Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4707? Eight arm anger

The sword is no longer hesitating, and the main work is on the palm of the hand.

That even the derast is enough to be the horror power of Nirvana, it is unmatched, and it is bombarded on the black giant palm of the coming.

However, there is no dare not confidence.

The two collided, the thousands of thousands of Soviet Huangmang, which were produced, but the black gold giant is just a tremble, but not only damaged, but more even more.

"Retreat!" The sword has no double eyes, the body is flying back, the spring and autumn and others are also instantly, and the scope of the black gold palm is also.

There are five realm of the world, and the scene is smashed in the middle, and the pound is absorbed.

The earth was smashed and killed and torn out of the abyss.

The bald Luohan standing on the lotus has smiled. With his body movement, the eight arms behind the Ranan also came to the clouds, and the clouds were in the clouds.

A black and white, two heads, then subsequently lower the four light columns from the eyelid.

The sword is unparalleled, and the people are covered in it, and after he holds an intangible sword, he flipped, step on the light column, go straight to the lotus.

The bald Rohan is watching, waving down the layers of gossip, and his eight arms behind him also open the giant mouth, and the whale sucks all the energy dissipated to the outside.

Rao is a sword and unparalleled feelings that

"The mouth is stinky, and the head is on the head." Bald Luohan laughed, the arms of the dance between Jiangxi also stabbed countless gossip.

The sword is unfair stepping column, guiding the invisible sword in one hand, straightforward.

It is a sword!

100,000 swords are returned, and there is no spill, but it is dare not look directly.

The sky is torn under this hit.

The sword is like entering the unmanned, instantly breaks the gossip mutual mutual, and then the trend is not reduced to the bald Ran.

Since everything is too fast, I have never reacted until the bald Rohan has reacted, and that a sword is in his left face.

The blood sprayed out, a complete left ear was falling on the lotus table.

This is completely naked and big insult!

The bald Rannan came back from the unbelievable, and he had been humiliated to make him crazy.

With a winger on the brain, he is a step forward. Behind the eight arm angries raise the arm at the same time, and they are unparalleled!

The uncomfortable giant strength of the entire eight roads covered the sky, and the whole woman was covered.

The sword has no doubles, from this several times of confrontation, this self-proclaimed Run Ran, the realm is still the peak of the Danadian, but the delayed delay has a breakthrough sign, especially behind him. The eight arm is angry, but it is more than one fell swoop, faintly reached a certain unknown realm.

The terrible situation is shocked, and the Spring and Autumn and others have opened the negative wall bar to deal with this disaster.

And the sword is unparalleled, I want to open the Yangtze bottle to let the Three Emperor will participate, but there are still more than 20 Xiaoli, accompanied the eyeliner around you. If the rituals will come out of the three emperors, I am afraid that I can't say it.

After rapidly dispel this thought, the sword is unparalleled, and the one-on-door door is extremely good.

The huge giant captured by Wan Qian Shenbie is full of shackles, like the big day, hit the eight black gold giant.

The layers of the layers have been slammed out from the center, and the clouds will be covered in the clouds in the sky. At the same time, the giant sea surface has aroused the heinous waves.

In this unimaginable mid-range, even the Deman is unable to retreat, even if it is far from the spring and autumn and other people who are far away from this war, they are strong palpitations.

After the sword is unparalleled, the sky is extremely final, but the eight black gold giant palm is bleak to the extreme, but still exists, the power is not reduced to him!

On the occasion of the millennium, a toughness of the delayed derivatives, blocking the sword without double top, actually making the eight black golden huge.

At the same time, a thin little robe does not know when he appears behind his, "Go it."

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately shocked, turns the most sharp arrow, shot to the bald Ran.

Wan Many Huang is condensed in the sword unparalleled palm, almost when the bald Luohan reacted, and the sky covered with him.

The baldulo Han face flashed a fluster. He hurriedly waved, and went abandoned the lotus, sitting in the palm of the eight arm behind.

The sword is unparalleled, and a feet is smashed, and the eyes of the bald Rohan are quiet as water.

The ears that were cut by a sword have grown out, but they are still resentful in his heart in his heart.

Even if the bald Rohan has now understood that he is kicking hard, he can't look back under the driving of his heart!

As long as you can completely swallow it, you will inevitably take the step!

When I think this, the bald Rohan's eyes flashed, and smiled and looked to the sword. "The mouth is stinky. If you are willing to kneel down, you will ring the three heads, this seat is not just, let you leave Boy, how? "

The sword is unparalleled, and the cold smile is, "If you don't enter the flow, I also distribute me kneeling? If you have three hundred heads to me, I can consider you a whole body. "

"The arrogant, this seat is sitting here today, see how you can." The bald Rohan got up in the eight arm and shouted.

There is no sleep, the sword is unparalleled, and the vast sword is straight forward, but he does not flash, but the hard work will pick up the body.

Sword is swept, and there is a arm of the bald Rohan directly.

Then he hugged a pain, and the back of the body is obviously going to escape!

Such a good opportunity, the sword is unparalleled, don't want to miss, directly to catch, ready to directly calm.

Have a thin and small robe and Zheng Ying and others, the eight arms of the top, the sword is unparalleled, can fully chase the bald Rohan.

He was smashed by him, and it seems like being scared, and the speed is too slow, and the speed is also a bit slow.

However, it is a few breathing, and the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is straight down.

The turbulent, a arm actually came out from the back of this bald Ran, and caught the sword.

" ..."

The quirky voice sounded, and the bald Ran only had a few post-haired back spoons, and they actually have a ugly face. The lips of the masculine, such as the sipple cakes are not splitful.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, and immediately fell into the mouth.

PS: ask for a monthly ticket!

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