Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4716? Gongzi

The sword is not in the eyes, and it is ultimately slowly, "" The Sichuan is completely destroyed, and then leaving. "

Three Dijun heard that he did not refute.

Next, the horror scene was staged.

In the Sword Mold, the power of the three emperors is unprecedented, and it is unpredictable to imagine the unimomeline, and the sinking is falling.

It was originally a big turtle, and it was completely destroyed!

The gully of the world is deep, and the depths of the scenic, such as the spider web is generally radiated throughout the plane.

In the end, this super skyport is Sichuan, is broken, countless resilience to make a strong boulder, this is wandering in the void.

There are many lives living in this passage in this passage to this.

Looking at this fragmented skyrier, the spring and autumn almost have to spleen the eyes, we must know that this is in the legend of the Sichuan, which is the existence of the standby height!

In the heart, I regret, spring and autumn ignore this there is no value of broken sky, followed by swords, and is ready to leave.

The three emperors re-entered the Yangtze River bottle, as if they did not appear from the beginning.

"Jian brother, from now on, we are the sky, the sky is flying, the sea is wide, what is the place, my spring and autumn are followed by you, there is no two words!" Spring and Autumn are excited, I don't know how much the silver river Prisoner career makes him urgently want freedom.

The sword is also a smile, watching this, but strange, the big derived, even he started to rise.

In this ultra-off, he has a cognitive Dawei, you want to find the two existence, who knows that will be an unknown front road?

"Let's take a step step, I need a good idea." The sword didn't smir.

Spring and Autumn are busy, "If the Jagan brother doesn't know the plan, it is better to go to my emperor to go to the old site."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no nodding, he is thinking about the next step.

I don't know, I have been a Sichuan gateway, but the next scene is that the sword has no double-color.

I saw that in the void of the boulder, the three stones were sitting on a boulder, and it seems to wait for a long time. When they see them, they hurriedly came.

"Sword brother, so big move, I thought you were also encountered ..." Chen Qing got up, far away.

The sword is not blessed. It is obviously a little bit unheatched. He didn't expect that the little monarch actually didn't go, but it was awesome far away.

Spring and autumn brows, whispered, "Sword", how do you want to kill? "

When the sword is unparalleled, the little in.

The sword is unparalleled, and the manipulator is dragged his falling shape and then pulled it around.

"I know, you will not die." The little monk said this last sentence when it is coma.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Spring and Autumn Spring and Autumn around him will be deeply cold.

However, the sword has shaken his head. He didn't feel good for this little emperor, and did not rise to the unsatisfactory situation.

Chen Qing and thin little robe were rushing, and he took the sword unhappy Xiaowei.

Then, the thin little robe took out some of the arms, throwing in the air to welcome the storm to rose a giant ship.

"Ask the sword, boarding the ship." He looked at the sword without double, and then the first.

Because I am sorry to leave, the sword is unparalleled, I have to go up again. This thief boat traveling to the six-day domain.

Because the Sichuan Tianyu was completely destroyed, Chen Qing did not fall, and he had to go to six days.

Sitting in the bow, the sword is unparalleled. It is the word of the sky from the sky. It won't know how the pattern is pulled out. It seems that there are some vicissitudes in the weird.

"Xuan ... one, damn, I can't see it now, is it a problem with angle?" The sword didn't take the bones, and he saw the words of Xuan Yi from this bones.

'Also, what is the stupid person who took away from my body? God Tong, the ancestral, or the vitality? '

The sword is unfolded, watching the palm, trying to find some different comments, but when he is a concentrated god, he is interrupted by a soul and low voice.

"The son is correct, I know it is you, wait for me to go back to kill you!"

The sword is unparalpted, that sound is from the small emperor, but it should be a dream, but after shouting this scorpion, I slept again.

Thin small robe is constantly transporting the delay, trying to make the little monarch comfortably.

And Chen Qing in the side, and there is no pair of swords.

For this tough, not many middle-aged people, the sword is unparalleled, and after nod, he is ready to continue to study the babes in the hand.

"The sword brother, I haven't many in my eyes, but you count one," Chen Chang sighed, "In Tiancheng, the swords you released by Jian Brothers, I don't think it is."

"Give a prize, feel your heart, you will definitely go to that step." The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qing smiled, "I, I am afraid that the sword can no longer be round, I can't go to the six-day territory, I am hoping to be able to hand in hand with the sword brothers. Look at the gap between us."

"Welcome at any time." The sword didn't have a double.

Chen Qing faces a lot of jets, and there is no double hand on the sword.

Like what I think of, the sword is unparalleled to see Chen Qing, ask, "Who did the son in his mouth?"

I heard the words, Chen Qing faces slightly changed, looked back, after looked back, he said, "In fact, this is not a lot of secrets, and people under Xiaoli are basically clear."

"The son in the mouth of the Xiaoyun is correct, but it is his second brother."

"Second brother?" The sword was unparalleled. It is obviously the original words I have to kill the last half of the little sentence.

Chen Qing also realized that the sword was unparalleled, smiled, "But between their brothers, now there is almost like the thrill."

"This time, Sichuan Tiancheng intercepted, I have doubtful, now I'm talking about this, it is, it is very likely that his husband is correct, indicated."

The sword is unparalleled, he is clear that he remembers the squad of this truncation, with a total of more than 10 fifth Deman, nearly a thousand ancestral, this horrible hand, absolutely the result of completely defined Go, it is unusual to struggle between brothers.

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