Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4712? Chen Qing

The black robe is a lighting, and the forest is revealed. "The old guy, you will die today!"

"It's enough to take it, although the old man has been decreasing, but the crushing you is just like a group of bugs."

No more, there is still the twelve Deman, all of which are all dispatched at this moment, enough to control the terrible tragent of one square domain, all pour it.

The sword is not a double eyebrows, with the strength of him now, it is not talking about the fact that the three five-five Dancto is not in the words, but this foot is in the foot of the 12th Deman, unless the San Di is called, otherwise they have one Calculate one, can't escape!

But the San Dijun is now today's final life, in this wave of Xuanrui, the last moment of critical life, the sword is unlikely.

He confident even if he is so many Deman, you can escape, but the little monarch and others are probably the possibility of escape.

I have been paid, and more embarrassing derivation directly rewards nearly 100 ancestral ancestors, with swords and unparalleled, began to escape to Tiancheng Gifts!

Spring and Autumn Festival also called out eight arge, every time the waving suppression, there is a numerous ancestral meteorite!

At this moment, the little monarch, a pair of cold eyes, as soon as the disease is also increasingly red.

There are many people who have been laid, the realm is high, obviously really rushing to him!

The death battle is inevitable, but his end seems to have been destined.

With a dark purple terrorism, the thin small black robe around the robe hunting, between the palm, countless Zi mang, and the most straightforward long knife.

A largest straight shot, but let the earth are cracking in an instant, and a shock of the hooded, with a destroyed breath, burst into the top.

There is no sound, even if you are accompanied by every one of the dead, there is no one to make a sound, some are just the distant conditions.

This is a team with clear goals, and strict discipline. Even the sword is unparalleled, who can have such a big energy, organize such a lead by nearly 20 Deman, over thousand ancestral Team.

Is it a emperor? !

Without the answer, the sword at this moment is unparalleled with a sword who has no emotions. The invisible long sword in the hand is waving, and it is easy to harvest several ancestral life.

After the spring and autumn have eight arms, the strength has skyrocketed, and it is barely able to swim in the enclosure.

As for the little jun, as his face is more increasing, the strength is reduced by the speed of the naked eye, if there is a thin small robe, I am afraid he has already surrounded the circle.

Twelve Deman, all surrounded the little emperor at this moment, obviously rushing as long as he is hitting.

Not far from the sword, there is no one, and the awareness looks at the most pre-paving. When the mysterious to the pole, the people who have disappeared, they have disappeared, and they have never left half a point of traces.

Quickly use your hands quickly, the bones of the bones, the sword is unparalleled, and it is quickly stuffed into the Yangtze River bottle.

At the same time, the sound of the old man passed from the

The sword is unparalleled, with the gods to pass into the bottle, "I have no serious problem, I have confidence to leave this place."

Three Di Jun heard that everything was calm after everything.

The Tiancheng in the Sichuan Treaso began to collapse, so horrible battles have long convinced law enforcement in this day.

Nearly a strong body shape in the embroidered robes came from all directions.

For the middle-aged man in the first-year-old man galloped, it was followed by ten ancestral grade.

One of the ancestors faintly brightly opened a goldprint, the sound of the sound, "free people retreat."

The middle-aged man is first pulling, and there is no signs of violent murder, and a derivative light column suddenly rashed forward, directly crowd the ancestral bomb.

"Leister retreat? Laozi comes here today is your life!"

In the sinking tone, hundreds of embroidered robes fell to the sky, and suddenly joined the battle.

The total five-digit fairy, in the moment of joining the war, makes the crowd pressure.

"Xiao Jun, Chen Qing is late, and I hope to forgive s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s \

Xiaodi smiled and smiled, "Okay, I haven't come late, this is so big, only you will be willing to save me."

A sword flew a few ancestors, Chen Qing face also downs, "they, maybe there is a hard work."

Didn't speak again, the little monarch looks at the not far away, and it is struggling to surround the sword of the mouth.

He has been silent, and he seems to have a choice in his heart and has not been selected.

Since my heart, I suddenly moved a smear. The eyebrows of Xiaolun 's crumpled suddenly stunned. Looking at the top of the same sea water, he smiled and smiled, and the palm quietly swayed a munning purple fire.

A field that presents a dark color is in the middle of the earth, and every inch of fast and crazy swallowed.

The unclear pavilion, in this weird field, it has made a powder. At the same time, in this field, the rest of the black robes are only in front of the eyes, and the body is as if it is in a mud, and the action begins. Some unnatural.

I saw this scene in the heart of the blood, and I was a little pivot in my eyes.

Among themselves, the little monarch seems to have returned to the original appearance, and the realm of the peak of the Deman is still climbing.

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are also condensed. He can feel that the realm of Xiaofei seems to break through the midst of the meditation, reaching another incredible point.

Long-haired wind in the shoulder, dancing, depicting the luxurious hunting of the mountain river by gold silk line.

I finger a little bit, the space is broken, and the nearest derivative of his nearest, even has not reacted, and the chest suddenly wrinkled into a group, and then looked in the body from the body.

One finger killing!

Therefore, people are widened, unbelievable, just let a demonstration, how will it be terrible?

Spring and Autumn shouldn't face my face. He recalls to some past.

In the past, it has been serving his elderly, and as it is like this, it is smashed in the fairy, and it will be in the same way.

Along with a knotted Deman, the little Emperor's cold gaze gaze all the top of the eyes.

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