Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4704? Zheng Ying

When you get closer, the sword is unparalleled, and the vaguely distressed shirt is indeed, but it is like being seriously injured. The waist and abdomen is reddish.

And in addition to the weakness of weakness, no other.

If there is no more help, this shirt is absolutely possible, after all, this party does not know how many heavens and earth, it is too vast.

Slightly hesitating, adhering to repairing the sword of the Taoism is unparalleled, or waiting the shape of the body, placed on the deck.

From the water, the body shape is disappeared, and the blood begins to flow from behind, which is bulld on the deck.

The sword is unparalleled from the bow, waving the excessive wrapped in the casual shirt.

With a more sharp vast derivation, the body body is so quiet.

Almost and the long hair of the waist slowly, revealing a pale and beautiful face.

However, even if it is a beautiful, it is difficult to cause a sword where the sword is unparalleled. After all, after the arrival of the supreme, you can reshape the body, no matter what kind of beauty, you can replace it.

But in turn, there is almost no monk to change the original face, but most is almost slightly modified in the details.

The heart flashed in a wipe, the sword is unparalleled in this boundless giant sea, how can someone pass through, know if it is a Deman, in this sea area, will be slightly inadvertently inadvertent.

This woman looks like a danger, but left a life.

It is also a fine observation, and the sword is unparalleled without any discovery.

It's just in front of the Spring and Autumn Period, and I started around this shirt woman, and I was careful carelessly.

Time flying away, this boundless giant sea suddenly appeared in both sides of the heavens and the earth in the world.

Fortunately, after the giant sea sky, this giant sea did not have a terrible existence, so that only four giant ships left out of the most dangerous area.

During this time, the woman who was saved the deck was also woke up.

And in the first thing I woke up, she first looked at the four weeks, and then he didn't hesitate to jump out of the deck.

The consequence of this is that it directly planted in the sea.

Rao is a strong enough sword. The unparalleled can't help but laugh, waving the body shape in the sea water.

"I said the girl, the injury on your body does not have any improvement, you just leave, and there is no dying." The sword is unparalleled.

Like the sate of the same soup, the woman is cold and looked at him. After coughing, after the cough, the soft half leaned on the fence.

The sword has shrugged, while the back is lying on the bow railing, find a comfortable posture.

Spring and Autumn are slightly hesitated, then prepare to take off the long clothes and give it to the woman.

But then, then the thin little robe of the dead is getting up, throwing a thick and throwing her.

The satent woman glanced at him, reached out, after the thickness was covered, and slept again.

Everything has returned to death.

The sky is turning on the sky.

When the sword was unparalleled in the bow, after the eyes opened his eyes, he saw the woman's shirt woman, standing from him, not enough, looked at him.

Sleeping is all, the sword is unparalleled, and the troops are "right?"

She recovered his eyes, looked at the end of the giant sea, the sound and her whole person were cold, "Why is it to save me?"

The sword is unparalleled and dumb, but then I still say, "Of course I can't bear it."

"The woman's eyes flashed in the eyes," Is it? "

"Of course." The sword is unparalleled, and then she is lying on the fence.

For a long time, the woman is cold and open, "My name is Zheng Ying, I will have a report in the future."

"The reply is not needed, and the worker is raised." The sword was unparalleled, and then slept.

A woman named Zheng Ying, but also after reading a sword, it returned to the original dish.

After the third year, surrounded by several days around the giants, it was finally a rich fluctuation fluctuation.

One side of the world is a big world.

And from the occasional conversation of the thin and small purple robe, these hidden worlds are actually contacting them.

This will prepare the sword who is going to evacuate, and there is no pair of inner thoughts. If you say that the thin and small purple robe said, he dares to be sure, once you escape, the drama in the Shenli universe will be staged again.

Adhering to the principle that is less than a less than a few things, the sword is unparalleled and bored to escort the giant ship forward to the destination.

The more, the sword is unparalleled, and it can be seen from time to time.

This indicates that they have been detached from the most dangerous area, but some powerful derains cannot be ignored.

After waving a few unknown ancestral scattered ancestors, there is no one without any scattered dare to come.

However, this situation did not last long, when this is a hundred and thin breath, the sword is unparalleled, the crisis will arrive.

Ten people headed, showed the land of the Deman, and the remaining hundreds of body shapes existed for the ancestral.

The sword is unparalleled, and this is a strong force in each universe. It actually be willing to be a gangster in this Dawei.

However, there is a little sword that can be determined. At the moment, the ancestral power of these big derived, and the ancestral level in the Shenli universe belongs to two existence.

The ancestral, the most important thing in the Shenli universe is to control the entire vast spaceless space and avenue. As for the ancestral ancestral, but only can control one side.

The avenue air transport is the most fundamental.

Such a group of gangshends headed by Ten Dynamic is obviously the existence of a strong force.

Looking at this boat like the existence of a laze, the head of the man is now flashing out.

"All velvet ships, accept the inspection." The evil sound of a spike-free language was in this world.

But people on this huge boat are all moved, there are a lot of violent robe and even looked at the gangsters.

In their view, these guys have been destined.

In the brain, it quickly shook his head in the unbeaten Luo Ming thief who met in the universe, the sword was unpaired. So a group of people earn money.

For this guy who likes to make a quick money, the sword is unparalleled, but it does not mean that he will hand soft.

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