Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4711? Tiancheng Dead War

If the little monarch is surrounded by this, the promise between the two is not a matter, he will also, go to find everything hidden behind the fog.

All kinds of ideas have been in the heart, and the sword is unparalleled.

At this moment, all the tops in this city have escaped, the vast city, and there is only breathing.

Nearly a thousand-way figure is surrounded by all directions, and it is cautious and there is a forestry.

Due to each other, the delayed prisoner is the most robust, and the whole city is covered with it.

The little monarch is calm, standing in the original, the hands are not angry, it is inevitably luxuritating, and then uses the force of the waist and jade belt, and took out a slender soft sword.

This is still a sword where the first time I saw him, a unique and cold breath.

Then, the little mandle fell in the hands of the soft sword, and he didn't hesitate to cut the long hair of the brain after the brain.

All the stomatal retreat is half-step, with the essays of emerald and dead.

"Let you know the whereabouts of this seat, this is a great idea, but if you want this, you will see if you have that qualification."

The eyes of the little monarch slowly swept away from everyone, and the long hair truncated long hair was floated.

Silent and dead battle, this quietly begins!

A sword is exhausted, there is no trample, like a thriller, directly slamming the nearest black robe.

There is a slightly weaker realm, and the Sword of the delay is stranded.

The hand-held slender soft sword, the little monarch wanted into the unattended, and there was a palm of the sword.

However, it is a bit interest, and there are dozens of ancestors fall in his hand.

However, when the nearly fifteen Deman is surrounded, it takes the superfluous little monarch, and it will fall and stop.

At most, it is the peak of the Deman, how can he be resistant to the fifteen killing tricks?

One finger hits, in the middle of its waist, Xiaolun's sinking, and the cheeks have emerged at the same time.

Extravulus is torn, and there is a glitch spill.

At the same time, the fifteen Damai, the 15th roads are unpryed, and the crities are keen to Xiaoli.

Just as in this life and death, the sword is unparalleled, but it contains the palm of the sword, directly crossing him, and welcomes forward!

Extremely flashed, and the hemathest impact wave is a ancestral, which is unable to have actions here.

With an enemy fifteen!

After the sword has no double, withdraws a step, completely offsets the hits of the fifteen Deman.

Xiaowu went big eyes, some means difficult to see him.

"Don't want to die, don't do this!" The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is low.

Xiaowu, heard, smile, "understand."

After the fifteen Damai, the same founched, I was once again rushed to the front, and I used it to surround the three people.

The sword is unparalleled, and he doesn't want to fight for a long time. In order to cause more extensive damage in the first time, he directly released the ancestral boundary.

The sky is broken, and the cage of the cage on the sky is like a thousand days.

All black rises feel a strong sense of crisis, trying to avoid.

However, when the tenure boundary is completely released, there are hundreds of the ancestors trying to resist, and the fall is in the field!

In this case, the pavilion in the city is in this style, and the hard-erased an gap.

With the dissipation of the , a more convailed horror sword is pouring out, and the Changhe River ä is unprecedented!

There is a ancestral scene, or even a slightly inadvertently accidentally disappeared, it is directly broken.

The little monarch is located on the sword. There is no double side, and it is easy to capture the ancestral level.

Three-go thousand, this is impossible and crazy.

Despite the ancestral unparalleled and small monarchs, they have their own injuries, and the fifteen Deman is greatly plagued to the two.

A sword is induced by a Division, the sword is unparalleled, and the vast sword is relieved to drive them.

At the same time, more than ten Purple roves have been in front and close, and they rushed over.

"Xiaowei, the big companion is late." The thin small robe directly rumored the ancestors, and the blindfold is in front of the Xiaowei.

"Not late, just just good," Xiao Jun smiled and smiled, "and rushed out with me!"

After the words, the thick and unveiled, swept the four wild!

Spring and autumn is hard to support, but he is a ancestral, if there is no blessing of the sword, I am afraid that I have been stranded as a powder.

I am not willing to this spring and autumn, reach out of the first sword without double gift to his eight arm color.

The eight arm colorful pottery rose in the spring and autumn hand, but it is a sudden, and it is a vibrant eight arm angry Rohan.

"Cheng!" Spring and Autumn excited, for this eight arms anger, even the sword is unparalleled, do not dare to be underestimated.

The full form of eight arms anger, almost a level of the old ancestors of the woman.

For some reason, the old ancestors are far from the peak of the ultraordinary Deman, reaching a more high and very miserable realm.

And the eight arms have naturally beyond the peak of the Deman, and the faintness reaches some unknown.

Looking at this nearly ugly, all the black robe people have stopped a moment.

That is, this moment, the total of eight black gold palms, with the unstoppable trend, falling towards the land.


There is a Danan because the origin is not squeezed on the spot, the ancestral is even more soul, and it has been anger by eight arms.

"Sword brother, go!" Spring and Autumn turned his head and drunk, "If you don't go, you can't get it!"

There is no double point of the sword, reaching out, the sky is extremely, and strive to escape the time.

The covered giant captured by Wan Qian Shenbian came from the sky, covering the ground.

It's already aware of the dispersion of the Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Dynamic Direct, and the figure is rushed to all over the side, and a few people are blocked.

Hua Mang has retired, still have thousands of black robe shaped like a deep sea, caught in the depression.

One of the black robe is ahead, pointing to the little emperor, and then the sound, "Leave him, anyone you can leave this place, I will never stop."

Spring and Autumn Look at the swords, there is a little urgent. For him, it is obvious that he can be siege and death.

However, there is no double opening, but the thin and small vioo robes have stepped forward, slowly pull the head to the hood, revealing a gully and old, the old cheeks, "I want to take the big son's life, I have to have the old man This is, even your master is, why don't you, let's mention you? "

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