Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4703? Broken stone beads

The air is a little stagnant, and the thin and old children think about it. "Do you have a small friend to collect this sword with a sword?"

The old man also appeared from the , "I didn't have a good air," I was a broken sword, or you can't see it, or the sword and sword holder are open? "

"But this is so broken sword, it is difficult to break the source of this embarrassment." The old thirteen brow is locked.

Then the old people appeared directly, and they went down to the high and thin old man of the sword. "Let's go, go on, go."

In the wounds of Tiankeng, the high-thin old man has long broken, and the attitude of mixing is disappeared.

Although there is a broken, it is difficult to cover the emperor to hunt, there is no tramin, and the sword of the Ta Luo Shenjian is up to the sake of the Mangyan.

If it is ruined, it is directly broken into the brain of the giant sea sky, and goes to the source.

At the same time, the rest of the two emperors also started at the same time, and the two portions carrying Diwei's long miles were one, and they were together.

There is no horror power directly into a light column, bursting in the head of the giant sea animal.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is hit by the layer of the layer.

He hurriedly reached out, and the tragent matched directly climbed on the head of the giant sea.

Along with the tragic death in his head, even if this is the great matter, it is finally morting, and falls in the sea, no sound.

Hehe three Dao Dijun Zhen Ying, huge heads began to be separated, all kinds of unknown crumbs, one of which is unique, but only one instant disappeared.

The sword has no doubles, and the high engine invisible swords enter the wound.

He seems to enter a Hongmeng space, there is a golden native source in the most central location of this giant sea animal head, such as a round of big days.

A sword was broken, hundreds of millions of Rui light burst, and the three Dijun all consciously covered his eyes.

This Rui light only burst into a moment, then faint.

I smashed the brain, and the sword didn't look at the front, and a short half of the stone bead stayed there, and it spin.

"This thing is what is?" The high thin old man looked up, doubts, "Just now Rui Guang, is this thing exuded out?"

"No matter what is, it is definitely a treasure in the mind of this kind of guy." The old man in the old man was carefully observed.

The heavy old man is smoldering, "Look at what you have not seen, this little stone is willing to win the world, and the meridian is tired, but although it is not allowed to be treasure, but it is also a warm meridian. Have great advantage. "

On the side of the sword without double, he is inexplicably thinking that this broken stone bead is not the origin of this giant sea chapter.

The high thin old man is the same, "I thought there would be a baby."

After the words, he raised his hand to push the stone-bead to the sword. "Although this kind of thing is useless, but there is a lot of benefits to you, you will accept the warmth of the meridian."

The sword is unparalleled, and Shi Zhu started, except for some wet, no other different.

The broken broken on the stone beads is like being cut down under certain hard objects, it looks slightly ugly.

In the case of this stone bead plug back to the Yangtze, the sword is unparalleled and the San Dijun is in the head of this huge sea sky, ensuring that after they have been dead, they will leave.

Through this robbery, the entire aerial damage is heavy, and only four ships that are covered with Montenegro.

Among them, the Deman is also near all, and people who survive are all gathered in the first giant ship.

The foot of the feet, the sword is unparalleled back to the deck, and everyone will definitely retreat for all the people. It is frightened in the eyes.

Spring and Autumn are running fast, and the quish of the rest after robbery, "Jugshi, you are fine."

The sword is not a hyper point, "lucky."

He turned to see the number of people who were less than 50 on the deck, a calm, and the dangerous has been eliminated. Please return to your own boat. "

Everyone he said, loving each other, no one dares.

The sword is no longer a lot, and it is taking into the bow to start to raise meridians.

This battle, almost he forced him to the extreme, two ancestors, and instantly consumed over half of the delay in his body. If you don't hurry, it will be difficult to respond to the next burst.

He looked back, and the half of the semi-semi-seas, the huge sea of ​​the sea, and there was a puzzling flash.

The true war of this giant sea chapter, and the breath he revealed is not a level. For the sword without double their offensive, it can only passively defense.

If it is not a huge body, it is too huge, I am afraid that any one of the three emperors can hit it.

And this giant sea sky has a countless fairy attire, Qionglou Yuyu, which is very likely that a certain one can use the unparalleled law, which is the cornerstone, shaping the secret.

Didn't find a treasure, this has become a non-small regret in the sword.

After a shocking, after this big causing, I didn't know how many heaven and earth, and I recovered the first death.

After dozens of days, the slimming robe that was smoked from the middle of the huge sea, and the waist and abdomen were still intact.

For Dano, as long as the local source avenue has a point, even if the body is destroyed into dust, you can completely restore.

Just this time, the source of thin and small robe has been dangerous with a true image.

The wrapped in the face of the hood and coughed, got up in the help of people around him, and he looked at the sword unparalleled back.

Then go in the direction of the sword.

After the Spring and Autumn I found this, I was alerted directly. I hesitate to wake up swords and unparalleled, a slightly low voice sounded.

"On the day, the old man is thankful here, and it will be grace after the future."

After a sentence, the thin and small robe is intuitive to leave, saying that it can't be high.

The sword is unparalleled and slowly opened his eyes. After helpless, he will continue to obey the head.

Sailing in the giant sea, is extremely boring and boring, in addition to the sky, no one is more living.

Of course, if you really have a living, it can be very bad.

I don't know how long, I have entered the sword in the feelings, and I can't hear the sound of spring and autumn.

"Sword brother, see there, is like a person?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the fingers of the spring and autumn look at a sea area not far away.

I saw that there was a vicinity of a pair of shirts floating on the water, and due to water speed, began to close to the giant ship.

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