Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4714? Return to six days

The sword is unparalleled. It is always like a thing of the chest, not in a hurry, this is in the show that everyone seems to be similar to him, and the special guy.

The invisible swords are quietly, and they are condensed around.

A way ...

Ten ...

Wan Dao!

The unclear invisible long sword reveals the sky, turning to the horrible cover of the sky, high hanging in the top of every black robe.

A big horror between life and death is surging every person, and even a Diva, I feel a gallbling meaning under this sword.

I was holding Chen Qing, who turned her monarch, looked at this scene, and there was a deep impressive flash, and then turned it.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is like an independent of the independence of the world. Whoever does not think about his thinking, accompanied by his step forward, the sword of the sky, Appeal one.

There are ancestral tricks of the crossed foreign ancestors, the test is taken out, and there is a sword at the time, and a sword will fall!

"" is slightly unable to subtle the sound, like a reminder, in this upcoming Broken Tiancheng.

The ancestral trick was twisted into a powder, and even the source of this source was also broken together, and there was no possibility of resurrection!

It's just a sword, I killed a ancestral, watching the dense marma on the sky, all the ancestors were the next step, and the face was unfamiliar.

For a time, even a few Deman didn't dare to act rashly.

The sword is unparalleled and cold, and all of them, the footsteps are slightly accelerated.

Although this is a lot of swords, he is clear, if you really have to move your hand, these swords can be killed by the top 100 ancestral tops, and the eight Demai If you agree, I am afraid that the effect is also a discount.

So the sword is unparalleled, gambling them, they don't dare to go up.

Once you get rid of this day, you can easily you have to escape.

However, in the case, the number of Deman is looking at each other, and an out of the sky is out, no matter what the swords on the sky, it is actually played up!

The sword is shocked, almost I don't want to release the sword.

However, this sword has a shock to the ancestral top, but it is still slightly weak for a common contract.

The first black robe fairy waved out a delay, and the swords close to the crowd were all swayed, and they went straight to the sword.

"Kid, no matter who you are, stay here today!" Eight Dai Xian rushed together, and the trays of the transitions changed in his hand.

The scorpion of the horrible derivation of the sky, the sword is unparalleled, the spring and autumn are far away from the war circle, cold and cold, holding the long sword.

A moment of 100,000 swords, the leader of the black robe has just waved the town, and suddenly felt a sharp sword to break the void, directly stab.

Thousands of miles, he made the most correct choice, the body shape suddenly, most of the left body was broken.

The pain of the body is broken, and the painless pain that can't stand him, a lucky look and even hanging in the eyes, but the swords that completely broke out in the next moment into pieces.

All the top repairs are crazy, no one is unbengence of the sword, and all the mountain floods are generally pressed.

If the little monarch escaped, they have one thing. If they go back, they will have no survival, only to kill him, they can survive!

The sword has changed, in this moment, the unbeatable delay, all rushed to his pour, and the whole vast city is in this terrorist pressure.

He didn't hesitate, directly switched to the sword, put two stars in the unparalleled swords and rivers, in order to form a sword where you are unfold!

Starting up, the madness of the situation is struggling in the sky, and then resolutely hit the trend of more than five hundred, the seven Di Dynasties!

There is a giant land that is sparkling, the earth in the Sichuan Tiankoku is cracking, and the prison of prison is densely covered, and it is incomparable.

To know that the intensity of each of the big fields in this Dawu is far more than any place in the universe!

Even between them, there is no comparability, and can accommodate the sitting and practice of the immortal enlightenment, and it is already the extremes of the heavens and the earth.

However, this is so bright, and it has collided under these two and began to collapse.

Two people who were being surrounded by Chen Qing and thin small purple robe, after felt the power of this destroyed land, the pale face suddenly turned a touch of Yinhong.

Then he suddenly broke away from Chen Qing, a broken step, stepped on the eight arms in anger waist, and a borrowing will gallop behind him.

"Xiaowu!" Chen Yanyu drunk, but it was still stopped, and he only watched the little body shape.

And that is called a big thin, there is no hesitation, almost the moment when the little Jundong is moving, returns.

Chen Qing bite his teeth, and then fidel behind the fierce battle.

Sitting in the spring and autumn of the eight arm angry shoulder, it is a bit awkward. When he said, the little emperor went back to death, and it was a hatred and resentment in his heart, but he thought that the sword behind him was unparalleled.

The eight arms of the squatting, the spring and autumn turned away, and then the moth flavored.

Next, he also flying back, no hesitation!

'Xiaoyu? Still dying in my hand, I have a good time, I will go, only save the sword! '

Ultra-off, the sword, the sword, and a layer of layers, but immediately replaced more degradation.

The sword is unparalleled, and the delay in the body is crazy, and it is no longer catching!

Just when he was prepared to call the San Dijun, a pair did not have a slightly bloody palm, and he was on the top of it.

The sword is unparalleled, and the coming is not someone else, it is almost almost always dizzy.

"I am not letting you go?" Under this, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is biting. "

Xiaoyu smiled slightly, his mouth was resorred to overflow a god blood, "" Back to return for six days, you must have you only ... "

"Don't, don't forget, you have commitment, I am talking about emperor ..."

"If you are dead, I will lose big ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

So, this, the little monarch seems to have something to do, "Remember, return for six days, no you can't."

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