Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4719? This sword is integrated

The sword is unparalleled, I don't dare to speak, do my best to hold breathing, I am afraid that I will blow this villain.

Standing on the yellow book page, the little man floating on the white shirt, then he moved.

From the wind, another cloud smokes in his hand.

One of the momentums, this inch, the book page seems to become a play of a military field. The little man is in the most central location, and the drill is a trick, stirring the tympanity.

In the eyes of swords, each of this cloud smoke is like a sword that is refined after dismantling, slowly drifting.

The more you look at it, the more you feel shocked, it is actually from this sword, you can't ignore the sharp, and terrible.

But very fast swords are unparalleled, and they will play together through the gods and this little man.

Two big-faced swords collided in such a incredible way. If the Spring and Autumn Spring Festival is unparalleled on the sword, it will certainly see this strange scene with funny scenes.

The sword is unparalleled. It is close to the lonely book, as if it is in the boat, the body is shaking, and the time is still a large flipping, and the end is funny.

And this scene, until the little person standing on the page, it is close to the abdomen, and there is no fancy sword flat thorn.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a sweating in the horns, and then hurried to the page.

The little person standing on the book page seems to have completed the task, and the figure is directly dissipated, rewinds the cloud smoke, and falls above the page.

Then, a more mysterious scene appeared, that is originally above the page of the wordless day, actually by the cloud smoke out of the small word!

"This, how could ..." The sword was unparalleled to be shocked.

By making a trip just now, he is very clear that this cloud smoke is in the universe of the universe, and he is more than 100,000 of the swords!

How can his swordsman appear here? !

Without the answer, as the last word stopped, representing Ding Banyan's sword, and finally integrated in the book!

A total of five pages of the full sword parsing is ringed by the wind blowing.

The throat of the swallowe, the sword is unparalleled to see it on the page.

Just look at it, his inner feelings can't stop the tremble.

This is written on the sword on the book page. He is the first sword of Jianxintin White B!

"It's too big ... this book should not be a fine ..."

After carefully immersed in the past one day, the sword did not have a sense of emotion. This sword set actually dismantled the sword of Ding Banyan.

I am afraid even if Ding Banyi personally operates, there is no detailed.

The sword is unparalleled, but it can't understand such a non-wordless book. How do you entroy Ding Banyi's swords.

Foot-five-page paper, all portrayed the sword, which is more detailed.

It is very strong in the sword. Since it is not clear that the rope will throw it.

After a short hesitation, the sword is unparalleled, such as a hunger, thirsty, practicing the semanties, practicing.

The more you learn, the more the sword is unparalleled, the more you have, this inexplicable quirky sword episode, almost just to put Ding Bai B pants to pick it up ...

Only just above, but only Ding Banyi is a style, then everything is blank.

"What is the word of this non-wordless book, it is difficult to recall all of the swords of everyone?" The sword did not double the sword set, and the adjustment of the overloaded.

Then he undergone his own swords into it.

The scene of Xuanqi once happened again. The cloud smoke made by the sword is unparalleled, and finally it is also condensed into a pocket version of the sword, and starts to work on the book page to learn the sword.

The unparalleled swords of the full frame have been constructed, the Xinghe Lake Hai Jingyi, like the big sea of ​​the Dajiang Daily on the page.

This time, the whole ten pages, the small word of the fly, the star word sword is pages, the river graph sword top.

The sword is unparalleled, and hurriedly explored, this looks down, I'm going to have a white.

The swords on the book page are almost a few things that will depict the essence of the two swords. If you think about the sword, you think it is completely printed.

"It is terrible, this, what is it ?!" The sword was unparalleled to bear the tremor in his heart and carefully explored it.

At this moment, the spring and autumn sounded slightly with a weird voice.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Hold a bookless book and surprised ..."

The sword is unparallled, and it seems to stay a long time and confused spring and autumn.

"You said, no book?"

Spring and Autumn I nodded, and then referred to a book in the sword. "This is not a wordless, all blank."

The sword is unparalleled to the booth page, which is secretly numbly recorded the book of the sword, but it seems to be in the spring and autumn.

"Do you make sure this book is not a word?" The sword didn't ask.

Spring and Autumn are looking down, then look at him, "It's really unknown, what happened to the swordsman? Is it stimulated?"

The sword was shaken and shaken, and it seems to have a little clear.

This sword set seems to have the horror skills that can expose all kinds of scared swords in it, and it seems to be only the user can see.

In other words, with this sword set, isn't it possible to expose the other people's swords?

According to the feelings of the heart, the sword is unparalleled is ready to return to reply to the spring and autumn, a clear voice sounds from the junior of the small orchic.

"Sword Brothers, I Chen Qingt came here to visit."

In the wave of fluctuations, Chen Qing appeared in a white shirt, and the end is the vastness of the fairy.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is far away, "Sword is welcome."

Chen Qing is still a smile, and the sky is going to fall in front of the sword. "Not seeking nearby, the sword brother is still as ever."

"Chen brothers praised, recently neglighted, laughing." He took a bitter lauga.

For this coming, Chen Qing, the sword is unparalleled, but also maintains a distance between the subconscious sense.

However, Chen Qing did not seem to feel the meaning of the sword, the unparalleled alienation, laughed, "Just the state of the small emperor will tend to stabilize, I will come to this small orchoes to find the sword brothers."

"Say, this little orchically is very good, abundant, and the soul is far from the usual area, the sword brothers are sitting in this practice, and it is very good."

The sword is not a double point, "It's not bad, the sword is only in this, and it is not very clear about this of this."

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