Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4715? Destroying Jingchuan

The sword is unparalleled. I originally thought that I left them, I could call three emperors to end the battle. I didn't think I would return it back. This makes the sword unparalleled honest mood. After a loose, it is extremely helpless. .

At the end of his strong, it is considering whether it is to leave him, and there are two three strongest breath.

Chen Qing and thin little robe took the left and right straight to the little monarch.

Chen Yanyan took a hole, "Brothers, I can't hold it, we have to take Xiaijun."

The sword is unparalleled, secretly opens a breath, and then quickly opens, "hurry away."

Chen Qingnie, she was ready to leave.

"No, I can't leave." Xiaofei struggled.

The sword is unparalleled, "I will then go."



Get it affirmation, the little monarch nodded, and then fainted.

Then, the spring and autumn came, laughed, "The Jugishi, the moment when I was fighting side by side."

The sword is unparalleled with a smile. When you look back, you have a long-awaited Xiaowei and others. If you have a sigh of relief, then you will open a hand to open the bottle plug, "Emperor Jun, Sword asked."

"Good kid, actually so deeply, this emperor can't help it in the bottle!" The first-priority of the long-awaited power of the elderly emerged from the bottle.

Then the old man who has a singularity of the singularity is followed, and finally is a high thin old man.

With the true shadow of these three wear, the entire Emperor, the entire Sichuan arrived at the edge of the collapse.

Their appearance, the whole city's battle is almost turned into the moment.

For the first few Deman, after seeing this scene, the eyebrows also violently jumped, and I didn't know where the figure drilled out, I actually made a strange ripple.

"These guys have some familiar atmospheres?" Gao thin old man.

"Who is it, first kill it!" Weiyi old man is domineering, and immediately put the sleeve, then the big unopened pressure is almost a moment of squeezing.

Wenevone belonging to another level directly directly opposes the pressure of nearly a thousand ancestors, which makes the sword unparalleled, and you can make your hands.

The three emperors shot at the same time and almost established the ending.

That level is easy to break, and the three emperors are almost smiled in front. As everyone waves, they are all the ancestral neighborhoods, which is even more resistant to those who cannot compete.

If this emperor is really soul, the sword is unparalleled can still be balanced, then this three emperors appear at the moment, just even the necklace.

From Wanmother Time to the San Dynasty so far, the sword is unparalleled, there is a unrealistic feeling, and the rare confusion has these three unparalleled help, almost let it have the most terrible base card directly in Da Yan. .

Just true soul state, it is easy to kill the top of the eye, the sword is unparalleled, this is what a terrible strength is true, will it be how terrible strength?

Looking at the San Dijun who is almost destroyed, it has grown his eyes with the spring and autumn of life and death, and then looked at the sword without a double smile, "the Jagan brother, let's go to all the time, but not hurt. Otherwise, I am afraid we have already fierce. "

The sword is unparalleled. If you don't care about all the sheep, it is the true shadow of the thin old man, and they are now definitely unable to stand here.

At the same time, it can be seen that Xiaofei sent him two people into the day, obviously wants to use the Hand of Three Emperor.

In this way, the image of Xiaofeng is in a bad heart in the heart of the sword.

He has already calculated in the heart, and after the end of these enemies will be cleared, they will walk in the spring and autumn.

Even if his little monarch is big, can you still reach the palm of the whole Dawu?

Decision, the sword is unparalleled without any hesitation, and it is unveiled. The whole person is turned into a sharp long sword, and it is straightforward.

This fierce battle, eventually turned into a slaughter with the arrival of the three emperors.

Along with the tragic scream, the last Damai is directly pinched by the Weiyi old people!

At this point, the mighty encirclement, only less than 100 ancestral!

"Placing, let us ..." For the first black robes, the ancestral retreat is slow, and the eyes reveal.

The sword is unparalleled, reached out, and the ancestral ancestral ancestral is painful and struggling.

"Who are you sending, why do you want to kill him?"

A two questions, let the survival of all the ancestral ancestors are scratch, if they say, this is nothing to say, and immediately sentenced the death penalty.

"Say!" The sword is unparalleled, and the brow is screwed into the Sichuan character, and the strength is increased.

Feeling that it is really true life and death, the hard to breathe ancestors, no longer conceal, "I am not clear, it is public, son ..."

In a word, the strange Wulong bloom directly from his chest, burned his own source!

The remaining black robes have a ancestral, and the face is uncomfortable. At this moment, it all fines!

Looking at the shape of the four sides, the old people were snorted, and the four pupils in the binocked rotation were strange.

Next, the whole day is actually a black, accompanied by black, there is countless, like the sun, the sky!

All the ancestors of the black robes are only filled into the mud, and the air is starting to lag.

Then they look at the sky, with the countless big-haired eye wheel.

It seems that something is rapidly peeled from their body, while the life that has almost no end began to return ...

Each top-repaired pupil is from the horror to the unpopular, and finally dead, and then the mud is like a beach.

The sword is unparalpired, and in these top, the original source is pouring into the eye wheel in the sky.

This is the power of the old man.

"It has created a killing industry, sin sins, the Su He is coming to reflect with me." The high-thin old man is like a look, and the old old man is.

The old man returned to the gods and disdain.

"Hey, killing is quickly covered, it seems that this emperor is still necessary to have a divertion of you." Gao thin old head shed.

"Okay, there are two sentences," "Weiyi old man opened, and then looked at the sword." What is the next plan? "

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