Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4717? Tree Tree

Moreover, the sword is also very curious. This so-called son is correct. How is this big energy?

You know that this is not a guest to eat, just casually, it can form a team, but by the 15th Deman, over a thousand ancestral army.

Can pull out such a team, it seems that the iron-hearted is to set his brother.

This is also unfortunate that the little monarch is in the sleep, to kill the son to correct.

If there is no sword unparalleled, he is embarrassed, and it has already been in Juanchuan.

However, if there is no sword, he does not necessarily go to Juanchuan, and it will not happen.

"Are you so sure that he is the second brother's entity?" The sword is unparalleled.

Chen Qingyuyou, and then slightly shaken the head, "I can't be sure, but there is a big suspect. After all, after the Little March, they started fighting between the seven sons."

The sword is not a hyphenotype, and then some surprises, "Wait, Qi Jian?"

Chen Qingnie, "There are seven sons under the Dijun Jun Jun, respectively, the son, the master correction, the son, the son, the son, the son, the son, this seven."

"And Xiaoyu's name is also the big brother of other six sons."

The sword is unparalleled to listen to Chen Qing's stories. I nodded. Looking at the little emperor who is still in a coma halfway, I can't help but sighing this big brother. I have been diagnosed. Sure enough, the big brother is not good.

He is clear that this must have a reason, and at the same time, he will recall the conditions that he is forced to promise in the bronze temple.

The first condition is to help him on the emperor, and it is still within 70 years.

But when I thought that the people didn't meet, I felt the sons of terrible means, and the sword was unparalleled. I felt a big head.

"They, why do you want to kill the little monarch?" Although the heart understands that the little monarch is not a good person, the sword is unparalleled or curious.

Chen Qing's face is also floating, "this, I am afraid that it is not convenient to say, it is more secret and complicated."

The sword is not a hyper point. When I just want to respond, the thin and small purple robe is slowly coming, as if there is no hassibly in the old cheeks in an instant.

"Nothing is not convenient, you have saved the little emperor many times, you should also know some secrets." Skinny robe calmly open.

"The son is destroyed, the foundation is destroyed, but he has already been practiced, but his emperor is especially very popular, but because of the eldest son, it will eventually let him sit on the position of Xiaofei, but have successive Six sons, all shots, all have the majesty, naturally will not convince the little monarch. "

"It has become a little monarch, which means the overall heaven, the tilt of all resources."

"From this, it is inevitable to fight for today."

After listening to the thin and small robe, the sword is unparalleled in the heart. It turns out that he is a chaotic thing, I don't know if it is still sad.

At the same time, he is also aware of, and the thin little robe is still a way to say, it must be hidden in the most hidden things.

However, the sword has not asked the idea. In his opinion, now he has not had too many meluo, and there is no significant investigation too much.

From the broken Jingchuan Tianyu, the sword is unparalleled and others have not returned to the previous giant sea, but left from the other direction.

After all, there will be a terrible existence that is more terrible than the giant sea under the huge sea.

Under the control of the thin and small robe, the giant ship has a fast-moving shuttle in the vital void, and it has been doubled more than one time before, and he has rushed back to six days.

This makes the sword unparalleled in their hearts.

Returning to the six-day somewhere, this time the big sailing is completely over ten years, but the bizarre and twists of the experiences, but the sword has a preliminary understanding.

It's just a horror, it is so horrible, but this is just that Dad Yan is still a small chestnut. He can't think of it, you can only take a step.

After returning to the six-day somewhere, the thin robe and Chen Qing have not stopped holding the little emperor back to the big orcho.

Although this little orchidi is given by him, he has not been to the sword, but the sword has not been taken again.

A layer of warm, such as water is swayed, and the sword is unparalleled with spring and autumn.

Entering the eyes, I saw it in the original Cangling that was not involved in the original Cangling.

All kinds of odd flowers are open to the earth, almost high of thousands of hills in the wilderness of the wild, have a pole.

This is not the most shocking place, and in the center of this big, standing on the giant tree like Qingtian Jumi.

The thick main branches don't know the broad to the geometry, the green tree crown in the head is like a cloud, almost the sky, the sky, the sky.

It seems that this whole big orchically ecosystem is a giant tree in the giant tree.

The head of the thin little robe is still in the small emperor who is still falling into a coma, and it is going to the crown of the giant tree.

"Jian brothers come with us." Chen Qingli gave his hand, and then his feet were on, and the figure flew forward.

Looking at the giant tree in front of you, the sword is unparalleled, and the footsteps are full of feet.

In the lamination, such as a foggy cloud, a soft touch, the sword is unparalleled, and it is surrounded by one eye.

On the championship of this huge tree, it is a more elegant warmer.

Spring and Autumn are not willing to enter it, it is convenient for warm seats and other swords.

In this warm seat, I only see the centered, I don't know what material to create.

The little monarch was placed on, and the completion was more smooth, and the cold sweat also stopped the surging.

If you can see it, you can see it, countless as a strong life, all in the air, enter the bed, and then constantly moist and repair his body.

The sword is unparalleled. This special bed should be related to this big tree tree.

Looking at the look of the little monarch gradually stabilized, Chen Qing and others were secretly sorry.

After the sword is unparalleled, after a while, you will leave this warm clock.

Outside the warm Pavilion, the spring and autumn is alone, and it is looking at this world. When he looks out, he will return his thoughts.

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