There is no big Japanese to see the sky, and one is emerging in red, and there is a touch of access to each other.

"Upshore!" The sword was unparalleled, and the figure took the lead in the land of this woman.

The Spring and Autumn Autumn will come, and Zheng Ying's eyes flashed a touch of hesitation, and immediately followed it.

The rest of the people under the leadership of the thin and small robe, they also jumped on the shore.

In this lady, there is no difference from other small days. The only difference is that it is full of blooming lotus, looking at it, and is extremely happy.

With the top of the sword, there is a unparalleled, the gangster, etc., all of which fall from the clouds.

"I said that you will die in this woman, you will never step on one step!" Then the sword is unparalleled, and there is a strong man of the ears, and the blood on the face has not been wiped. .

"If you have such a stinky fish, learn other people robbed?" The sword was unparalleled and slow, and the vastness of the vastness, "this time, it is not only your ear."

Significant man is cruel, and the figure will follow half.

After a while, the more dimly dimucts revealed the Valentine's Day, and a lotus station immediately broke the slowness of the cloud.

Above this lotus table, sitting on a bald Ran of life.

There are thousands of cars, the color of the color, behind it, the fairy is vast.

Because the gas field is too strong, even the sword is unparalleled.

"The old ancestors are them, dare to blasphemy, the disciples as the old ancestors, please just ask you to dispose!" Strong Hanzi squatted with his head, put it as an angry, "I asked the old ancestors to discuss a fair. "

However, the bald Ranhan sitting on the lotus table, seems to have not heard what the scholar man is saying, seeing the two eyes of the sword unparalleled people.

The sword is unparalleled. I feel sick, how can he not know the meaning of that kind of eye, apparent that this bald Ran is not a good bird, take evil.

"The old ancestors, the old ancestors?" Strong Hanzi's trial is called a few times. The bald Rohan flashed a disgust in the eye, and directly gave him a slap in the face, "Rolling!"

The head that was smashed again and was taking out the blood, and the scholar man dared to argance.

"I am a woman, my wife, the next generation, why don't you see this seat?" The bald Rohan sounded, and the voice resounded throughout the mother.

There is no power to reveal, quite sacred.

The sword has no double on the front step, and the eyebrows are laughing. "Who is it is, it is the wildfox of the biased!"

Then, the album of the bonded Luo Han, who claimed to be a mother, is unbearable, and the end of your heart.

"The mouth is stinky, I just just called this blog Zen ?!"

It was repeated it again. The spring and autumn and others can't help but laugh. Rao is a cold and infant infant.

The wild fox is a common name to some of the people who are called, enlighten, and the people who have flowed into the unscrupulous.

A needle is like a sword, and it is directly to tear open the risk of baldro.

The sword is unparalleled to continue to laugh. "This is a wild fox. It is only borrowed from three tricks. It is also a misunderstanding of the people. You are not a wild fox. What is your disciple why is you pulled off a ear?"

At this point, the Spring and Autumn and others laughed at the moment, and the sound rushed into nine.

The bald Ranhan is shameful and ignorant, and immediately jumped up and gave the strong man to a strong slash, "Waste!"

Where is the SMS to live in this slap in this slap, he will take a blight star until you fall into the clouds.

Learning a seat under the disciple, the allegory of the bald Luo is staring at the sword. "The mouth is stinky, now this is to live, and a root unplugged your pointed!"

After the words, he suddenly swayed, a sharp star annex, cutting the void, and unbammed to the sword.

He is watching, and the torroty of the break is in front of him.

There is a crisis rising in my heart, and the sword is unparalleled to look forward, I saw the eight-corner of the eight-corner of the eight-corner of the Bagua Suddenly spoiled, the chemical creation is two, and it is easy to avoid the Toro Shenjian, which is really cut on the arm.

God blood, if the non-sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that the two arms will be reached on the spot.

The bald Rohan smiled, in the Yunxiao, "Now you are in front of this seat, this seat makes you feel comfortable."

Dragings are surging, and the left and right arms are deeply kept, the creative of the bones, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unblocked.

The position of the Deman, the chaotic hegemony has also been completely transformed, which is for unsatisfactory bodies, even if it is the source, but as long as there is a breath in any one of the Haoyu, it can completely resurrect.

"Three tricks two, but still do not take off your name." The sword didn't smile.

Next moment, a skydogen was quietly located, and hundreds of millions of Hua Man shine in the sky.

In the case of seeing this scene, the bald Rohan first, and the next two eyes suddenly opened, and the light was soaring.

"There is such a purely breath, this seat will swallow you, the realm must be frank!" The bald Rohan voice trembled, and the body shape of the fat is directly on the lotus.

"It's so!" He shouted, the arms of the shackles, and the entire buddha in this whole woman gathered.

The sky and earth are giant, and even the earth has been a few feet by the weird hurricane.

One-honored anger treasure has emerged behind him, almost occupying the whole woman.

This eight arms have a double head, one is clear, a black white.

The four-parallelistic eyes of the four-year-old, and the sword is unparalleled, and there is a lot of oppression.

Everyone feels that the derivatives of the body seem to be suppressed, and the flow is slow.

"Cuts, I am a nutrient in this woman, I will remember everyone." Bald Luohan is drunk.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, that is the power of the tenure, and finally the town to him.

However, the turbulence, that can put the head of the giant sea sky, poke the tenth day of a hole, when touching the bald Ran, his eight arm angry treasure, while opening a big mouth, will all Energy whale swallow in the entrance to nutrients.

"Come on, let me attack me, exhausted all your strength, and finally attach to me." The bald Ran is smiling, with his figure, the earth-shaking eight arm angry treasure sinking forward Step step, stir the wind.

The two black gold palms have come, and everyone is full of faces, and they have released thick densities to prepare for full resistance.

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