Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4720? Direct

Chen Qing smiled and said, "With the book of the sword brothers, this little lonely will not be difficult to Xiao."

The sword is also a smile. Chen Qing now doesn't know that the little monarch has given this little, big or lonely. Since I don't know, I have no answer.

This is not a means of showing off, but it is a means of binding swords.

Chen Qing did not look at his silence, brow, smiled, "Jian brothers, we are all idle today, it is better to learn more?"

The sword is unparalleled, it is like a real thing, nodded, "according to you."

"Good!" Chen Qing Ying, "The Sword Brother, let's start now."

The voice is falling, Chen Qing is in a hurry, and it will be rushing together, and it will be rushed to the dragon in the sky.

Spring and autumn colors, hurriedly stepped forward, whispered, "Jian Jude, I can feel that the release of this surname" is not only stopped here, but must not be treated in normal heart. "

"Don't worry, we just learn a sword, no life and death," swords have no pairs. "

Spring and Autumn I nodded, and then launched this battle again.

The square is thousands of stars, and the grass is milled.

A soft sword with a green, quietly embossed in Chen Qing's hand, making him the whole person's breath, like a sword of the Tibetan front.

The sword is unparalleled, and the waist is broken, the sword, calm looks in front.

To the sword, the sinister, the torr, not, but there is no decline, but a few exciting classes.

Chen Qing was witnessed, and then the sound reminded. "The sword brother, only the swords."

"Come on." After you grasp the sword handle, the sword is unparalleled, how can he don't know, Chen Qing is taking care of him.

If you completely let go of the realm, I am afraid this Chen Yong is not less than the mother of the woman, even still there.

Not talking, there is a desirable, the whole party is full of thousands of feet, quiet to the needle.

Next moment, Chen Qing took the lead in moving the body, the whole body is like a unstoppable arrow, carrying a big power, straight to the sword.

The space sounded on a burst, and in the fast turtle, the flat and unmortious totally breath, faster, I have never reacted it almost a spring and autumn, I have never reacted it, and I will hurt the sword.

If this hit is in the middle, even if it is not dead, it will definitely hit!

However, the sword is more faster than him. When this hitting straight thumb, the fracture of the fracture will block at the heart.


Two swords fight, broke out a burst.

Chen Qing, who has grown, only feeling that the sword sword in his hand is like a mountain Jagawa, it is actually a half.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is a unparalleled giant, which makes him withdrawing half a step hard.

I have not hired, Chen Qing smiled and took a sword directly.

This is a short trial, let the two people have some concepts.

"Sword brothers, and watch me Chen Qingjian!"

I am a proud voice, the next moment, I have a hurricane in the whole body, and the sword is unparalleled. It is inexplicably a sense of crisis.

The sky is slightly colored, and the earth is quietly blooming inch, Chen Qing double-handed sword holders, and there seems to be swords floating.

Countless moisturous swords appear from him, and then all attribute to the top of the head, and condenses a handle of the true sword.

This is very familiar with the sword of this cover, and the sword is very familiar. This is a kind of sword meaning, simple and easy to learn, suitable for groups.

However, in the case of the sword, even the case of itself, in this style, I am equivalent to finding death and falling.

The sword is unparalleled. I don't understand Chen Qing's intention, but when he looks at the top of the head again, it is one of them.

I saw the central center of the head, almost called the giant sword of Jian Mountain, seems to carry a million mountains and rivers, and fall.

It turns out that the sword of this excision is a bullish method, the real sword, is hidden in the sword!

In that, the sword of Jian Mountain is directly smashed, and the sword will slowly brush a smile.


The whole land of Little Lonely is a dramatic tremble. That Daden Wanshang Mountain has almost no blocks that fall into the ground, and the sword is unparalleled, and the body shape is also pressed under Jian Mountain.

The square is thousands of feet, so all collapsed!

After seeing this scene, the Spring and Autumn Festival, the heart almost jumped out of his eyes, then he was still going forward.

The Chen Qingxin in the sky is also trembled, and the sword is unparalleled in the swordsman who express in the Tiansawa City, it is absolutely impossible to pick up his first sword!

But soon, he is like a real thing, a head is acute, "this is confused! The Jian Brothers will save you!"

Chen Qing is recalled that the sword is unparalleled in the Queenskawa before dozens of days, and destroys the Sichuan in this short period of time, it will definitely be recovered in this short period of time, can't help him this sword is normal.

"Don't be hit hard, otherwise the little monarch can't get around me." In the heart, he recalls that when Chen Qing is about to rush to Jian Mountain, a purely pool of swords will rise.

The entire Sword Mountain is flashing with hundreds of millions of most exciting beams.


Chen Qingxin was shocked, and then withdrew, and later, he looked at the top of the Jian Mountain that quickly collapsed.

Above the top, a black shirt Ranger is sitting above, and the smile looks at the sky.

The broken Mo Luo Shen Sword stopped in the hands, it seems that I can't hold it.

In the next moment, when the whole seat of Jian Mountain collapsed, the sword was unparalleled, and the hand held the sword, and the sword was slightly written.

For the nine days straight, the silver river is straight, and the whole day is burst under this heavy pressure!

It seems to be endless, but it is lightly written straight, and the air is expanding in the air, just like Tianwei!

Chen Qing, who stepped on the earth, looked up at this scene, holding the right hand of the true sword in slightly.

The kind of vast sword is the sword of his most eager to get it, but it is also the most incredible sword today.

It turned out that in addition to that, some people can practice the swords to so terrible, and the ancient times!

Chen Qing's eyes flashed a lot of excitement. The realm of being suppressed, and I didn't know how to reopen the peak.

He has already set up ideas, to use the most peak status, go to collide, and feel the sword to make up for your own sword!

The horrible strength, let Chen Qing's breath climbed to an impossible level, and seems to have been the old ancestors who are about to break through the fairy.

The true sword in the hands makes red, and it refers to the sky!

Heaven and earth!

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