Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4695? Live treasure San Di Jun? (On)

Deep sucking a breath, a high thin old man who does not dare to stop, don't forget to drink big drink, "Agrons, I urge you to return to the speed of the speed, before your officers act, this emperor is not too!"

"Otherwise, the Iron wrist resort of this emperor is not your ability to bear it!"

"How is this guy so embarrassing?" The sword is unparalleled. He saw the battle that I used to have a big saying, pulling the knife, facing such a still-friendly old man, he didn't know how to shoot.

From the trouble in the little emperor, this whole is the world, it should be the true soul of these emperors.

The sword is unparalleled, and he has too much things to enter Daman, and it is impossible to be disabled in Mount Mountain.

No longer hesitate, the sword is unparalleled directly to the high-thin old man, and the sharp sword is angry.

The thin old man is shocked, almost the sideways of the instinct, and it is a hit of the horrible.

At this point, the two will chase each other between this world.

Rao is a high-thin old man is just a magistrate shape, but the delay is that the sword is unparalleled, and he is not allowed to him.

However, there are things that have killed the master, and the sword waving behind him, one of the swords is being poked in the old butt, which makes him as a scream like the pork.

"Agrons, dare to sneak this emperor, and set your soul to the gods in the future." The high-thin old man can't cover the injured part, and twist the words.

The sword is unparalleled. At the same time, it is deeply suspicious of this explanation, is it true that the emperor is ...

It's another round of confrontation, the invisible sword has drawn a few creative in the old man, and he cursed him.

The sword is unparalleled and ignored him, and he will clear the day.

Perhaps it is aware of the general trend, escaping, and the high-thin old man is simply in the same place, a pair of neck treatment.

This is no longer afraid, the sword has no double insurance.

The high thin old man is carrying his hands, laughing in the sky, "Good children, this emperor is God, but also to take you to the true Wuyang old, you said that the sheep is sorry, his biggest regret Just I have to see you, I am wished, and when I got a filial son, hahaha! "


The sword is unparalleled with black lines.

"Come on, kill this emperor to go back to life!" The old man opened his double arm.

The sword was not boring in the eyes, and the incomplete sword of the raised, and put it down again.

From this high-thin man's performance, he is not a big evil, but it is a little true.

And the boy, a little bit of a little, a little more like, but more like a good person.

When the world is quiet, a high-thin man who is looking at the expression is not waiting to hit.

"Do you have any way to hide a breath, or leave here, never step down here?" The sword didn't pay back the long sword, and the road.

It is obviously not reacted, "You don't kill me?"

"Surperse to kill." The sword has nothing to say.

The high-thin old man is wonderful, "Good kid, I will say that you are angry, how can it be shameless to the true Wuyang old, this emperor is really no mistake!"

"Don't fight, let's talk about it, leave here." The sword is unparalleled.

The high thin old man scratched his head and the color of a face.

In the next moment, the sky suddenly became the color, the clouds were like the sky, and rushed to change.

"Whoever dares to be good!"

Low drunk with unpryed derived, rushing.

It is a quiet tribree in the sword.

The old man saw the scene of this wind, and suddenly won't worry. "This old thing, every time you come, you have a big play, very fare!"


Then, a young man with an overwhelm has rid of the wind, and wear the emperor, although it is equally broken, it is difficult to cover the strength of terror.

The four eyes are relatively, the sword is unparalleled is almost in the first time.

It's just that the thin old man is calm, directly looks at high, "Taoism is coming soon, pick you up quickly!"


The sword is unparalleled with black lines.

"Old things, just crying and shouting, now there is a father who has supported you for your father?" It was also heard of the old man who was holding the shelf in the cloud, and his hands did his hand, and he went down.

It's very skilled in the old man, and I am very skilled to avoid a flying, open mouth, "I have a formation of the old things."

Weiyi old people heard words, like nothing, smashing sleeves, watching swords unparalleled vigilant, "What is the true Wuyang to persuade?"

"Wrong, this kid is definitely not dealt with Zhenwuyang." The high-thin old man reminded.

"What are you going to do?" The old man was looking at the sword.

"It is related to itself. If you don't have to come to clear this," Sword is unparalleled, "I don't want to have a killing industry, so I want to ask two to leave, no longer stepping out."

As the sword is unparalleled, it sounds an anger from the clouds, "" There is a mad, no knowledge of children! "

This is not waiting for the sword. There is no longevity reaction, and the old man and the power of the old man will shot at the same time.

"What is your relationship with Zhenwuyang?" Weiyi's old man asked.

The sword is unparalleled. "I don't know what really Wuyang, the reason why it is clear, just because of helplessness."

"If we don't leave?"

"Then I can only clear it here." The sword is unmatched slowly.

The old man laughed in the old man, and the delay is condensed, and the tip of the hundred tips are pointed to him.

"If you rely on you, isn't it intended to pray?"

"There is a good discussion, use brute force too!" The high thin old man hurried.

Then he looked at the sword. It was difficult to flash. It is even if you have a soul. "

"So this is a great day, we can't get it, there is no return."

The sword is unparalleled, they don't leave, this will not be able to clear it, and it is impossible to let him leave.

Just between this, there was a blank voice behind him, and some of the spring and autumn fidelized.

"The brother, I was here, let me find it."

The thin old man is slightly moved, and it is a bit confused to the spring and autumn. "The breath of the treasure?"

Spring and autumn are unidentified, but they are vigilant.

"How do this little child, how can there be a taste of the ." The old man is low.

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