss.

"The brother, no longer came." A cold sweat flooded from the Spring and Autumn Cape.

The sword is unparalleled, and he looks at him. "Do you still want to go back to the prisoner of the silver river?"

The spring and autumn are shocked. The past has picked up the heart, and his eyes gradually firmly, bite the teeth, "that will fight!"

The red sand wasteland is in the giant surface that is condensed, in addition to standing with a sword, there is a girlfling of the same shape as a gathering.

That is a figure that is wearing Jinxiu Die, even though the emperor has been broken, but it is still difficult to hide the Qiyi's posture.

Long happened to be a broken grass, swinging around the wind, there is a high thin old man with a good old man, and the one-fashioned emperor of the wind.

It's just that this is especially good, "it's the true Wuyang old boy. Who is giving you a confidence?"

The Spring and Autumn Spring Spring and Autumn Low Voices gives swords without bike. "The true Wuyang in his mouth is the emperor of the little emperor."

The sword is unparalleled, and then the invisible sword is taken directly, and the sword is swept.

Although he has been promoted to Deman, he was imprisoned by the hit chain, but fortunately his own sword has not been suppressed, so the sword is unparalleled, you can fight with the Deman!

It is obvious that this self-proclaimed emperor's high thin old man, the body has long been damaged, and this is just his true soul.

If you are really playing, the sword is unparalleled and confident, even if it is difficult to win, it can be retired.

"I can't help, I will completely completely clear this every day today." The sword said without a double condolence.

The thin old man is slightly smashed, "" Mao did not tied the little son, bold dared to be mad? Huuri, etc., but it is the so-called ... "

It is no longer rule to pay attention to him, the sword is unparalleled, and a longitudinally lifts the invisible sword in hand, and you will go.

Spring and Autumn are also moving at the same time, hands with hands, a mission of octagonal, and then go.

"Dare to bully this emperor, find dead!" The high-thin old man was angry, nearly 100 red sand giant columns, from him, as well as the depths of the heart, shocked swords unparalleled.

Tiandi Seismy, a crack is broken, and it is incomparable.

The Redsha Columns directly wrapped in two people and began to eaten.

And the high-thin old man was on top of the sky, sitting on an emperor that was condensed by Chiang, leisurely looked at the front of the battle in the void.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it makes the high thin old head, but he is confident in this side of the red sand heaven and earth, he is an endless existence, even if it is true Wuyang, he also dares to fight!

The Redsha column is tangled with each other, forming a round of circle, sword unparalleled and spring and autumn, can easily feel the speed disappearance of the in vivo derivation.

At the same time, this red sand has a very high liquidity, which can easily absorb and abrasive most of the attacks, extremely tricky.

It's another sword, but just crushing a crack in Chiang, soon disappeared.

Looking at the surrounding surrounding, the sword is unparalleled no longer hiding, there is no fancy sword thorn.

There is no double sword, the first style of the Star River Sea Sword, Star.

The swords are rushing, there is no double treasure to condense behind, the most popular sword is the most proud of them, straight forward!

With a hundred swords, you will burst it in this red sand.

The high-thin old top color sitting on the emperor suddenly changed, shocked down.

Next moment, the whole sky is bursting the most shocking martyrdom.

Chiang, the cloud, the sky, all in the moment!

The sword is unparalleled to condense, and the eyes are straightforward.

"Good children, you succeed in anger the emperor!" Angered to rush down, the high-thin old man will bomb the emperor, and it is a thick golden light, and there is no double ride toward the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, suddenly slammed the left palm, and it is not necessary to prevent it.

The Spring and Autumn Festival is also the paralysis of the meridians, and released the majesticity!


The three pounds have been touched by the extremely derivatives, and they directly tear this small world.

After the sword is unparalleled, I have a half step, and I quickly wipe it into the dust in the sky. This only saw that there is a short-skinned half of the old man.

Spring and Autumn in the side spit out a big mouth smoke, then watch it around, "People, shouldn't you be taken directly?"

"I actually ran, chase!" The sword was unbrick, and they drove directly from the front.

Spring and autumn, then follow it.

Stay away from this red sand, under the dim, a slightly wolverine figure flying row escape.

It is there that flames, and it is a high-thin man who is screaming.

"The dead of the true Wuyang, the emperor is dead for so many years, actually not going to let go, wait, Lao Zi goes back to the army first, let you kill your dog and say it again!"

The sword is unparalleled and the speed is extremely fast, almost every breath can across a hundred million miles away.

This is good for his first mistaken, a little magical ventong that he is lying in 500,000 years, named a mountain river.

The idea of ​​the heart, the mountain river is all.

Moreover, this small magical power consumption is almost negligible, and it has become an important manner of the sword unparalleled in the current situation.

There is a blessing of the mountain river, almost a few moments, he approaches the high thin old man who is still fleeing in the wolf.

And Spring and Autumn, it is also in a breath, and I can't see the sword unparalleled figure.

I found that I suddenly suddenly broke the sound, and I saw the back of the thin old man. I saw it under this, and the soul of the mutant is somewhat scattered.

The sword is unparalleled, when it is already followed, the wind is in the hands of the arms, almost be cut up.

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