Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4713? French blockade

It is also a finger, a derivative is the same method, it will destroy the origin of the gods.

Twelve Deman, only ten remaining at this moment, and the ancestral top repair has also left more than 800.

I looked at him so easy to kill a Deman, and the sword is unparalleled. I have to be shocked. I don't know that it is so easy.

Standing in your own field, Xiaofen is like unquestionable dominates, take a few tens of black robes every time.

Thin small robe, Chen Qing and others also responded to the beginning of the counterattack.

After the sword is unparalleled, continue to break around.

The choleramond is killed, and more than ten Dai Xian is only eight!

In the end, a black robe has reacted, and it is difficult to take an item from his arms, and then nail it in the ground.

That is a flag of the slap, accompanied by the fall of the first flag, all the trekons are cut out from the arms, throwing out.

The flags of the weird energy are all nearly a total of nearly one hundred. When they fall into the air, they will directly connect each other, form a big array, directly suppressed.

The thin and small robe is huge, he wants to reach a hand holding the flag, but it is a step later.

The flag is like the eye, and it has broken the field of Xiaumu, which has broken the small emperor, so that he is firm with a large clock.

It seems to suffer from anti-anti-alleginal, and the little monarch has just been inexhaustic, and the horrible delay is slightly smashed.

Chen Qing saw the color of the face, and the main sword in the hands in the hands was piercing.

However, the invincible Jianfeng has lost his past, but it has never been shaken.

"Gong!" The thin and small robe rushed forward, because the fire attacked, when it was vomited to have a bloody blood.

That gradually wrapped a few people in the black robe, after seeing this scene, but stopped, and looked at them.

This is specially built into the Xiaolian, once it is tailored, even if you don't need someone to do it, the gods will automatically be dissolved by the neighborhood, and there is no possibility of survive.

Only by him and Chen Qing two could not break this like a big array of prison, the thin little robe is born, and it is completely crazy, regardless of all the mobility derivatives to destroy this.

And Xiaodi, seems to have already expected its own end, anti-calm meal sit in the same place, waving the blood of the mouth, he looked at the thin little robe low, "Great, let it leave, so far, better, If the sword is unparalleled with you, he will follow him. "

The thin small robe shook his head, he seems to be aware of what, suddenly look at the sword who is not far, and then actually kneel down, "Please save the little emperor."

All the Deman heard the color and slightly changed, and after the sword was unparalleled, he made it again in order to prevent it.

The shape is flying into the array, nearly ten terrorist derivatives intertwined, strive to hit the little monarch life.

In the heart, the heart is in the first step in the first step, and the thickness and unparalleled tragent will be clearly clear.

If you want to press a black robes, the ancestors are surprised, they are so difficult to enter the inch!

After the Spring and Autumn Heart, manipulating eight arms anger blocked some attacks.

A magnificent river that is completely built by the sword, like a Tianhe roll, all with the sword unparalleled, swept forward!

The true Chen Qing double-eyed is the biggest, he is also in the sword, how do you don't understand that this is a terrible of the Jellyfish in Wang Yang!

Even if he puts the swords to the ground, even the Dai Dai is not a point, but after seeing this Hongjian, he directly and clearly knows that it cannot be blocked.

This is like a mysterious youth of the Ranger? !

Everything seems to be condensed, and the eight Deman is even in half empty, only the swordsman pentium forward.

The ban consisting of hundreds of flags, only exist in this impact of the river, and instantly crushed.

And this should be bombarded to the Xiaodi, and the eight-way horror derivatives are also in the long river.

There is a close proximity, and the endless swords are broken on the spot!

"Who will step forward, die." The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes did not look at those Deman from the beginning to the end, as if they are like air.

The law was broken, and the little monarch sitting on the ground looked at the sword. The mouth was slightly.

Skinny robe and Chen Qing and others are in his side.

The sword is unparalleled and his eyesight, and then slightly off, "go."

Before the eight-year-old Dynasty, one of the most elderly black robes was in front, biting his teeth.

The sword didn't have a boring, a calm, "There is a counted one, then you will leave, I can let you live, if you insist, you will stay here."

At this time, all the black robe is wearing a glimpse, and it is quirky to see the sword.

This one of this ride dress, can't see any identity and realm, although it is extremely horrible for the control of the delay, it is not unable to deal with it. It faces this still has nearly a thousand black robes, not but not Place timid, but in the mouth?

Is this what he really had a book or a basement, or is it crossed?

The first reaction of the Danifian first, and smiled for the first year. "It's not us to leave, but you are right!"

After the words, a pound of the delayed light column is pouring out, straight to the sword without duplemen.

Even the positive eyes did not look at him, the sword didn't have a pair of palms, and a delayed delay bombarded the past.

The wins are even in the face, and the next year, the long-distance fairy is actually flying directly.

It is enough to let the old ancestors who surpass the Deman, bombardment is just that the elderly of the Damadam is enough, enough to drink a pot.

The sword that has been completely flying is unparalleled, and the bag of the bodies in my heart, if I enter the unmanned, it is lightly swimming in the enclosure.

If he is really unable to cope, it is a lot of the true shadow of the three emperors.

If the little monarch is pursued, it will not be absent.

"Don't worry, you leave, I will be broken." The sword said unparalleled.

Thin Xiaoxiao solemnly, and then Chen Qing and others open the way!

Xiaoyu looked at the sword and was unparalleled, so it was easy to say, "Thank you, I owe you once."

"First keep the life will then say." He still didn't have a extra expression.

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