A finely sophisticated Deman step forward, "" all gave me a ship! I entered my mother, all things belong to us, if you know, you can still put you a way. Vioence all died without burial! "

No one will believe that this is the word of death, the sword is unparalleled, even if you send the sparse of these ships, this is the possibility of nothing.

Everyone is ridicied, and the spring and autumn have taken the waist long knife.

There is the existence of the existence that can destroy the unfair strangeness with a self, inexplicably make people feel attacked.

"Rolling." The word concrete is a word from the sword.

All gangsters are all, and then they laugh at a glance.

The whole ten Diva, nearly 100 quasi-derived fairy, are all horrible to the extreme.

In these few ships, but only five Deman, they dare to pick up the words, how can this be laughing?

That fine ghost smiled, when the sword was unparalleled, there was a strong wave.

However, the next moment, do not sword without a double shot, the woman named Zheng Ying is directly shot, a more embarrassing delay is rushing, and the fire wave is in an instant.

Then the delay is not reduced, and go straight to the fine ghosts.


After the fine ghost passed directly, he barely stopped his body shape, and a face is full of dye shop, and the blood is streaming from seven.

The sword is unparalpled to see the side of this cold ice, and after smile, jump to the bow.

Reach out of the waist, the sly sword that is already broken, and thousands of swords will be attributed to one.

"Well, since you don't want to go to the boat, you will stay in this woman." For the first and strong man, there is a big magic in his palm of his hand.

A six-way gossip figure with his body is very inconsistent with his body, which has a rapid derivation of terrorism.

Double boxing, the total 100 gossip is like a secret network, covering the sky.

Originally, the sword with a relaxed mind is unparalleled. After seeing the gossip shape of this, it is not surprised by the heart.

These guys are never possible to be a smell of the wild fox, which is very probably a big impact, can teach this movement.

Too god sword faracter, but the whole Taile sword is in the sword unparalleled heart, and there is a star pendant Huang and condensed on the sword of the Ta Luo Shenjian, and acts as a sword.

One sword is out, the original Xingxing Mongtong, now also non-in-day, turning the sword, completely punching the net-like gossip pattern.

Then, the sword has no double one to step on the bow, and it will be empty, and the sword is stabbed.

The dramatic sound bursts, and the whole giant sea has flipped.

The strong man of the embarrassment of the embarrassment of the embarrassment, the left hand is connected to the left hand, and it is another majestic Taiji secret.

A sword that is unfavorable, just piercing the ten layers of Tai Chi mutual secrets.

Significant man smiled and smiled, and the shape was once again slammed into the sword.

With his two people hit in the void, the remaining one hundred gangsters smiled and rushed to the giant ship.

In their eyes, it has long been treated as a lamb, rushing before rushing.


A purely hunting hook up, and the breath of the Deman is rivers and rivers.

Skinny robe suddenly sleeves, a soft wind, but not resistant to the resistance of resistance, directly to returned the first more than ten gangsters.

At the same time, Zheng Ying also moved, and the big fell, her whole figure like a cloud smoke stood in the outermost side of the giant ship.

Spring and Autumn Zhang Zhang said, will stop it, then swallow, and then longitudinally and Zheng Ying.

The remaining thirters of Zisho also leap in the air and began to fight.

A sword cut off the gossip of Bagua, the sword is unparalleled, and all the robbers today will never', otherwise, but if you escape one, it will be greatly possible to suffer.

It is also a sword to force the scholars to force the son, the sword is unparalleled, and the left hand is separated.

When I am, I'm going to break, and I have a firm, and there is no power to make it firm, and my body is not controlled to the sword.

A big horror in life and death, he didn't dare to hesitate, his hands were connected, and there was a thousand layers of gossip in the hands of thousands of layers.

However, the sword is unparalleled early, and the talented God is released in the original universe, and he weakened him directly.

Significant man is big, but it is difficult to escape.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no pool on its head.

The horrible sounds, but the origin of the imagination is broken, and the scene of the villain is not appeared.

Tooo Shenjian actually deviated from one inches and cut his ear.

Significant man ended from the bondage, he was angry with the head of the blood sprayed. "You dare to hurt me? You can know that I have the enemy with the whole woman!"

The sword is unparalleled and cold, and the gods of the vibration arm are opened to the God of the Survey. "Don't talk about your whole woman, just in front of me, I will have a clean!"

"Okay, good, then I will let you be buried in this woman!" Strong man hatefully, but the next moment is like a meteor, and I am going to fighten. Military.

The rest of the gangsters are seen, and no matter whether they don't care, they will escape.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is also killed nearly 20 ancestry.

This is the case, or more than 30 gangsters escape.

Zheng Ying floats, obviously is intended to have a root.

The sword is unparalleled to pull out her, and then shook his head. "The poor is chasing, if it is in this sea, it will be very troublesome."

Zheng Ying face flashed a piece of unnatural, lightly smashed the sword, the unparalleled palm, and returned to the ship.

It's a lot of gangsters, this is the sword. If he is really as he guess, the back of these gangsters is the hidden world in this hammer, then in the next paragraph, very Maybe counterattack.

"The brother, is we next?" Spring and Autumn Asked.

I saw only more than ten people left on the deck, the sword was unparalleled, "the whole speed forward, the middle will never stop."

The giant ship has broken the water, and every moment is a million miles. Rao is so traveling, when you are about to leave your wife, the sword is unparalleled, and a strong breath is emerging in the end of Xiaotian.

The dark stream is surging, and everyone's heart is one of them, they did not expect that this revenge is so fast.

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